Here is the super Pisces. O these poor tragic lost and beautiful souls. They wither and they wag and they wax ecstatic and then they die. Everything sends them to the mortuary of existence. Anything. Your poor-souled comment, your loud boot heels, your look of unkindness. Don’t even try. You make Pisces Moon want to die.
Not that they will do anything about it. They will just wither and detach and feel sorry for you that you are such a monster. Strangely enough, in the final analysis, they really don’t take it personally. Pisces moon people have the capacity to detach from this world and float off into the ethersphere. They are looking down on themselves and you and whomever else as they float out to take in the big picture. Well, that is their big gift, the ability to see the universal. And when you are seeing the cosmos compared to you and your personal situation, your lover who is so exasperating, your friends who are so helpless, and on and on, what can you really take personally. It is just the way of the world, nay, the way of the universe.
Pisces moon is already in eternity. Which is why they make such great artists and lovers. They let go of themselves and let the god pour in.
Now, if they are men and god happens to be a non-factor in their belief system, then the women of their lives sublimate god for them.
Pity, compassion, sacrifice is what Pisces moon got inside. Yet, Pisces is the most dispassionate of the three water signs. But, they aint no cold-blooded Aquarians. They feel, feel, feel. It is just displaced and dissolved in some way. And along with this dissolution can go their ego-containment, and gasp, their personality. Where has that Pisces Moon gone off to now? O, you know those Pisces Moons, they just leave the building without saying a word. “Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the building.” Elvis had a Pisces Moon.
And there ain’t no use in trying to understand or talk them out of their dark spells of quixotic abandon. They are lost at sea and to follow them will get you all smashed up on the rocks of those irrational sirens who swoon for love, love, love.
Yes, love. O, Pisces moon might as well just be called “love moon”, or better yet, “dream of love moon”, or more darkly, “O, just kill me now and get it over with moon.” O, where love leads and that is where they follow.
Pisces is the sign of the fishes, two fishes tied at their tails. Two fishes means that they are a bit schizophrenic. They are torn between being nice, as they naturally are, and being a sea monster themselves. Or if they are gentler temperaments, just being a siren or something silly like that.
Pisces Moons tend not to have a very good sense of humor so when you joke around with them, they can take it quite seriously. Just tell them to take you to the sea and wreck on the rocks in no-man’s land. They’ll know what to do. In matters of love, they do not fuck around. Not players, not swingers, only the one and only lover they desire. Tell them they are the only one. Well, tell them whatever you like. I don’t have to live with them.
A Pisces Moon can make even the harshest of temperaments, like an ENTJ type, a bit romantic and concerned with mystical matters. Take Axl Rose, an ENTJ at enneagram point 3. Yes, he was harsh and a cold heartbreaker fit to burn, but check out songs like Estranged, Sweet Child Of Mine, November Rain, and the ending strains of Locomotive (love is so strange). Witness how he pined for years for his muse in the form of supermodel Stephanie Seymour.
Estranged. Beautiful title for a song and just a plain beautiful word. The Pisces Moon put the roses in Guns N Roses, Axl’s band.
In sensitive and romantic temperaments such as any of the Intuitive Feeling types, forget about it. Pisces Moon occurring here makes you a super-romantic, a die-hard romantic, a dead in the water romantic. Motherfucker, it makes you Edgar Allan Poe or Percy Bysshe Shelley, an utter angel of love set to prose and darkness. O yes, darkness. They knew what love was.
So did Pisces Moon singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen. Heard his song, Hallelujah?
I saw your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It’s a cold and broken hallelujah
A cold and broken hallelujah. Indeed, because love is some uncontrollable shit and it often comes in the form of some asshole of the opposite sex and you want them so bad and it’s not cool to be fucking with me bitch, so take your territory conquering flag off of my house. It ain’t like you just bought a new Lexus. That’s my heart you fucking with. Not a game. Not a game.
And Pisces moon will let you fuck with them in the name of love because they need that love so bad. And when they alone, forget about it, the phantoms that assail them out of the haunted air of evening. “Lenore, Lenore”, cried Edgar Allan Poe, for his ghostly muse. Forget about it.
But just because Pisces Moon knows all this shit about love and the cosmic big picture doesn’t mean they have one fig of an iota of an idea about how to do a damn thing about any of the cosmic injustices that befall the lot of man and women on this blue-green marble we live on. They pretty helpless and so must take refuge in art, drugs, drink, food, love, compulsive dog-walking, you name it. If it offers a respite from the cold mechanistic world of concrete and lead and big-headed babies that call your name in the night. Pisces Moon wants that dope bad. And it is sad. Because they can’t handle any of that shit either.
So, if you see the Pisces Moon in the road, kill them. Because they already not here. So, what do they care?
Lol, i love the way you write…its awesome…and a lot of truth in this.
Its like everything is pointless and it doesnt matter. And everything is all important and everything matters. Both are equally true. And both can be depressing and debilitating, or exhilarating and freeing, depending on where you are and where you are looking. Its brilliant either way, and it doesnt matter anyway
I disagree about the humour. Humour and art is everything…at its core everything is just funny and creativity- that is the big picture…theres no big picture without it. Cant be serious with humour.
Other parts like the pining i dont relate to at all. Unrequited love is irrational and pretty incomprehensible to me. Why would anyone be in love with someone that didnt return their feelings? What would the person be in love with in that case? An idea? Their own sense of pining? That just sounds like like self hate and pining seems like a confusing waste of time and energy. But maybe these things are be ofset by the rest of my chart.
Anyway, I hope you do some articles about the other signs and positions. Can i request gemini please?
And if you run me over i will totally come back and haunt you, in the most annoying ways possible. Or on second thoughts yes….no i couldnt be bothered…i understand
Haunt me baby, haunt me!
