Scorpio Moon. To be a non-entity or a super-entity. We see these two extremes in the Scorpio Moon position.
It is the Moon position of four extremely ambitious directors:
- Stanley Kubrick
- Francis Ford Coppola
- Steven Spielberg
- Bernardo Bertolucci
The common theme that runs through all these men’s movies is darkness, sexuality, the human condition, huge visions and epic exertions of will in the realization of those visions.
The bulk of the movies they have made reflect this Moon position to one degree or another. Kubrick and Coppola in particular have made movies that are what may be termed “dark and visionary.” No compromise productions. Spielberg is the slickest member of this list, though he has made one of the darkest films around-Schindler’s List.
There is a distinctly unpleasant quality in the men that have this moon position. I cite:
- Dave Mustaine
- Mark Wahlberg
- James Caan
- David Caruso
These men all share a noxious fume in their vibe. You would not want these guys on your trail.
On the other hand, it is the moon position of some of the most inoffensive and innocuous men around. I cite:
- Orlando Bloom
- Roger Federer
- Eric Clapton
- George Harrison
- David Schwimmer
- Ben Affleck
There is a feminine quality in their personalities, a sort of passive and enervated vibe. They come off as “nice” but there is more to them than this surface niceness because Scorpio is a sign of what is beneath the surface. In other words, they are not nice, though they may appear to be.
With the two types of manifestations of Scorpio Moon it is more a question of is it being expressed or repressed. This Moon position has a tendency to either repress emotions or overexpress them. In any case there is a lack of balance in the emotional nature.
There is either overbearingness or underbearingness. The motivation in both cases is control and domination of others.
Introverts that prefer Feeling over Thinking will tend to express the underbearing side of it. Extraverts that prefer Thinking over Feeling will tend to express the overwhelming side of it.
The moon is fallen in Scorpio, which means that this is the worst place to have the moon for the Moon’s significations. The main signification of the Moon is feelings, having and expressing them. As far as having feelings and being aware of them, the Scorpio moon often is, but its feelings are often too strong for them to be comfortable with them. As for expressing emotions they are either not openly expressed or they are expressed with such vehemence that others find it hard to take. It is a position of extremes.
Those that don’t find some way to express their emotions are going to be in bad shape. If held inside these very charged emotions will poison the nature of the person born with this Moon position.
There is an insensitivity and a denseness regarding the feelings of others as well, which will either be manifested visibly in noxious and insensitive behavior or will dwell deep down as an underground impulse. The latter may appear sensitive to other’s needs because they seem so nice and inoffensive but don’t be fooled by appearances. Scorpio Moon people are rarely truly nice.
They are instinctively manipulative and controlling primarily because they feel they cannot come into the open with their true attitudes, so they resort to emotional manipulation and domination and control. Many are cynical about human nature and disappointed in people. These people were not able to get the nurturance they needed and so resort to hidden behaviors to get their needs met. They feel that can’t come out into the open with their true feelings and desires. The least conscious of the bunch may be unaware of their feelings, even to themselves.
The Extraverts with a Thinking preference will tend to demonize something out there that represents their Scorpio Moon. These will be the types that will make overly assiduous cops and detectives for example.
Where there is Feeling in the nature it tends to make it too much. Where there is an absence of feeling it tends to make it even less. Too much femininity or too little.
The best side of the Scorpio Moon is expressed through a deep commitment to creative pursuits. It is self-sacrificing in the realm of making manifest a dark vision of apocalypse or in telling a tale of suffering and honest self-revelation, those type of things. It will go to hell to get its version of things out there. This probably occurs most in intuitive temperaments, introverted intuitive in particular.
Art that reflects this position
- The End, The Doors
- Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola
- Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Notes from The Underground, Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Tell-Tale Heart, Edgar Allan Poe
In ordinary life there is bound to be suffering. The native is not popular and does not fit in well with the common things of life, even if they pretend to. They have a definite secret life where only things that they know are known to them. On the surface they appear to be going along with things but they are really deeply subversive in their heart of hearts. They may appear easy-going and like doormats letting people walk all over them but there is more going on with that than the surface appearance of such acts. IN other words, they allow this to happen but there is a reciprocal thing going on there, they allow it in exchange for a certain hidden power. They are good at getting what they want in an indirect way.
Helpful Advice
- Find a way to express highly-charged emotions
- Find a person you can trust
- Keep a journal of feelings
- Come clean. Confess to someone
- Join a drama club
- Make a work of art that shows the rot and stench
- Express the unpleasant in some medium
- Watch and experience Scorpio Moon type art
I’ll list examples and explore themes of these types of feelings in art in future articles.
I realize I’ve said much in the foregoing that may seem nasty and insensitive but this is what I see based on observation. Much like a Scorpio Moon I don’t want to blunt what I see with sugary prose. Scorpio Moon is not an easy position to have the Moon in and it may be the hardest position. If you see this position in the natal chart know that the native will have much to overcome and come to terms with. There is a certain loneliness to this position that makes it hard for anyone to really know the person. It is difficult for them to communicate what they are feeling and many people don’t want to know about these darker feelings and impulses. The person who has this position often gets in their own way resorting to deceitful methods to get what they want. Their desire nature is very strong exciting them to unnatural cravings. It is often difficult for them to satisfy them through conventional means. There may be a need to explore taboo subjects and relationships, such as death and mortality and perverse sexual styles.
How the person will respond to these impulses will depend on their temp type. I see ISFJs having the greatest problems with it because they tend to lack insight and because they are introverted and emotional. This is a deadly combination for this Moon position. This is where the compression of impulses begins and there is a desire to shut them out because ISFJs are conventional types. They don’t want to be seen as weirdos.
An ESTP or ENTP might not have too much trouble with this position because Scorpio is the weakest sign for them. It may actually be helpful to them because of their general insensitivity to deep emotions.
As I said, introverts that prefer Feeling over Thinking will have a more difficult time with this Moon position because they are going to be embodying the Moon and Scorpio rather than experiencing it more objectively as something out there. However, they will be less inclined to act it out in a criminal act as an extravert might do.
