Do you wanna know what it’s like to be an extravert? First thing, don’t think. Be a cool drink walking down the street. Take no double meanings. And don’t think. Take it as it is, in the now, be a house-flower-power-plant. Don’t freeze up. Let go of the tension. Extraverts are loose. They don’t see themselves at the end of a noose.
An extravert has a body and they use that body to glide through the world of things. No missed meanings. They just flow down the avenue. They are not inside themselves. All comes to them and they respond in the moment. Want a donut. What are you, a wingnut? Get out of my ballsack baby. I’m landing on your house and I have all the power in my pack to make you come back.
Being an extravert gives you the advantage in a world that you inhabit. Kill the biscuit. Don’t get in my way count Dracula. We know its whack.
The world preys on introverts. The extraverts are the predators and introverts are their prey. The extravert knows this world. He knows his sword. He knows how to swing his arms and make a scene. Introverts know none of that. They are always awaiting, always expectant. Waiting for the axe to fall. They don’t feel at home in this world and it shows. Introverts are recessed, unblessed, doomed to fall, trapped inside themselves.
Extraverts make the world go round. Sorry to let you down.
Introverts can bring new things into the world but it is always looked at askance by the extravert. Everything an introvert does sends signs to the power hungry monsters of object orientation. You better tune into their radio station. Here they come walking down the avenue. They outnumber you. You are their stew. You don’t know what to do. Do you?
It’s their world baby, so don’t misbehave. An alien language you speak and you better keep it sunk. Predators in the house of the world. It’s their house.
What do you do to become more like the extravert? You blurt, you bluff, you treat the world like a playground for yourself. You take yourself off the shelf. You walk up to strangers and introduce yourself. Get out of yourself. Get into these others. The world is full of possibilities. Opportunities. Sales and killings to be had.
The introvert just wants to survive. The introvert looks at the world with a scarcity mentality, as one who is trying to minimize their damages rather than ask anything obscene of the world. The world threatens to crush them out of existence, pressing in one them as it does. Don your white gloves. It is time for the introvert.
O sometimes you’ll get an adventurous introvert who will flirt with disaster and say come what may. But to them it is all in a new day, another day. The now with all its powers scares them truly. They use it as fodder for their inner world.
And extraverts don’t like this. “Who is this devourer?” It isn’t right. It isn’t natural. Where do they think they are putting things? Inside themselves? Not on my watch.
So, if you are out in public and walking down the street and making eye contact with every stranger you meet, don’t think, don’t second guess, don’t be inside yourself. Meet surface to surface and honest glance to honest glance, without any hidden meaning or sensations behind it. Be a jack of all trades. Get lost for days in the cool mists of the streets. Everyone you meet is ticket to paradise. Who knows what they might tell you, give you, open up to you. They might give you the keys to the kingdom.
You write very well. What do you type as? (If you don’t mind me asking)
My type is typewriter. Your sincerity has been noted and appreciated. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Haha you are hilarious!
This is true.
Not so sure about this….some of what you are talking about here is an N/S difference. Plenty of ENxx’s question the world around them and use intuition in one way or another. I think this article would be more aptly titled, “What is it to be an extraverted sensor?” I do think ENxPs are much more likely to question themselves and not feel like they own the world than ENxJs.
I was also recently at a business (for lack of a better word) function, and my colleague who claims to be an ENTP but I think is actually an ESTP was paralyzed by being in an uncomfortable setting with older, sophisticated adults when usually she is all moxy who can get anyone to say yes to anything. I on the other hand no problem walking up to anyone and starting a conversation. It was strange to see. She’s younger than I am and doesn’t quite possess herself yet. It’s like she has something to prove. Age an experience can matter quite a lot.
Yes, you are quite right, and I actually had this very same thought after rereading this article. It is very much a depiction of an Se type extravert, which I think would most fit with an ENxJ type. So, they would be using Se as a tertiary function, which means they would be making a very definite point of it. Could apply to ESxPs too, but yeah, definitely not ENxPs as you said. Nor ESxJs. However, I don’t take this article particularly seriously. It was written very quickly and stream-of-consciously. I’ll let it stand as is though, with this comment of yours to clarify.
Also, the introvert I was describing in this article is probaly really an introverted intuitive, those introjects, who attempt to hide the world in themselves.
Thanks for your insightful comment.