There was an interesting point you brought up about a person being in love with their own sense of pining. It just feels good to be in love. The actual person you are in love with is just a convenient hook (get it? Pisces, hook) for the unfolding of that feeling. I think Pisces in general is into LOVE in that big letter universal sense. And we mustn’t let any actual flesh-and-blood human beings, that happen to be the recipient of Pisces love, interfere.
Yeah, I might be wrong about the humor part. Some Pisces moon people are definitely funny. Seinfeld has a Pisces moon. But, I’ve noticed that many people that have a Pisces moon are on the serious side, that is, until they float out into the ethersphere, and then they are just more detached and bemused at the whole cosmic situation. I see them having a kind of cosmic smirk.
Also, as you may be able to glean from this website, it would depend on the innate temperament (Myers-Briggs type) of the person that is the possessor of the Pisces Moon. However, I was more or less writing this with Pisces Moon across all temperaments. If someone with a Pisces Moon had a very active extraverted feeling component in their nature, that would offset some of the seriousness of the Pisces Moon. And of course, other birth chart positions, say a Cancer element or something. Cancer is consistently one of the funnier signs I have noticed.
I will be doing articles about other signs and positions and all that jive. The site is meant to be astrological in nature, and to show the connection between Myers-Briggs temperaments and astrology. It is all just beginning so there is a lot to talk about and get into. But, yes, you may request Gemini. Since you so nicely wrote to me and spoke up on the matter, Gemini will be my next topic in the astrology section.
Cool comment. Thanks for making it.
Thats very insightful.
There certainly is a cosmic smirk…its hard to say cosmic smirk without smirking.
i’m a pisces moon and SAMMMEEEEEEE. I literally feel the EXACT same about unrequited love, I just couldn’t verbalize as well as you do 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hey, I’m a Pisces INFJ. I originally got into MBTI first, but am now fascinated with astrology. Am just wondering whether the two can be combined. For example, I only know one other INFJ, and she is an Aries. We are fundementally different, even though we share the same psychological preferences. I feel like as Pisces is naturally ‘intuitive and emotional’ this amplifies my psychological preferences Ni, Fe tenfold.
Lastly, my grandmother is Pisces, however she is ESFP, ironically though, her nature is somewhat intuitive, deep (or trying to be) conversations, gravitates towards ‘escapist’ behaviour through music, art etc. however, her preferences do not allow to be completely commplimented. Lastly, is the ideal MBTI type to be associated with Pisces an INFP? Because I do notice, when describing the Pisces everybody describes internal emotions and this is something that I am not too qualified and endowed with to talk about as an INFJ. As you have pointed out on many occasions. I just want to know, what is my purpose as a pisces INFJ in this world, because it can be very, very hard.
Yes, MB and astrology can be combined and this is much of what this site is about and even more so in the future. I’ll be laying some more of this stuff down about how the two can be combined. So, yes, two INFJs can be different and often are but two INFJs regardless of their astrology are more alike fundamentally than not. That is the whole purpose of having these temperament types. Affinities. But, being a Pisces would make you a more sensitive INFJ, especially if you are born in the first 15 degrees of the sign of Pisces. That is the Fi half of the sign. Latter Pisces is Fe. All mutable signs are divided up in this way.
As for the INFP question you asked. INFP has an Fi dominant function that corresponds to the first 15 degrees of the sign of Pisces. So, yes, you are right with that qualification in mind. The last 15 degrees of Pisces corresponds to the Fe dominant function of ENFJ.
Pisces is often described from an Fi perspective, however, that is only partially accurate. Pisces also has an Fe component that isn’t as shrinking violet and shy and sensitive as Pisces is typically described. Pisces can actually be a sign of a boundless ambition to conquer the world. That is the more Fe (latter half) of the sign.
Let me know if you were born in the first 15 degrees of Pisces or the latter. The purpose will be different depending on this distinction.
According to this website i’m between 15-20 degrees March 7-11.
which would correspond to the ENFJ dominant function. However, for the purpose of your theory I’m a Ni- subtype with boosted Fi and Te, not Fe. (though it is still strong!)
I’m fascinated why you said all mutable signs are divided up this way? It’d be great to see this written about and what the rule is for the fixed and cardinal signs.
I’m a Leo ascendant (no planet) and when you said some Pisces have ” boundless ambition to conquer the world” that really resonated with me.
Apparently our ascending sign is our ‘identity’ and our 2nd house is our method for ‘accumulating wealth’ and substantiating that identity. I have a sun pisces, in my 2nd, and a Saturn Pisces in my 8th. My 8th is all my fears and I tend to be stuck here often. I realized that this is stopping me from surrendering to the power of my 2nd house which is what will help me cope and navigate through lifes challenges and accomplish the goals and aims of my Leo identity.
Also, Pisces with a Leo ascendant? Fire and water? What does this mean?
Would love to hear your take
Actually those numbers of my houses are actually just the order in which they appeared in my birth chart by planets, i noticed the same planets in the same order appeared in my brothers and others chart too.
If you didn’t get the memo I thought this was very beautifully written.
Is feb 26th a Pisces moon? Can you please elaborate on some characteristics/ traits that you believe they portray?
Thank you kind sir
February 26 would be a Pisces sun. To determine the moon position of a person you would need to consult an ephemeris ( a table of the planet’s positions for year, month, and day). Better yet, go to and open a free account and you can calculate and store up to a 100 free charts with every possible factor you want to see in a chart. There are also free interpretations of the positions of the planets in signs, houses, and aspect. They also have a free 6,000 year ephemeris to look up the positions of the planets but you would have to know the symbols for the planets and signs.
I will elaborate on the Pisces moon position. Could you be more specific about what in particular you would like elaboration on. What in the article would you like me to elaborate on?