An ENTJ with a Scorpio moon will just be an unpleasant son of a bitch. They are the type that will most externalize their Scorpio Moon. They will react to their environment in a particularly unpleasant way. They would be hard to be around unless you have a thick skin. But as for themselves they are not tortured by repression of these dark impulses, though they may be attracted to people that are. They might also be driven to get to the bottom of certain mysteries. They may become possessed with catching hard to get criminals, if they were police detectives.
Watch David Caruso in the movie King of New York to get an idea of what an ENTJ with a Scorpio moon is like.
This is all very interesting… turns out I have Scorpio in Mars, which represents, what exactly? How I approach challenges or reach goals? How I fight battles? I guess I usually do seek to understand, to penetrate deep down into the underlying precepts of any situation that holds my interest. Any thoughts on this?
But also, about this implied Scorpio moon in INFJs… does this manifest uniquely in INFJ men? I was reading a thread specifically about INFJ men and their experiences, and one of the reccuring issues was a feeling of alienation by the traditional male stereotype. Many of them felt more sensitive, emotive, and I guess, feminine than society generally allows males. I recall in your article on the Scorpio moon that IFJ men with this component tend to have an ennervated, innocuous quality about them, but that this belies some more sinister exchange going on on some other plane… Basically, you need to write an article on INFJ I think our specific experience is brushed over in the typology community, perhaps because there is some shame associated with it, but I know hearing my experiences validated by fellow INFJ men was both cathartic and galvanizing. You game?
Any emphasis on the sign of Scorpio in the astrological birth chart will emphasize the Fi id position in the INFJ’s nature. With Mars in Scorpio, we could say that this will inflame the INFJ id leading to volatile and churning feelings of resentment. Mars is basically an irritant when it is placed in the realm of emotions (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). It will give added energy and volatility to the emotions. Stuff like that.
Every INFJ has an implied (though probaly not actual) Scorpio Moon. What I wrote about the Scorpio Moon mainly applies to people that have the actual position in their birth charts, but, it also has implications for INFJs in general.
Yes, this implied position of the Moon makes INFJ men particularly sensitive, feminine, and yielding.
I said in my article that introverts that prefer feeling over thinking will probaly express the underwhelming side of this position vs. the overwhelming side of it. As I say in the opening statement of this article, the Scorpio Moon position tends to create either non-entities or super-entities. Scorpio is a sign of extremes. It is either very powerful or very weak, not much in between. Scorpio the sign of the Moon’s fall, which means that it is the most difficult placement of the Moon for what the Moon signifies, which is primarily in the realm of emotional expression. It is this implied position of the Moon that gives INFJs such difficulties in relationships, for one thing.
Are you testy and impatient much of the time? That would be one such indication of the Mars in Scorpio position for an INFJ.
Writing an article for INFJ men? We’ll see. I would actually rather write about INFJ women because I think that most of my articles about INFJs take the men INFJs more into account than the women. And yes, there is definitely a considerable difference between the way that a man and a woman of the same type express that type. It is actually more true that a woman INFJ will express this implied Scorpio Moon position more than a man because the Moon is a female symbol and indicates woman in general, and mothers in particular. That might be interesting to write about, the difference between the way that male and female INFJs express this implied Moon position.
But, like I said, we’ll see. I have a lot of requests to write about stuff and only so much time.
I tend to see myself as extremely tolerant, as I suppress a great deal of my negative impulses around people, but, deep down, I am highly impatient. Most people never see this side of my personality unless they begin to know me intimately. I’ve been working on assertiveness lately, and it seems like i cannot find a balance. I’m either too ‘nice’ or a complete jerk.
As far as life goes.. it’s not necessarily about your thoughts it IS about what you expressed. That is what you’re going to be remembered for. Everyone has a public face and a private face. So what if you are a little impatient… it sounds like you try to be a good person ^_^
Aw Tiffy, you are so sweet.
lol Thank you
Yeah, that’s an INFJ thing arising from the extremes of the implied Scorpio Moon. INFJs can be Jesus-type nice and then swing suddenly (and unpredictably) into not giving a fuck about anyone or anything. Their emotional natures tend to require complete engagement for them to issue forth their gifts of love. Other people usually cannot match them in this regard and so they swing to the other extreme and turn off their emotions.
The implied Scorpio Moon is at the same time very susceptible and vulnerable to the emotions of everyone while also being capable of extreme control and abstinence.
In a nutshell, they can do complete and intense engagement or none at all, which is why I said the Scorpio Moon tends to produce non-entities or super-entities.
I see you’re mentioning INFJ a lot, I was wondering hmm how would this play out for an ISTP or INTP? I feel like I held in so much, I would just be completely misunderstood and hated.. despised by others. I really hate being forced into group things tho
I see you’re mentioning INFJ a lot, I was wondering hmm how would this play out for an ISTP or INTP?
Are you ISTP or INTP?
I’m a mix of both, but more leaning to ISTP for sure.
I am aries sun, Scorpio moon, cancer rising, mars in 8th house aqua northnode in 8th aqua conjunct and I have moon Lilith pluto all conjunct in scoepio 5th house! Aries midheaven, and I have pluto and Lilith aspecting my ascendent Ouu la la lol.
See? I was correct that you meant a mix of both. 😛
Oh man I totally feel this… I’m the same. In public I look like such an asshole but it’s bc I don’t want anyone to f*** with me. It’s either I’m nice ppl think I’m a joke or I’m serious and I’m respected but no one wants to be my friend. There’s so many people I am vulnerable with and they end up using me in time. The fact that this has happened makes me extremely skeptical to let anyone in unless they have my trust. Regular screening process in process** no doubt.
Perhaps that is due to the Scorpio Mars, too? I have always been afraid to practice assertion because I’m not sure what all may come forth. I repress and dissolve a lot of anger towards people, but whenever I assert myself in any capacity I begin to lose control and excessive malice starts to color my demeanor, and my words. It’s like there is no middle ground. But I also know this repression is not working at all for me. It’s like I can only operate with people if I attenuate my presence… And I am not satisfied with that.
I think your points about creating art may be particularly important for me. As a Cancer rising with an implied Scorpio moon and a Scorpio Mars, not to mention being a type 4 INFJ, there is too much emotional build-up and tension to function without a good outlet. Anyway, I appreciate your responses and I’m sure whatever you end up writing will be fun to read.
