It has occurred to me in my time as a member of the interplanetary species known as human that we are bipedal organisms that have two legs, a heart, and a need to
And that no matter what other beautiful and rarefied things you have going on in your life (like creative activities) that nothing is gonna happen unless you
Now you don’t have to move off the planet or anything deleterious like that, you simply have to suit up, move to your local door or portal of choice and
Because if you can’t do that then all is lost
You will sit inside in a shell of your own undoing, in a motherfucking Ni-Ti loop thinking how you can write that book that consists of nothing, because you don’t know that your teeth a need a brushing.
What I’m trying to say is that INFJs need CARDIO
You need to
But now,
not too much, maybe once a day, maybe once every two days, doesn’t matter. What matters is that a problem cannot be solved on the same level it was created, which for you means thinking will never solve your problem, thinking about all the beautiful things you could write in that book of yours
Nobody gives a fuck.
And until you don’t give a fuck, you will never write anything worth reading.
So fuck your outlines, and fuck your intricate plot devices, and come on down to where things don’t want to be let down.
My program of action
In the INFJ Action and Accountability Program one of the core tenets is CARDIO. Preferably running. Jogging. Hair blowing through the breeze, or your bald head. Point is, I know you don’t want to do this. You want to know how to be a better writer, how to get better at the craft of writing.
Well, then motherfucking write!
Which means RUN!
Writing is running from now on. Until further orders issue forth from Heaven.
In the INFJ Action and Accountability Program I often work with writers (or people that want to write), and there seems to be this puzzlement about how to bypass the censor that INFJs have that compels them to not be able to generate any forward momentum on the train of thought that is issuing forth from their high-falutin heads.
Writing is an athletic activity. Which is why you need to jog. Because you can’t really fuck up jogging. Well, you can, but mainly by just not showing up.
Yes, there are things you need to do to make your running experience more optimal, and luckily I have done the footwork for you (o yeah)
Writing demystified
You write for x page count or word count on the next topic that seems to be of salience in your beautiful mind.
It’s kind of like morning pages.
Don’t get tripped up by thinking “serious” writing is that different from morning pages. (If you don’t know what morning pages are, that’s a problem that needs to be remedied).
So, it looks like this
- Wake up
- Coffee
- Morning Pages
- Run!
- Write!
- Jerk off
- Or if you’re a woman, masturbate
8. Move on with your life
This is where INFJs get fucked up. They can’t write, but they can’t be done with writing (or x creative activity).
So, it needs to be like jogging. Just do it! Then be done.
And of course, in addition to ACTION, there needs to be something somewhere in this inkling pussy-fucked world that is waiting for you to report back on what you said you were going to do this week.
How are your action items for the week doing, INFJ?
Because left in your own masturbatory swelter, all you will do is sweat, and not get your pussy wet
Then you’ll give up (if you even got started in the first place), because why bother, no one but you knows, and no one cares anyway.
Well, that’s how it has always been in this world, especially with such a precious and nebulous thing such as ART
Nobody cares if you make your precious art or not (maybe not even you).
But I care.
The world needs you!
Therefore, I’m going to kick your ass into action.
If you’ll let me.
What we’re gonna do
- The Artist’s Way
- Total Lifestyle Plan and Approach to making your precious art
- CARDIO! (or if you can’t run because your doctor doesn’t recommend it, choose the top sport of your own liking. Make sure it’s 80/20 so you’ll do it)
- Weekly page count on your book or whatever thing you want to write (or create)
I’m a creativity coach, and I’m really good at it because I’m well-versed in all forms, modes, and shapes of art: writing, visual art, music etc.
I know what it takes to be successful as an artist.
And my clients get results.
I’ll leave you with a precious quote from Plutonian INFJ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it
Leave a question or comment if you’re confused about how any of this shit works.
Bye Go!
I have questions.