Thank you too kind lady.
Specifically, is there any one specific way a Pisces would be like in a romantic relationship or does it depend on their personality type? 🙂 what’s your opinion on a Pisces and cancer relationship?
Thank you!
Pisces in general is a highly romantic sign but to what degree this would express would be determined by the innate temperament of the person.
My opinion of a Cancer-Pisces relationship is that it would be highly romantic and feeling-oriented. Both signs are of the water element and the water element represents feelings and emotions. Typically signs of the same element are considered the most compatible. However, it is far from being that simple. There are many more things to look at in terms of compatibility between two people. Also, though these signs are compatible, they are more compatible in a friendly and passive sense. This means that they get along easily but there is a lack of dynamic momentum that comes from signs that are polarized (at opposite poles) to each other. Typically, it is ideal to have a blend of the harmonious and the dynamic for true compatibility between two people.
I would think that Cancer and Pisces would be very homey together. Setting up a cozy home together. Seeking comfort and love from each other. Emotional validation. Etc.
Thank you Blake ^_^
What do you mean by ‘dynamic’
Who would be ‘dynamic’ with the complex cancer sign?
Dynamic means “vigorously active or forceful.” The signs that have the highest attraction to each other are signs that are opposite one another. Though, this doesn’t mean they are the most compatible in the sense of getting along relatively friction-free. But, signs that are opposite one another attract each other because they possess what the other lacks, like two sides of the same coin. They also repel each other too. In general, these opposite signs cause excitement in a relationship. They are very stimulating. But, they can easily have dramatic fall-outs with each other too. You know what they say – opposites attract. But, they don’t necessarily stay together in a long-term sense. It depends on other more stabilizing and easy-going sign relationships. Like I said, you want a blend of both categories of aspects in an ideal sense.
Capricorn is the opposite of the sign of Cancer. Cancer is a sign of rampant emotionalism while Capricorn is a sign of austerity and reserve. These signs are drawn to each other because they each have what the other lacks.
Cancer and Pisces are much more similar because they are both emotional in orientation. They can easily understand each other. But, they may lack the dynamic energy that leads to a testing of that perspective. This relationship can lack perspective and objectivity. But, it also has the benefit of a minimal amount of friction and misunderstandings from each party.
This is brilliant and perfect and probably my favorite Pisces Moon interpretation yet. Except that I am freaking hilarious. Seriously, it’s the only thing I have going for me. Don’t take that away. It’s all I have.
Like it even matters.
Wow, you actually managed to make 3 bullshit posts of the water moon signs. I mean, you tried a little bit with cancer, 30% of what you wrote was okay, the rest crap. You made scorpio moon seem like the devil. And I’m not sure what exactly you were trying to aim at with this awful & ignorant description of pisces moon. Why not write about stuff you actually know? And i’m saying this as a person who actually has water moon sign and who lives/have been with water moon/sun people.
Wow! You are a person with a water moon sign! Well, congratufuckinglations! You must know everything there is to know about water moons then. Because you have one.
And you have been with water moon/sun people! Holy shit! Do tell. Tell me about your exclusive privilege of being around water moon/sun people!
Wow, you know so much! You are so enlightened child! I bow to you and the gods within you!
Now, fuck off and get your ass back to school.
Because to me you don’t know shit. I don’t know who you are and your comment has to be one of the most typical examples of self-centered, ignorant, childish, and most of all, American idiocy.
You know why?
Because only stupid, ignorant, and self-centered people make comments as dumb and unenlightening as this. Only.
Smart people don’t. That might be the first thing you want to learn before you go around thinking you know so much about astrology and what is or isn’t right or wrong.
I now hate water moons because of you. Congratulations on adding to the knowledge of lore you dumb twat.
No Pisces moon here, just North Node in Pisces. But I do like November Rain and Stephanie Seymour shares my birthrate, year and all. I’m just barely a Cancer because I was born at 12:08 am during DST. I’m just a one in a billion chart, with an unrelated MBTI of INTP and per you, predictable 6w5, counterphobic. I attack my fears in an attempt to break myself of fear of humans. Guns, not so much.
BTW, if you can make any sense of it, I was raised Catholic and historically, philosophically and psychologically educated on religion in college as a minor study, and since that Psychology of Religion class, an atheist. Most recently I have identified my particular subsect of atheism to be secular Buddhism.
Hah, I was just googling something about my natal chart because I had been feeling low about The State Of The World, and here you are! I think I’m an INFJ, and I have a pisces moon. Boy do I relate to some of what you’ve got here. I’ve seen in your other astrology writings that you believe the temperament to be the underlying self and the astrology to impact what variant of that temperament you are? I’m very ignorant about astrology and curious what you’d say the biggest impacts on temperament are. Sun, moon, ascendant? Something else entirely?
Also, there are quite a few Pluto aspects in my natal chart – do you think people with lots of funky Pluto aspects are doomed to either become enlightened or die in a dumpster, no in between?
That sounds about right! Pluto (Virgo, 6th House) is quite prominent in my chart as well (forming part of an Earth trine with my Taurus ascendant and Mercury in Capricorn. And the jury is still out on whether I will succeed in transforming into an enlightened being of pure energy, or end up in rags, wandering the streets proclaiming: “The End of the World is Nigh!”.
On a more serious note, I don’t actually have much in the way of Water planets in my chart, only Neptune in Scorpio. However, it is placed right on my descending sign, and is therefore quite significant. It accentuates my innate INFJ tendency to merge with other people and take on their qualities and emotions. I have a tendency to over idealize the significant people in my life and am extremely vulnerable to emotional manipulation. At its best, this placement occasionally grants me a form of telepathic communion with another person – to the extent that I can literally see what is going on inside their mind. This is not simply an imaginative fancy on my part: I have shared these intuitive flashes with the other person (when appropriate) and been blown away by their accuracy and clarity.