O yeah! If you are an INFJ (all INFJs are type 4) and a Cancer rising! Yeah, that means that you pretty much need to become an artist for your own sanity. If you can’t find the right people to express with, then you need to sublimate until you do find them, and you would have a better chance of finding them if you do your own thing first. Find your medium of expression and your voice. You need to express yourself! Whatever is inside you, no matter how dark, black, negative, cynical, hateful, floor-flushingly depraved and depressing (all those things are the implied Scorpio Moon), you NEED to get them out somehow. It is particularly important for INFJs to express themselves via their auxiliary extraverted feeling function. And when I say it is important, I am absolutely NOT BULLSHITTING INFJs. If I had one thing and one thing only to say to INFJs, it would be this: TURN ON YOUR MOTHERFUCKING AUXILIARY BABY!
And watch all your troubles go down the drain. Yes, it’s that magical for them. No bullshit. I’m 100% sure on this.
It will heal the problems of this implied Scorpio Moon. It also heals any excessive pulling towards their Ti tertiary. And, of course, it is the natural SEND to the RECEIVE of the dominant Ni.
And I wouldn’t pay too much attention to whether your Mars in Scorpio or not. It is kind of just adding some emphasis and irritation to the natural dilemma that all INFJs have, which is the dilemma of being a container for every negative and black feeling in existence. Scorpio Moon. Yeah, it’s a bitch.
So, use your Fe to spit that bitch out. And paste her all over the pages of the world.
I love your responses! So fresh and passionate. IN YOUR FACE I love it!
Aries sun cancer rising here! Would you happen to have any tips for a moon in 5th house (scorpio) and Lilith in 5th house scorpio as well? There is an immense fear of letting my inner dark sorceress b**** out. Plus mars in aqua 8th house. 🙁
I love your responses! So fresh and passionate. IN YOUR FACE I love it!
That’s how I roll nigga!
Wow, interesting!
I’m also sun Aries AND also rising Cancer AND also moon Scorpio AND also lillith Scorpio.
But my moon is in Gemini, which is probably why I’m an extrovert. ENTP/ENTJer
…I have no clue about my houses though.
I hope you get it figured out but the challenge will be that your mars is in Aquarius, who, along with Capricorn, like to avoid emotions/intimacy.
Hi, I’m not sure if it’s a right place to ask, but I don’t know much about astrolgy and I would like to understand what the rising sign really represents. I’ve found different expalnations: some say that it’s only a mask, while others that it’s the most important sign in the chart.
I’m an INFJ and I have Sun in Aries, Moon in Cancer and Scorpio Rising.
From these three signs, I can relate the most to my rising sign (and the least to my Sun sign), this is why I am confused when I read that it doesn’t represent my actual personality…
Hi Sara. The rising sign is certainly more than a mask. To my way of thinking it represents the equivalent of the dominant function in the birth chart. So, it will be VERY IMPORTANT, regardless of whether it is more or less important than the Sun, Moon, ruler of the rising sign, the strongest planet in the chart etc. Regardless of whatever else is happening in any given birth chart, the rising sign has the meaning of qualifier and contextualizer for all other placements in the chart. Basically, everything in the birth chart is happening in the context of the rising sign, that is, measured from its point-of-view. Regarding the rising sign as simply a mask is very misleading and I would say is actually more a function of the Sun in many respects, though, certainly not the only respect. The sun is more a role (leading) we play, especially in certain high-profile situations, while the rising sign is more who we are in a normative sense, or even, in a particular sense. It is actually more the ruler of the rising sign that is more indicative of who we are as a being on this earth than the rising sign, which tends to indicate more of a background or environment we were born into (our beginnings), though this is very important.
As for identifying most with your rising sign, I think that has more to do with the preferences of your particular temperament (INFJ). If your Sun was in Scorpio instead of your rising sign, I think you would identify more with your Sun placement instead. Why? Because the sign of Scorpio from the way it is typically described probaly resonates with INFJs the most and more accurately describes the INFJ temperament than Aries or Cancer. That would be my guess. Every INFJ has an implied Scorpio Moon position regardless of the actual position of the Moon in their birth chart, which is very likely to be in some other sign.
So, being a Scorpio rising would likely bring out this implied Moon position in the INFJ nature more than someone who didn’t have Scorpio rising. I’ll have to talk more about these implied positions in the future. I’m sure it might be confusing at this point.
Also, when you talk about your actual personality, I see the Sun as representing personality proper. The analogy for this in Myers-Briggs is the auxiliary function. So, every INFJ would have a naturally extraverted Piscean personality. This is their form of extraverted feeling. But, many INFJs will probaly identify more with their dominant function (introverted Sagittarius), or their id function, which is Scorpio as I said before. The dominant and the id functions of any given type are the most powerful functions in the nature. This is Ni and Fi respectively for an INFJ. The id function is also something I will have to write more about as it is something that is exclusive to my site. I came up with it to explain strong preferences in temperaments that are not accounted for by following their function stacks.
Basically, INFJs have very strong Fi in addition to having strong Ni. Their Fe is more optional and harmonious in operation.
Hope that clears some things up. If not, come at me with more questions. Thanks for the comment.
Thanks a lot for your expalnation. Now I understand the basic differences between Sun sign and rising sign, but can you also tell me what Moon sign really represents? I’ve read that it shows the emotional side of a person and how we act when we are alone. But I guess it can also be misleading, just like typical descriptions of the rising sign. According to many sites, the fact that I have Moon in Cancer means that family and home matters are very important to me. It’s not true in my case, so I’m wondering if I misunderstood something.
It will be great if you someday write an article about the general correlation between astrology and MBTI. You compare cognitive functions to astrological signs, like Fi to Scorpio. It’s difficult to understand, since it’s something exclusive to your site, but sounds really interesting.
The Moon in a birthchart is typically described by astrologers as representing needs, feelings, home, the mother, food, nurturance, receptivity, relational capacities, and a bunch of introverted sensation/introverted feeling type concepts.