The strongest element in my birth chart is actually Fire (of the Sagittarian type) and this is entirely congruent with my dominant introverted intuition (in astrological psychology, Fire is usually corresponds to the Intuitive function in the same way that water corresponds to feeling).
But again, several of my fiery planets are in the 8th house, which imbues them with certain Scorpionic/Plutonic qualities. I believe that the Pluto/Scorpio influences at work in my chart strongly influenced my choice of career as a forensic scientist.
Pisces moon and north node, cancer rising, leo sun, venus virgo… sigh
it is painful to read stuff like this, but the truth hurts. I am also an infj, read that article about women in love, which exposed me even further. Yes I am constantly in search of that one partner that is perfect for me, can go to those depths and at the same time exhibit pure strength of character. Yes it is so fucking painful when my idealised illusion of that person shatters and they are not who I wantes them to be. Yes I drop them like a stone romantically and backpedal into friendship upon discovering this, because the mere thought of continuing to pretend and nurture this relationship is too much to bear.
I disgust myself most times, and at the same time just refuse to stop this search. It isn’t even a choice really, becoming a celibate monk is just not me. And so I keep going, trying to learn from the previous encounter to be more careful about who I pick so that I don’t lead anyone on and hurt them in the heat of passion. Yes I want soul merging, even devouring my partner. Yes it is dark, but this part of my beauty, my tragic loneliness and unavailability.
It is hard to look at, but when you have heavy water influence, it feels like being surrounded with mirrors. I can’t look away and fool myself. This is where the sacrificial behaviour comes in. I see the unmasked darkness of my love, and I just pray every night that someone who loves me for it, is someone I can genuinely love back. Thats the funny thing, it isn’t that I hope for someone to love me, I have plenty of that. It is my hope that I will love them back…. ouch. What a recipe for self loathing. Lol!
“my idealised illusion of that person shatters and they are not who I wantes them to be. Yes I drop them like a stone romantically and backpedal into friendship upon discovering this, because the mere thought of continuing to pretend and nurture this relationship is too much to bear.”
Leo Sun/Pisces Moon here as well – I can sure relate here, seems like so many of my relationships started with this idea that EVERYTHING IS FINALLY PERFECT! …and then ended in some tragedy of some sort. Thinking of one, I remember the period between when I knew the relationship was going to have to end, and when I was able to go through with the plans to end it. (Had to deal with family, holidays, etc. first) Those were the most difficult days, because I couldn’t really nurture the relationship anymore – I knew it was beyond repair. :/ It hurts to not be able to love the way you think you ought. Or knowing that no matter how you love, it isn’t being received the way you need for it to be.
That last statement must sound so strange to a lot of people. How could we know how someone else is receiving our love?? Well, we just do…
Wowwww! Do I ever relate lol I too feel the fear of not loving back when I see they don’t have that… emotional depth, but with that I feel like I’d love very deeply when I DO find that. I’m not a casual lover… or person… I also feel lost in the wind without this kind of (deep) connection. I have a Pisces Venus & Mars on top of the Moon. So basically drown me in love…….. #sendhelp
I’d be interested to know your thoughts on Virgo moon! 🙂
I am an INFP Picses moon and things are not easy for me, but I have learned not to get walked on anymore, but I have also learned I need pretty strict boundaries around who I let into my psychic and physical intimate space. this has taken me a long time. Actually, since I gave up Hope in terms of finding some sort of life partner, I feel much better. Fuck it. I really do. Having a Scorpio rising is a whole other trip that goes with this. Tired of having to see all the way straight though and handing it to assholes who try and mess with my Pisces moon nature. LOL.
Appreciate this article very much. I’m a Leo sun (near Virgo), Pisces moon INFJ. It quite interests me how you describe the Pisces moon here. I think this sums up a large portion of my personality and the control the introverted feeling function truly has on me. The consequence of this paired with dominant Introverted Intuition is perpetually maddening. Yet, I find that I always gravitate back towards this hopeless Pisces moon Fi id function even as things go well with Fe because Fi has this allure that it holds something deeper and I know it will lead me into a state of turbulence that seems to allow me to gain new insights when I finally dig myself out. In many ways I feel it is like what the masterful INFJ musician Sufjan Stevens sings in his song “I Want to Be Well:”
“Did I go at it wrong?
Did I go intentionally to destroy me?
I’m suffering in noise I’m suffering in (touching ordinary bodies)
The burning from within the burning from with (ordinary hysteria)
I could not be at rest, I could not be at peace (extraordinary hysteria)”
Another thing I would like to ask about is do you think the moon sign, being related to the subconscious, can cause someone of a certain mbti to gravitate more towards a specific function? I ask this because even as I engage my Fe with other people and it causes things to go smoothly I will find myself closing off and staring out a window just going deep into an Ni state where I am running through and analyzing things in my life including visuals in my head of dramatic scenes that represent things which I feel are subconscious in nature and are colored by the other introverted functions (but especially Fi.) This seems to me to be much like the state of “staring into the ethersphere” as you mention above. Essentially what I am saying is despite the fact that Fe does me a lot of good in making me calm, do you think there are INFJs for whom this function will always be something to run away from and could astrological temperament relate to that? I understand that Ni could be seen as the reason to run away from Fe here, because I think in a pure sense Fe runs fairly contrary to the goals of Ni (Many times when I wake up early and head somewhere it is almost as if my Fe does not exist and my Ni is so powerful when I interact with others they assume I’m some deranged nihilistic INTJ.) But I raise this question about the role astrological sign could play here because I do know INFJs who REALLY gravitate to using Fe and seem to find and intimate oneness with that function, and I feel that even if I near get that, this inner pisces moon bit of me forces me to run away from it.
Another thing I would like to ask about is do you think the moon sign, being related to the subconscious, can cause someone of a certain mbti to gravitate more towards a specific function?
Yes, any placement in the astrological birth chart can emend the MB type towards another direction. The Moon placement can do it, but, this has nothing to do with it being subconscious, but rather because the Moon is one of the three most important positions in the birth chart (along with Sun and Ascendant). If an INFJ had a Libra Moon, that would be very dissimilar to the implied Scorpio/Pisces Moon this type possesses, and so would emend some of the emotional depth of the INFJ towards the relative emotional detachment of the ENTP type. Libra is the implied Moon position of the ENTP.
Is your Pisces Moon in the first 15 degrees of the sign or the latter 15 degrees?
Thanks for your response. That makes sense…I’m interested to learn more about how each cognitive function correlates to moon signs.
With respect to the question about my moon I went to a different website to calculate it and this time it told me I have a Virgo moon at 4 degrees as opposed to the Pisces moon (without degrees) another site had given me. I’m not sure what site to consider reputable but tells me I’m aquarius rising, leo sun, and virgo moon which surprised me since I related to previous descriptions of Pisces moons I had seen.
Thanks again for your time. This site is incredible and reading your articles has certainly helped me understand the cognitive functions and specifically how the dominant and auxiliary functions play together.
I’m not sure what site to consider reputable but tells me I’m aquarius rising, leo sun, and virgo moon which surprised me since I related to previous descriptions of Pisces moons I had seen.
I would be surprised if anyone of the INFJ temperament did not relate to a description of the Pisces Moon the way it is generally described. I assign Scorpio and the first 15 degrees of Pisces to the id position of INFJ (implied Moon position more or less). The Scorpio Moon is “normative” id for INFJ, the Pisces Moon is “exceptional” or “deep” id for INFJ.
The Piscean version of Fi id for INFJ can basically be heard throughout the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of The Moon as well as epitomized by the title. The Pisces Moon for INFJ is basically their “dark side of the moon”.
The Scorpio Moon is more their visible side of the Moon, so to speak.
Use to calculate your astrological chart. It’s free and they have the best software for doing so. You can trust their calculations.
“Seinfeld has a Pisces moon”
What does this mean? Is that from his date of birth? I’m probably asking a dumb question.
Yes, that means he was born while the Moon was actually in Pisces. All the people I mention in this article were born on the actual Pisces Moon.
Born with sun and moon under Pisces sign, with the moon in 25-26 degrees, according to what you state in your comment, iam supposed to be intuitive Fe user, yet iam a confirmed INFP (no doubt anymore). What do you think about this anomaly? Or maybe did I just misunderstand your statement (iam no expert in astrology)?
Anyway, This article is insightful, original, and entertaining
Pardon my so so English btw
And also forgive me for the lack of compliment and flattery.
You didn’t not flatter me (love double negatives). You said this article was insightful, original, and entertaining. That’ll suffice. 🙂
Anyway, no position in your astrological birth chart determines what your Myers-Briggs type will be. It however will emend your innate type in the direction of the influences of your birth chart.
So, if you were an INFP born with a lot of Fe type influences in the birth chart it will simply make you a more Fe intensive INFP.
Any Myers-Briggs type can and will have to use all functions at some point in their existence. An INFP can use Fe. They can use Te. They can use Se. It’s just that they’d prefer not to use any of those things. Actually, Fe is not something an INFP is necessarily against. They often appreciate people that can put them in a heavy climate of Fe.
It’s more Se and Ti that an INFP loathes.
At any rate, if your birth chart shows a lot of influences that aren’t in accord with your natural temperament, you will have a more difficult life.
But, perhaps, also a more well-rounded one too.
Hope that clears things up. The chart does not determine what your innate (inborn) temperament will be. It qualifies and emends it and also shows the things that temperament will have to come into contact with in one way or another. The birth chart often shows one’s environment.
I think being an INFP with a double Pisces influence gels pretty well with that temperament.
Also, INFPs are one of the most adaptable temperaments around. It is an easily impressed and conditioned temperament, which is more to the point in some of the problems the INFP is likely to encounter.
Well, they seem adaptable until you get to know them deep enough and then you realize that they are very stubborn and very adamant about many things.
OK, awaiting more compliments. Until then, send money. 🙂
I recently stumbled upon your articles and immediately subscribed. I’ve spent the last 5 hours pouring over everything related to INFJs. Thank you for such valuable insight.
I read both articles “INFJ Woman in Love” and “Pisces Moon”. As an INFJ woman I found elements of both to be eerily accurate. I do have a Pisces moon (Aries sun). So besides being majorly screwed (maybe pun intended) in the pursuit of romance does the Pisces moon temper or tone down the Scorpio influence?
Honestly I’ve only found the depth and intensity I prefer with INFJ men (preferably with a strong hand). All other types seem shallow in comparison and sooner or later the luster disappears and then I can cut the cord. It’s still painful, but the endings were bearable unlike the ending of the INFJ pairings which were like overcoming an addiction – so much more intense and debilitating. How does the Pisces moon manipulate these preferences?
So besides being majorly screwed (maybe pun intended) in the pursuit of romance does the Pisces moon temper or tone down the Scorpio influence?
Is your Pisces Moon in the first 15 degrees of the sign or the latter 15 degrees? This makes a difference because I assign the first half of any of the mutable signs (Pisces is one of the four mutable signs) to the introverted portion of it’s respective element/function and the the latter half of the mutable sign to the extraverted portion.
If you had the first half of Pisces Moon, it would emphasize introverted feeling function, if the latter, it would emphasize the extraverted feeling function. All signs of the water element are assigned to the feeling function used in Myers-Briggs/Jungian typology.