You have to look at your temperament first for a clue as to what any of the positions in a birth chart might mean. If you are an INFJ and you have a Cancer Moon, the indication for home and family being important is likely to be untrue. Do INFJs really like home and family? Me thinks not. Well, at least not too much. That is more of an SJ type thing, especially xSFJ. You know, the traditional, conservative, home-loving patriots of lore. INFJs ain’t like that. So, you would have to look at the birth chart implications in light of your inborn temperament. How do you do this? Well, you really can’t unless you have a thorough knowledge of both systems, understand the relative way both systems blend and inform each other and know how to synthesize, weigh and balance indications, and so on. It is hard enough to synthesize all the factors in a birth chart to arrive at a balanced interpretation, but, if you add in the different temperament biases that operate (or wear) the chart, it complicates factors that much more. So, I will need to write more about this and I will be going forward. There is much to discuss, that’s for sure. So, I apologize for being somewhat slow to explain the thinking behind much of what I’m saying, but, I am only one person and only have so much time to devote to this endeavor. Money helps though.
I will be writing about the correlation between astrology and MBTI and explaining much more about my reasoning for how the cognitive functions correspond to the astrological signs. Doesn’t that give you something exciting to look forward to in life? All in good time.
Hi, first of all I would like to thank you so much for dedicating your time to write so many articles for INFJ. They are very insightful and I have learnt a lot from it, especially regarding the Fi id in INFJ. And then I came across this article about Scorpio moon and then everything just fall into place. I am an INFJ who unfortunately has a Scorpio moon. Emotionally I am quite volatile although outwardly I always project a very calm and easy-going image. People always think I am nice until I am push to the extreme and lose my temper, that’s when they are shock to find out I have such a nasty side.
I noticed that you emphasise a lot in many of your articles that INFJ need to express their feelings, i.e. extravert their feelings. I wish I have come across your article earlier, that would have save myself from all the torture I have put myself into. Ever since young, I like to think I prefer solitude to people. So, I exclude myself from people thinking that this is what is best for me. To be honest, I am afraid because there is this side of me that is so dark, so intense, and so passionate that I am afraid if I show it to someone, one of us is going to get burn. And also because I am afraid if I show this side, people are just going to brush it off like its nothing. Hence, I locked myself in my “tower” forbidding myself to interact with people thinking that this is what I want. Can you see how much unnecessary pain and angst I caused for myself. It wasn’t until recently I realised that I am the happiest when I interact and be with people. Being with people gives me the opportunity to experience the good and bad of human emotions and it reminds me how human people really are. I still need my solitude but now I know I need people as well. It is an ongoing journey for me to learn how to balance between the two.
I wonder does having a Scorpio moon accentuate the Fi id in INFJ? I have a really deep, intense and very dark inner side which sometimes scares me. I feel like my inner wolf is going to burst out and devour people. I also wonder how did you discover that INFJ has a strong Fi?
Thanks again for writing all these helpful articles! I would love to donate some money to you once I have sorted out all my financial problems and real world stuff.
Hey, your welcome.
So, yes, having an actual Scorpio moon would accentuate the Fi id of INFJ. It would make you especially intense and like a lone wolf. Very deep and churning emotions that have difficulty finding expression. But, don’t let that get you down – the upside is that once you do learn to express yourself, you will be expressing some mighty deep and subterranean-submarine-type beasts of the id. And this is part of what makes the INFJ type so wonderous is that they are revealers of deep emotional truths that NO ONE ELSE can penetrate to. So, take heart, and know that this knowledge that you have gained is there to vindicate you rather than discourage you. You already know how difficult it is from your experience so, you are discovering that is is particularly difficult for one with a Scorpio Moon. I actually think that an INFJ is the type that can most handle a Scorpio moon because they have an implied one already. Basically, it does accentuate that wolf side to the INFJ nature like you had mentioned. And it makes them intense loners because the emotional contents that they are prone to collect are the exact emotions that the average person doesn’t want to have anything to do with. Basically, Scorpio moon is primed to collect every black and negative emotion/feeling in existence. Shame, guilt, rage, hunger, sexual perversions, sadness of existence, and so on.
I would particularly recommend to a Scorpio Moon INFJ to find a way to express themselves in art, which could range from writing, visual, music, performance, directing and the like. And in this art, to tell the absolute truth about how you feel truly about this, that, and the other thing. I think it is very healing for a Scorpio moon to come clean in some kind of expression. And like I said this is true for all INFJs, but particularly true for one that does have the actual Scorpio moon position in their birth chart.
Often Scorpio moon people tell tales that will make your skin crawl. But, that is good and necessary, because, someone has to perform this function in society, and though INFJs often lament this side to their nature, they will feel so good and indispensable when they allow themselves to be honest about the blackened and sickly things that they often feel. Scorpio moon and INFJ should not repress this. If they do, the danger is of killing their emotional nature.
In different types, the Scorpio moon can be used to breathtaking competitive drive. Take Roger Federer (ISFJ) and his murderous skill as a tennis player. That guy will win at almost all costs. And he uses the psychology of the Scorpio moon in his game-playing. Basically, this amounts to mastering oneself before one tries to beat anyone else. One can be physically stronger as a player, or quicker, or etc., but there is that aspect of playing an opponent that relies strictly on psychology. Psyching the other person out, or conversely showing the other person that one will not be intimidated or made to forget who they are. Scorpio moon shows best in moments of danger, edginess, risk, and conversely isn’t too great fro the normal indications of the Moon, which is easily taking care of one’s emotional needs and expressiveness, and just kind of calmly and temperately getting along with the general run of things domestically, in relationships, and in business and society. No, Scorpio moon is best for deep catharsis, extreme trials and endurance, and anything that calls for high drama and psychological insight.
You asked how I discovered that INFJ has strong Fi. Well, let’s just say it was a long process of observing types that I felt were that type and observing that while they could have strong Fe, many of them exhibited overwhelming Fi as well, and in some cases, this Fi could be classed as the strongest function in some background sense in INFJs. So, it came about organically and over a long period of time. It took me a while to be able to put a name on it, but, then at some point it struck me that this manifestation of Fi in INFJ is akin to “the id” in the way Freud described it, an extreme and primitive manifestation of a particular function. So, there it is.