I don’t know that either one would tone down the Scorpio influence. It is more likely a sign like Libra (or Aries for that matter) would do that. Or Gemini. Or basically any sign that is not of the water element.
However, in the INFJ psychology, I have written that Fe for them is their magical solution to the problems caused by having an Fi id, and Fi is represented by Scorpio and the first half of Pisces.
If you had a first half of Pisces Moon, then that would emphasize the INFJ id position of Fi, if you have the latter, it would emphasize the Fe auxiliary function of Fe, which is expressive and universalizing and basically moving the stagnant waters of Scorpio into motion. And for an INFJ moving those waters is a good thing because in their unbalance they have a tendency to sit in them and stew and ferment and feel bad and feel all the pain of everything.
So, Fe Pisces is basically the antidote to this, to move those deep and congealed emotions into external expression via a feeling medium. That is their cure to the way they experience Fi within the economy of their psyche.
Thank you for your prompt response. You, sir are a prince!!!!
I look forward to more of your eye opening, soul stunning insight.
O, why thank you dear lady 🙂
You just may be a genius…I picked up my pen again (after suffering from a recent romantic failure).
It was so cathartic; I was able to purge so much of the pain. It’s like a fog being lifted. Thank you again!!!!
I really enjoy your writing style, very unique for astrology hahah. I have moon in pisces, sun in Gemini and Libra rising Yayyy!! ENFP 🙂 I love being in love and I hate it.. I know what Im getting myself into…. if it wont take me to the lowest levels of my psychie, at least for a few days, I dont want it. Those lows and highs it’s when my best poetry surface to reality and I very much enjoy it. But it also reminds me of my near death, and it takes me through existential crisis…. it’s fascinating. When I go through severe stress, I just unplug myself from the world…. it sometimes might be a bit scary… is it dissociative personality? hahah interesting stuff
I could feel myself through your expression. i commend you for being able to be a conduit for that energy, its a strange existence having a sun in Leo and a moon in Pisces expression; for myself(let alone being a 7 too). i empty out and eternity fills all my spaces; then my sensitivity follows the songs of existence. if I’m unbalanced its either the sun set ablaze or the haunted void, never a little here or there.
your exactly right about the perception of death as well; i got chills seeing another expressing that. the thought of fading away into the time-less ever presence without a word is intoxicating. yet there is a unknown light and a vibrational force of purpose that keeps my “focus” in this apparent experience . most of the time its rather annoying. id rather “be” than be in the false pretense of an existence called “life”.
cherish your awareness
I love this. I love everything about this. I felt you so much, your writing, your voice, etc. Are you a Pisces Moon too? Haha. But seriously, this was beautiful and I’d tend to agree with most of your points.
I think another commenter pointed out the sense of humor thing – I’d tend to disagree, a Pisces Moon such as myself gets a big kick out of mostly silly and ridiculously funny things (not like, stand up comedy humor, more like, slapstick or goof stoner humor, lol). But having a sense of humor and relying on it especially in times of deep despair is imperative when you’re constantly sucking up other people’s shit and not even realizing it, until you come home at the end of the day and need to roll up and pour one before things get even worse.
Anywho.. I’m so happy I found your site, thank you <3
This is the best description ever about Pisces Mooners.
I have a Pisces Moon, a Pisces Rising and a Scorpio Venus, oh, and I’m also an INFP.
Sometimes I feel so much so much so much that it is like I’m feeling all the joy from all the lovers in the universe, and also all the pain and all the fucking shit there is out there to be felt. It’s so crazy. You go outside and everything is wonderful, the trees, oh the trees, look at that, they are so awesome, and I’m standing on planet Earth right now, a planet, do you understand how nonsense is that? Life is so mind blowing all the time. And then you look at your face in the mirror and you know you are not that meat, no. You know you are some giant sacred thing and that meat is just the door. You open, you enter. Everyone is mixed inside in a cosmic hot soup and your mind is everyone’s mind too. Fuck.
Amazing article! I’m a ISTP female with a well developed Ni, 5w4 and with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Pisces [3th house] and Capricorn Rising.
I wonder how stranger is this combination
[sorry for any error, I’m not an English native speaker]
Pisces would be the sign least likely to be developed in an ISTP type. So, yes, a bit strange for that temperament, but, it would balance it out too. That’s the upside.
Such a heart breaking, heart wrenching, heart punching (you get the idea) article that I have ever read on a Pisces moon. It made me feel sorry for my pool ol’ pisces moon self. I am a Gemini with a Pisces moon, so I’m not as emotional. I’m very lighthearted and easy going overall (ENFJ); however, when I go into an existential crisis, my Pisces moon will be there to exacerbate things. The bit of November Rain rings true to me. That song drowns me in what Axl must have been feeling when he wrote that song, and makes me long for that kind of love. Thanks Blake! You have a true talent on how to perfectly describe something so intangible and abstract.
i’m a pisces sun, moon, venus, and enfp. just found your blog and just wanted to say that it made me cry, but it’s a good thing. you pinned it completely.
Crying and laughing at the same time.
Awake the whole night n going through your article at morning 6:11.
Crying because i recently broke up with what i assumed to be the Mr.Right of my life!
And laughing as your statements are hella right on point…helping me to ease myself.
Right now I am in an escape mode as I dont wanna deal with the fact that i was the dumper and that he is still hurt real bad!
But the relationship was toxic so with loads of guts i ended it, even if i still love him dearly n passionately.
My bad….being a pisces moon suck….as i love and hate myself all together….feel like dissolving in water or elavating up in the sky to reach the Almighty.