And yes, I would very much appreciate some money once you get your affairs worked out. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you for the advice! I would definitely try to find a way to express myself through art. You mentioned before that INFJs are better off pursuing artistic career with humanistic bend. I am laughing at myself now as I am pretty much doing the opposite what you recommended. I have a science degree and to be honest the past 4 years was a torture. I chose a very technical major and I spent the first of two years doing pretty hardcore mathematics+physics+optics. It was a nightmare and I suffered mentally and physically. I graduated with my sheer stubborness because I refused to back down from the choice I had made. I chose this course and I will finish it! And the funny thing is my family did give me the choice to pursue art course, they actually encourage me to pursue writing as a career but I decided not to cause I am a stubborn little shit. Also, because I am afraid I am not good enough to be a writer so I decided not to pursue it. Sometimes, I wonder in an alternate timeline, if I had pursue an art course, what would the outcome be.
What would your advice be for an INFJ Scorpio Moon to maintain a relationship (e.g. friendship, familial relationship)? I seem to have trouble maintaining friendship and I felt that some people just don’t earn enough “respect” from me yet to become friends (I know this comes out extremely judgemental and arrogant but sometimes I can’t help it). Moreover, people around me are starting to get into relationship and frankly this freaks me out. I felt pressured that I have to get into a relationship, start a family like what the society expects you to be and this makes me very edgy. One side of me would like to be in a relationship and the other side of me refuse to be tied down. This makes me extremely irritable and I feel like I need to get away from people before I explode.
I have basically already given blanket advice for INFJ (with or without a Scorpio moon) for relationships. Or rather, I have more identified that it is a particularly difficult area for INFJ because of their implied Scorpio moon position. Having an actual Scorpio moon would intensify this feature as you have attested to.
In short, I recommend INFJs not to focus so much on exclusive relationships with one other person. I have recommended them to pursue their Fe auxiliary via art, psychology, helping people in general (but, not in an exclusive relationship by trying to save them), widening their networks and not being so focused on soul mate and intense relationships. Read or reread my INFJ: Least Likely to Be Who You Think They Are article. I give some analysis and advice there, which I am just reiterating here. What I have to say about that is in that article and in other INFJ articles and comments. So, the sum of my knowledge on this matter is in those places. I will have further advice and suggestions for INFJs in the future.
I also offer email and Skype consultations if you are interested in exploring the particulars of your situation. I can’t really give any more than blanket advice for INFJ here. But, each person has particular situation that is important to understanding how to work relationships issues out. I would need to talk to that person at length over some period of time to get a feel for their particular situation, approach, and what they are really doing. Not every INFJ is alike. I have just presented some general issues that apply to most or many of them. How to work them out might differ in each given situation, and often does. However, you can’t go too far wrong with the current advice I have given on the issue. Express, network, put yourself out there, stop trying to save poor unfortunate souls by entering into relationships with them, and so on.
I’ll go reread the article again. Thank you for the reply!
Yeah, no problem.
Im an ENTJ, with moon in Scorpio, and Sun in Virgo but cusp of Leo.
Its a rough combo! Any insight in how to overcome some of the personality challenges that this combo influences?
First thing that comes to mind is that you might not be ENTJ. I don’t think I’ve met one true ENTJ in all my time doing this site. So, there’s that.
Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Virgo. Well, Moon in Scorpio is tough by itself for the aforementioned reasons that I covered in article.
Virgo sun isn’t that tough. It goes well with Scorpio Moon. Sextile relationship.
Your problem might be that you’re an NF type of some sort. That’s usually the problem around here.
Neptunian problems, in a nutshell.
Then you didn’t see my comments.
I’m an ENTP/ENTJ person (it’s about 50-50).
I’m sun Aries moon Scorpio rising Cancer.
Hhhhhmmm, I have a Scorpio Moon. I can face darkness and do in my job. I’ve been in some intense situations and handled them in my personal life as well. However, I don’t generally create a lot of drama at all and know something about how to talk to people to diffuse drama and/or avoid them and situations that would usher it into my world. It may not be an easy placement. Actually, it’s not been my experience that it is easy, but there are gifts that come with the dark side of the moon. Another good read. Thanks.
I also have Scorpio in Mars like Damian. I had read somewhere that Mars is more important for men and Venus is more important for women. If so, I have Venus in Libra. I don’t pretend to know much about this. Is our unrest the fault of our stars? I do utilize a lot of Fe, but need to engage in art I suppose.
Any examples of women with Scorpio moons? Especially INFJ women?
I have Pisces sun Virgo rising Scorpio moon and I’m an infj. I have had to learn to talk about my feelings or barely be able to function. It is still very hard for me at times. I also have a lot of Mars in my chart and I can be quite fiery at times. But I usually feel terrible afterwards.
I find that the signs work and look diffrent in women vs. men.- really. The women with Scorpio moon (me included) are very feminine but many of us really feel like a male gender deep inside if this makes sense. Not that we want to be another gender but that our gender isnt related to out spirtual true being- and we know it. So its just like clothes you ear in this world and can be used and enjoyed- but no more. The men are simply very very aware of the feminine energy and it works great for them. They truly understand women like no one else.
I am an INFJ with a Scorpio moon, I dont know what yo would like to know. But keep emotions very deep inside is common as well as being able to read other people.
Scorpio moon,in 8th house, aries sun in first house, pisces rising.
This is the first I have read about Scorpio moon and infj.
Five out of Six family members have scorpio moons. Talk about problems in family life.
I am the only infj in the family.
I always assumed it was the pisces-aries dilemma
Wolf in sheep’s clothing sort of thing.
I am nice up until you cross a line and bam watch the heck out.
I am really trying to work on that.
so hard.
I no longer feel it is ok.
But yet it has been almost impossible to do away with.
It is me to the core.
I knew I needed an artistic outlet.
I stll feel this is the biggest mistake I made.
Not pushing myself artistically.
Never to late.
Anyway I like your site even though I get a feeling you were burned hard by an infj.
Rememeber everyone is not the same. Even INFJ’s
I have always hated on my scorpio moon
Never have I been burned by an INFJ. In case you can’t tell, I am rather fond of INFJs. So, do away with that notion.
Yes, having a Scorpio Moon is difficult, probaly the most difficult position of the Moon. But, if used creatively, it can work wonders. For an INFJ in particular, the trick is to mobilize all the stagnant and negative pooling through Fe expressiveness. And to make it a habit. If done, look out world…we got a first-rate deep sea diver coming up to the surface to tell of the things that no one has ever seen. Like those crazy-ass lantern fish that dwell in the deepest depths of the dark ocean.
Don’t hate it – it can be a gift
Things to know if you are a Scorpio Moon:
Other people are not ready to face their dark side and ego- so please stop revealing it to them. They may find that hurtful and they don’t know you do this to yourself all the time.
Let others know you need alone time, if you are hurt or angry- what you say or do next may prove fatal.
Never hide from your own sexuality or repress it- your true self will die
Never surrender to your own sexuality- your spiritual nature may not forgive
Always remember that your emotions are not the only real thing in the world
Always know your emotions are deeper then this world
Make all those who are weak your best friends- for they show your best nature as you will never hurt a child or animal and you secretly respect their innocent nature
Learn to love yourself by accepting your worst and controlling it instead of trying to control the world around you- it is a unforgiving world, only you can forgive the taboo in your heart.
Your gift is to bring light into the darkest most pathetic corners of life. Under the light of your understanding the shadows lose their hold.
Love- as only you know how
I’m a Scorpio Moon that was introduced to astrology by my girlfriend at the time. It’s amazing how accurate this is. What is actually frightening is that all those works you mentioned – The Doors, Dyostevsky, every single one – are some of my favorites. Notes from the Underground is my favorite book and Apocalypse Now is in my top 5 movies. Wow.
Blake I read somewhere that Ni is a Sagittarius quality. And Fe is a Pisces quality. Does this mean if a person doesn’t have these aspects in their birth chart they can’t be an INFJ. Or is it impossible to type someone using a birth chart. I wish you would write more on astrology. Also I always thought my intuitive traits came from my Pisces sun Scorpio moon but maybe those are just feeling traits? I have very strong intuition but I only have one Sagittarius aspect(Mars in Sag.). I know birth charts are very complex and its best to view it from a big picture before breaking it down but any info will be appreciated. And thanks for this very honest website. It is refreshing to be understood. I really don’t know how anyone could think you are anything other than an INFJ.
“Blake I read somewhere that Ni is a Sagittarius quality. And Fe is a Pisces quality. Does this mean if a person doesn’t have these aspects in their birth chart they can’t be an INFJ. Or is it impossible to type someone using a birth chart.”
A person could have any birth chart under the sun and be any type. Can’t determine type from birth chart. Birth chart emends and qualifies the inborn/innate type.
I will write more about astrology’s relation to Myers-Briggs/Jung’s psychological types soon.
Hi, I’m rather curious to hear your opinion on a person with Scorpio in both the rising and moon sign, coupled with a fire sun sign. Blake, you’re blogs are truly informative and they all have a lot of depth. Thank you for your time.
What exactly do you want to know?
Hi Blake, I apologize for the long hiatus,
What would the personality of such an individual be, and what are some of their strengths and weaknesses? To be specific, a Leo Sun and Scorpio Rising and Moon.
Once again, thank you for your time.
I would not agree at all that Scorpio Moons are not genuinely nice people. That’s a pretty extreme and off-base thing to say. Don’t forget that Scorpio energy manifests in extremes. So, those of us with this Moon (I have it conjunct Pluto and my Midheaven) can actually be highly empathetic, compassionate, caring, and kind.
That doesn’t rule out our dark side, which does get really intense and overwhelming and “psycho”, and needs to find constructive, positive release. But, the Scorpio Moons who can do this artistically or privately are capable of feeling transformed enough to walk through the light and be much easier to deal with. At least, that’s how I’ve learned how to express my Moon.
I’m not tormented by having this Moon sign and I think there’s too much out there that paints this placement as nothing but misery.
To defend you:
I find it interesting that (s)he chose not to respond to your comment, despite responding to others a month later.
To defend him/her:
I find it interesting that a lot of what (s)he said is correct BUT from the guilty/criminal perspective…yes, I’m an ENTP/J Scorpio Moon, but I’m not in the legal system cuz it’s corrupt. LOL
“(all INFJs are type 4)”
Is it about enneagrams?
Yes, exactly. All INFJs are type 4 on the enneagram (in my opinion and to my knowledge).
” They may become possessed with catching hard to get criminals, if they were police detectives. ”
This made me laugh, I wonder about certain profiler types sometimes.
I was “friends” with an ENFJ with a Scorpio moon, and this person turned out to be incredibly narcissistic and bipolar by my observation by the end of our friendship. Always thought everyone had a secret agenda to drive them crazy or trap them in a relationship they didn’t want. Very dark in there. Not the type of energy with which I prefer to surround myself,
//Always thought everyone had a secret agenda to drive them crazy or trap them in a relationship they didn’t want.// – Karolion
Do NOT use absolutist words unless you are trolling.
Sounds to me like this person caught you at being a manipulative narcissist, projector.
By the way, I do not believe/think that everyone has a secret agenda against/for me and/or against others.
What is more likely the case is because Scorpio moons are so emotionally intense, behaviourly intense (nice way of saying “manipulative”) people are drawn towards them…the unintended psychological effect.
Have you ever seen movie Black swan? It seems to me, that there was one hell of Scorpio Moon and it occured to me, that also one troubled ISFJ as main character.
Thank you for creating a great article about scorpio moons and giving us all great insight!
I am a Sun in Aries female with moon in Scorpio with Ascendent in Cancer.. I have difficulty identifying who I am or what motivates me. I have become what you describe as a non-entity. There is so much I care about and yet so much I do not care about. I believe that you can care for issues, and that you may do your small daily duties to be part of the cause and hopefully eventually end world problems… but I do not believe changing the world will happen. There are so many issues, so many complex scenarios where you can tie 10 different issues together where they all cause or influence other problems. Its very hard for me to find something I am passionate about and will sustain my attention if I do not have immediate progression on whatever it is I’m working on.
I have identified myself as ISTP or ESTP… sometimes I feel like being social but I’ve grown worse. I feel I can see through people and have an instinct on whether they are good or bad spirited. This has contributed to my lack of trust in people; and in general, not sharing much about myself to others if I don’t feel comfortable around them. Or I do not share things about myself for fear or being judged, or not being good enough in their eyes, so I often times will dress or become what they want others to be, or I dress in a way that is opposite, to be a little bit controversial and mysterious.