Moon in pisces female, kill me, dont bother im already dead inside, the world is sad, no one to love, poor me im all alone drowning, too much emotion for one person, never ending depression, i do amazing art work and jewelery but i do it alone. Making a connection with some one is impossible. A forced life of solitude, traped in my head im already dead
Are you an INFJ?
Reading your words again and again, I wished I could reach you and hug you. Just because….
This taste of agony is something I know.
When life has me feeling like a fish splashing pathetically on the beach, trying to survive, I come back to read this.
It gives me permission to feel sorry for myself for a bit before the truth in your words slaps me across the face a few times to remind me of reality.
“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.” – Edgar Allan Poe
~ENFP, Scorpio Sun & Ascendant with Pisces moon 28°.
I have a Pisces Moon and ASC and I feel more Pisces than Pisces Suns. They seem more detached, more happy somehow. Then again I’m a Scorpio sun + scorp stellium, and tbh I struggle to feel happiness. Not to sound emo. Well, nvm too late. Shelley is my favorite poet. I write poetry and fantasize about intentionally drowning.
You is hard on Pisces Moons. You gotta lotta Taurus in you?
Am I hard on Pisces Moons or do I have a hard on for Pisces Moons?
What does having a lot of Taurus have to do with having a hard on for Pisces Moons?
dunno who you are and how i’m here but i want to marry you. i’m just your typical pisces moon after all.
Great and insightful article.
I am Pisces sun (24°59′) and moon (1°43′) and INFP enneagram 1w9. Why do peoples even wonder why I score so high on depression and anxiety do they even have to test that lol? I’m both confused and upset about it. What do they even teach you at psychology schools these days? Don’t you already know we’re the damned. Lost souls. Love sponges. Sirens of the darkest seas craving for the darkest abyss of universal love black color version…uh wait.
When peoples tell me I’m good in creative writings and in metaphors I just want to reply something similar to “Like that puddle on the road I will eventually dry out and die.” Meh. Gallow humor. My therapist don’t even smile at my bs. I wonder why. Probably Pisces Moon too, but on the serious side.
“Leaving the building without a word”, what for? We’re only a bunch of emotions which somehow end up in the control of a body, forced in the emptiness of exisence in which we are forced to act instead of just being. That body is mimicking other humans to act like it is expected to (but somehow don’t process datas well and don’t act like expected and now we’re the weirdos and you’re mean). We can’t conform but that doesn’t mean we won’t try in order of getting some social interactions. So we can melt and stimulate the ball of emotions that is our true being (or un-being? I wonder sometimes. Because I’m half serious). We’re often perceived as cold and probably crazy because we can jump from blank fish expression to a burst of emotions nobody seems to have expected. We’re perpetual strangers, unseen by many. Do peoples even see we’re not there anymore? Were we there in the first place? What is even existence? Bitch I only drank coffee and it’s only 7pm and I’m already questionning the meaning of life. What did you do you fool? How my insomnia is supposed to be spent now?
As for love, this concept exist in many shades. I am 20 on my ID card (yeah yeah Love Darkness Sorrow O PAIN and more Darkness etc etc age) but do I even age? Can you age when you aren’t in the physical realm? I often think about peoples I care for instead of contacting them via FB or just calling them. Those who don’t know me think I don’t care, the others know that trying to catch me is like trying to catch the wind because I’m only thoughts after all. When I see myself in the mirror, I don’t recognize me and when I project myself into the future I can’t see what I look like. Because emotions and thoughts don’t have body. They’re not material unless you use them to craft something (which I’m bad at except when it comes to write long posts of rambling nobody will ever read like this one). Fun part is that I once read a folk (I’m Breton btw) song from my peoples from two centuries ago. It was about a woman who was sooooo eager to die because O Pain O Sorrow O God Call Me At You Already So I Can Smell The Flowers of Heaven Garden With Jesus By My Side Etc Etc and I laugh again thinking about it because that’s probably the most stereotypical/comic-dramatic thing one could say about INFP with Pisces moon and it wasn’t even caricatural. It was very serious. I’m disappointed nobody already made a meme of it already because nobody know of Bretons peoples *woe tear of patriotism*.
I usually find this kind of stereotypes about smol and nice and pure and depressed INFP/Pisces annoying but at the same time I find them kind of funny. Like I find funny to wake up at 2am because I feel presence of spiders in the room (Eh. My father thought I was paranoid and just stupid about it but nonetheless I always find one of those thick brown/black ones casually walking on my ceiling when it happens. My mother is also quite talented to hear them when they’re trying to mate. -I was about to say date but I thought about the dinner part so…uh I’m rambling again, I am? My cosmic being is prone to failure it seems) and grab the “spider’s box” to put them out.
Floating part is indeed really true for me. Like a big fish in the Ethers, or the Limbo, whatever you call it. I may also have other psychological wounds causing that tho. One of my most interesting experiences was when I spend a month working in another country with a coworker sweating ESFPness. It is a pity that so much crap is thrown at S types because I actually find ESFP great to be around. Draining, the causes of many headaches and resignated sighs but great. Though not crushing on him (ESFP+me would be a nightmarish ship anyway) I was quite fascinated by him the first day we met, because he stoped a whole group of peoples to search for me and ask me to hang with them. “I never let peoples back” he said. We had similar use of our Introverted Feelings. So different and so similar. The same but also polar opposites. We had that weird relationship. Fighting at work and yelling at each other and then covering each other ass and laughing like crazy at 3am after talking about things we nerver shared with anyone before. We weren’t even stone (*cough* > I < wasn't even stone *cough*). Kind of like dysfonctional bro-sis relationship. The fun part is the day he told me dead in the eyes that I was too squishy inside and too passive to tell peoples off (him included) when they were jerks to me. It is fun because many peoples told me I was too brutally honest, except these peoples were for most either ISFJ or enneagram 2 and I don't especially get along well with them while on the other hand I immensly value my coworker's opinion. Gifted in reading into peoples (Intuition isn't always the best). Tought by necessity, to survive and very vulnerable at the same time with a sob familial background. As you said in other articles, INFPs do have a soft spot for sob backgrounds. That guy was sometimes heartbrokenly pragmatic not in the way "he hurts my feelings" (which he did by reading too deep into me more than once but which also helped me greatly) but meaning even with the most optimistic approach he didn't have dreams or illusions about his future. A great guy, with the heart in the right place. He was Cancer btw.