It has contributed to a loss of my self. It’s gotten so bad that I cannot describe or tell employers what my skills are, because I don’t want to come across as too confident… even though I am deeply confident in my abilities. I do not fear tense situations, I am often very lucky and have great focus and determination to complete and succeed in whatever I set my focus on. But this shyness or inability to express myself because of the fear of people misjudging me has deeply, and incredibly held me back, to the point I begin having thoughts of that I have no worth, I will not be capable of anything, etc. It has been very hard. I either care what people think or I don’t give a flying fuck. It depends if people have hurt my values in the process… and often times I can be unforgiving.
Is there any advice you can give me based on your astrological knowledge? I know I have to somehow balance my energies but doing what? Even when I tell someone “I want to do ______” People ask why. I GET SO MAD. Why must I explain to you why I want to do things? As difficult it is to initially express why I want to do something, to top it all off, once they know, they don’t understand and can’t relate to my reasoning… so I further feel like an alien.
I would really appreciate you responding back… let me know. Thanks so much!
Is there any advice you can give me based on your astrological knowledge?
Yes, but, we would have to consult in order to get into what you are describing here. Check out my Consulting Services page to understand what I offer in this regard and the information that I would need in order to get started on your case 🙂
I would like to know if what you said about the INFJ can also be said to some extent about the INFP with a moon in Scorpio. I’ve tested as both, more often than naught I test as INFP. My sun is in Taurus. Moon in Scorpio. Mars in Scorpio. Saturn in Scorpio. Rising sign Virgo. Im also a type 4. I’m sort of a mess a lot of the time 🙂 I’m constantly struggling with myself. Any words of wisdom or broad life advice would be welcome. You seem very knowledgable.
I would like to know if what you said about the INFJ can also be said to some extent about the INFP with a moon in Scorpio.
Yes, it can. Scorpio is the implied Moon position of the INFJ type, whether the INFJ has that Moon position in their birth chart or not (most won’t by pure statistical chance. There is a 1/12 shot).
However, any Myers-Briggs type that was born with a Scorpio Moon will have some INFJ traits due to that placement in their birth chart. And, in my experience it has been particularly common for INFPs with Scorpio Moon birth chart placement to think they are INFJs.
Thanks lee re Scorpio moon advice..I am a Capricorn with Scorpio moon and Aquarius rising, as a woman I feel these emotions intensely..unfortunately I think we can be misunderstood.. We can’t help but feel and see the darkness,especially in’s the only way we could of survived. Our lives have taken in a darker tone, often seeing things in others and our surroundings that would have most people running for the hills..or the loony bin. Iv often said I’m creating a film based on my life..especially my family of origin. Narcissists,sociopaths and borderline personalities are just some of the darkness we often encounter..but through it all I believe our highest purpose and greatest gifts in this life is our profound ability to find compassion,tolerance and understanding. I would trade my heart or mind for anyone,I appreciate who I am and try to express the higher aspects of this difficult position. I think now after reading this that I could definitely use a creative outlet to express my more darker emotions,thoughts and feelings. That shouldn’t be a problem considering I also have my Lilith in Scorpio too 🙂 Thankyou guys..
Narcissists, sociopaths and Borderlines are what you encounter?
That’s odd, because i could have sworn Scorpio Moons were ALL of those things. I have yet to meet one person with this placement who wasn’t a raging bloody volcano waiting to erupt over nothing.
No one with this placement that I’ve observed is kind or “good” so far. The ones that I know subjected others to intense emotional and psychological abuse. Disloyal, liars, completely unpredictable and emotionally explosive lot.
I understand we’re you’re coming from, except the wolf part.
I’m an Aries sun Scorpio moon.
Peer Through The Veil,
I’m full blown Scorpio moon, not even close to a Cusp.
I’m loyal to a fault, until I find out the person or group lacks integrity.
I quit lying (intentionally saying/typing information that I knew wasn’t the truth as if it was) since my preteens and even then only lied when I figured that I was going to be punished for doing or saying anything incorrect.
Both of those are traits of an Aries sun, which I am.
The painful part for me was and is my Scorpio emotions/moon arguing with my basic Aries behaviour/sun on a constant basis.
So I behave admirably but internally am writhing in pain.
The only correct accusation about me is my being predictably unpredictable and emotionally explosive (especially as a sun Aries),
but I don’t psychologically abuse others
and I’ve already done professional psychological tests which found that that I have zero mental diseases (though I used to have ADHD as a kid).
Too bad you didn’t meet me.
Mind you, maybe you’ve been the psycho stuff and projected that onto Scorpio moon people when they exposed your bad self? Hopefully I’m wrong.
Hey Blake,
Starling subscriber here. I am literally just starting to get into all this astrology stuff. I think mostly because I verified what time I was born, so I could actually have a complete chart.
So, I’m an INFJ with Sagittarius Sun and Scorpio Moon, and Capricorn rising, and I have literally no idea what any of this means. Though, from what I gather, if Ni corresponds to Sagittarius and Fi-id corresponds to Scorpio Moon, then I think it would be fucking hilarious if that means I’m some sort of super INFJ or something.
Not sure about what the Capricorn rising means. If rising is supposed to correspond to the dominant function, what does that imply for me?
Ouch! I’m an ENTJ Scorpio and don’t believe that I am an unpleasant son-of-a-bitch at all. Difficult? Yes. But what woman isn’t difficult at least some of the time?
Probaly not an ENTJ and you said you were a Scorpio (which means sun in Scorpio, I presume), so that’s why. Scorpio moon is particularly difficult. The sun not as much.
All women are difficult some of the time as are all men as are all things. So, it’s really a matter of measure.
You sound like a feeling type. A lot of ENFJs think they’re ENTJ. You sound NF-ish.
I love how quickly you notice stuff about people:D
Glad you like it 😉
Hate to say but this was very precise. Actually because of the all-consuming darkness I prefer to not tap into strong emotions much for example, in a lovers relationship. I know my need for intensity won’t be matched by a mortal and it’s practically unnecessary. But then scorpio moons are anything but practical ugh. And that doormat thing is so true lmao. I hate it but can’t help it. Sometimes I feel like Imma attention whore but not in public, it’s very subtle and comes out as intense adoration when seen from outside. No wonder people think I’m flirting! I think since a scorpio in moon is about extremes, a steady earth sign might help bring balance to us maybe through being in our chart or partner’s chart. Just my wishful thinking. Btw I’m INTJ, can’t get worse. I wish I was more practical in emotional level rather than just from outside.
Also I’d like to add that when I reread I felt like you are writing for an unevolved scorpio (moon). According to astrology, scorpios have 7-8 forms. So the lower forms would be very negative, manipulative, selfish, vindictive, jealous, etc. But as one moves higher forms, the good qualities of scorpio comes out. For example, for scorpio moons we would become more in control of our emotions, know when to stop diving the deep dark depth and wouldn’t be scared of our emotions, use our intuition to help people rather than control them, use the powerful energy of scorpio to accomplish mountain like feats without wasting anything. I have scorpio sun relatives and people say scorpio sun hides their true nature, but being a scorpio moon I can read them better than anyone close to them. But I don’t manipulate that skill, I help them and others to understand them better. People get shocked by my revelations. Some respect me for that. But some run away feeling threatened maybe, especially if their sun in scorpio isn’t developed enough. And I’m not even a scorpio sun. Sometimes I feel like I work as a bridge, people tend to move away from each other when there is lack of communication due to ego. I can mend that and have done that many times, which is why I feel blessed. My dad always jokes that I should be a teacher/instructor/counsellor of some kind as I know what my client needs. Although I am yet to take in a career like that.
Everyone wants to be special.
The whole “I’m just too intense” and too sensitive thing is BS. You have to also look at the aspects and house placements before painting with such a ridiculously large brush. I would think a Scorpio moon would know this since they are all about “exceptions”.
Matched by a “mere mortal” – yeah, these are the types of presumptuous statements which come off as just plain hubris. So many Scorpio moons I know seem to have their fall because of this very reason: thinking they in a class of their own because their feelings are just too intense or special or whatever. When the bottom line truth a lot of the time is that they don’t want to rise to the challenge since they don’t like feeling naked and seen as vulnerable, and as a result anything as less than special. They are terrified of losing control. It’s an unfortunate complex which tends to repeatedly be shown in this moon sign as a kind of obsession with personal security at the cost of actual intimacy.
There’s no guts in this placement if there’s no work done. I’ve seen a couple of amazing Scorpio moons but the placements themselves were highly unusual and they were incredibly conscious of the control freak thing. There’s no guts in any placement without the work, and Scorpio moons are no different. The only difference is their consistent insistence that THEY are different. And they are not. They are mere mortals like the rest of us. And the sooner they realize that, the sooner they can be embraced in the meaningful way so many of them crave.
You should quit projecting.
You might as well take a little more pain to read my next reply, that was published on the same day, if you already took pain to read my first one. Sure your views would change given they do not look like you went through my clarifier of a comment. That being said, I never asked for a clarification on the first place, especially that comes from a prejudiced mortal, when I have one from another dimension, a persistent one. Not bragging, mortals of lower dimension usually miss the things that are far bigger than us. Some of us are guided to say the least, not all would get that. The flow of energy is sometimes hard to hold on to but that gives far greater benefits when you learn to manage it. Because with great power comes great responsibilities. Love my placements actually. Bless you 🙂
You’re extremely elegant and diplomatic in your reply to them.
You’re probably not a sun Aries sign like me.
Jesus guy…
Yes, what?
Don’t make good parents.
“Scorpio moons are rarely nice” I have a Scorpio moon and I live by the moto of treat people how I wish to be treated. Being a loyal and dependable friend to the people in my life is of high importance to me. One of my close friends is also a Scorpio moon and there isn’t much that she wouldn’t do for people, even if it means putting herself out in order to help. To say that everyone with a certain placement are all basically terrible people is ridiculous.
I think you need to read closer. Or better.
Because I don’t see it written anywhere here that Scorpio moons are “terrible people”. Nowhere does it say that they are not loyal. Or undependable. Or incapable of self-sacrifice.
In fact, I think scorpio moons might have a uniquely elevated capacity for these things, though mostly for the rare few who earn their trust, and more importantly, love. And again, nothing in this article negates that, if you ask me.
The “niceness” referenced here is more nuanced. Deeper. In the way that anyone capable of understanding or embodying darkness to any real significance can’t be “nice”. Truly “nice” people can’t even understand Scorpio darkness, in my humble opinion; as if it’s not in their language or emotional vocabulary.
I too have a Scorpio moon. Along with a fuckton of other scorpionic significance in my chart. But instead of getting defensive, I read this and recognize the truth in my instinct to control, inherent cynicism, and the dominance of my extreme internal emotional turmoil.
I read NO judgement here, and I think you make a mistake in doing so. The only real judgement made, is that it will not be “easy” for us Scorpio moons. We are uniquely challenged in suffering through, and hopefully overcoming, some innate instincts. But that’s just it… this says nothing about us not being able to overcome them. We can; we are capable of being self-aware, and in doing so achieving that beautifully honest self-revelation that others could only wish for.
And you know what? I wouldn’t give up ANY of that darkness for an ounce of “niceness”.
The “feminine men” you mentioned are most in 0 or 2 or 4 degree moon in scorpio. Maybe that’s why they are more feminine. As for roger federer he’s a 20 degree scorpio moon more mature but still I don’t see intensity in him, he must be doing a really good job at masking it lol.
Some truth and some biase.
I am an ENTJ with a scorpio moon and I do feel a lot just prefer acting through thinking not feeling (my sun is in Aquarius). I happen to have 3 scorpio moon friends (it looks like we attract each other) and all the three are strong, and extremely deep with a very good understanding of human nature. I think we scorpio moons are seekers of depth and hidden truths while at the same we experience a lot of pain that other people have no idea about. I disagree with the article that we are mean. People who feel so much as we do and understand so much through feeling usually have the capacity to forgive and understand other humans better.
I don’t know if that can be useful, but I use the sidereal method for map calculation, at the Ayanamsha Galatic Center 0 ° in Sagittarius, and it has been as accurate as possible, and, I saw some of the people that you mentioned that didn’t really they have the moon in Scorpio, but in Libra, some of them don’t even have it in the 8th house.