I'm not in touch with him anymore and I still don't tell peoples off because I love to suffer and woe is my passion. My coping mechanism is to howl at the moon naked and to throw spiders and rotten fishes at peoples, especially if they're from the neverending club of 40yo drunkards hitting on me because 1) their tastes in beer are heretic 2) leave me alone dude. I can't handle my own shits. Let me be a drying puddle in rags preaching for a better world while punching elder women in the streets and lose my remaining sense of reality. Whoever you are, you deserve a cookie after reading all my nonsense.
I’m a Pisces moon ENTP. Now, that’s a totally conflicting personality type and head fuck. It’s taken me to the age of 33 to understand myself.
An INFJ with Cancer Sun and Pisces Moon would be one of the most sensitive individuals imaginable. For example, Kurt Cobain was an INFJ with Pisces Sun and Cancer Moon.
However, from your picture, I highly doubt you are INFJ. You look E8 ENFJ. If not that, some F type with Se-Ni axis.
What a bunch of condescending bullshit! GFY
I would but I’m too busy fucking my Pisces Moon woman.
I really want to comment on all of this but it does seem I’m the only one here. Anyway, I’m an INFJ Aries sun and pisces moon which made me a wreck when I was a kid. Feeling overload, way too sensitive and emotions all over the map. I’m only starting to balance out now that I’m in my 30’s. Now I relate to being a bit dispassionate, as well as being torn between being nice, as they naturally are, and being a sea monster themselves.’ I don’t think I’m a monster, I really want to do the right thing, and most of the time I do, but at the end of the day I’m just a tad selfish and don’t really go out of my way to help people unless I just feel guilty. Which is most of the time. But it doesn’t come out of the goodness of my heart. I was doing therapy today with a little 5 year old girl with TBI who is nonverbal, can’t walk, developmentally at the level of a 1 year old. Her mom, who has 6 kids, and works full time, comes in and says she is off to the nursing home to take her daughter to play for an elderly woman who lives there. Now that is selfless. As of yet, I haven’t done anything purely selflessly, most of the time I’m feeling sorry for myself, even though If I’m objective about it, my life is really not too bad.
I think what’s most interesting about all this is the philosophical (or more specifically the ethical) assumption that we should instinctively WANT to or ENJOY being nice/good. It seems a lot of people assume that is necessary, or even sufficient, to be considered a “nice” or good person. It’s not so obvious to me. In fact, there are many moral theories that say otherwise.
Kant is a great example. His Categorical Imperative (the second formulation), grossly oversimplified, says that we should treat ourselves and others as an end and not just a means. And that we should do so despite any naturally contradictory desires or inclinations. This means, essentially, that morality is based on RATIONALITY. Not some random gut reaction that you have no control over. So maybe we should stop beating ourselves up over our gut reactions. Maybe that “guilt” you speak of was just your rational mind figuring out the morally “right” or “good” thing to do, despite some naturally human inclinations.
In this light, doing something out of the “goodness of my heart” ALONE is highly irrational and downright selfish. Why do we praise that so much? Maybe there’s something to be said for someone’s natural inclination instinctively/luckily matching up with actions that are also rationally morally valuable. And maybe that’s what Pisces moons have?
I don’t fucking know. What I do know is that we are all HUMAN after all. And there’s a lot of rot in there. And I wish we didn’t always judge that so harshly.
It was nice reading your comments Devorah. Your rot is hot 😉
***by the fucking way, it makes me highly irritable to not be able to use italics and bold here. I’m not a fan of the aggressive nature of ALL CAPS, damnit.
Hey! Thanks for the response! Appreciate it because this place is very quiet. I am trying to understand what you wrote. Are you saying doing something out of the goodness of your heart is irrational because it is subjective .. there is no ‘test’ if it is actually a good thing or not, it’s just what we do and could be egotistical. How is this different then my own guilt, I’m only doing something because I feel guilty, and I need to assuage my guilt. Could you explain more about what you mean that your natural inclination matches up with ones that are rationally morally valuable. Who is to decide what that is, and again, how is this also not egotistical.
I guess my main point was about the separation of morality from emotions, to some degree. There is something to be said for WHY someone does the “right” or “good” thing. If someone does it only because it makes them FEEL a certain why, or simply because they just want to or are naturally inclined to do so, does not really give it any moral value. What gives it moral value…what makes it “right” or “good” is that it rationally follows from whatever defined theory is accepted. For Kant, that would mean acting in a way that treats others as ends in themselves and not just a means. For other philosophers/people it might mean something else. But whatever theory a person follows, you would hope it would be more than just thinking “this feels right”.
For example, imagine two people. One forced to be charitable growing up, and through pattern, fortune, and reinforced warm and fuzzy feelings, they continue to be a charitable person…often doing good/right/nice/“selfless” things for others. Then imagine a person raised in a difficult, poor, abusive environment which reinforces a “selfish” fend-for-yourself nature. Now imagine the 2nd person being presented with the opportunity to be charitable/good/right/nice/“selfless”…. thinking about it… and choosing to DO this “good” action. Do we or should we value that action less because it was not natural to them? I think not.
I guess another way to put it would be to argue that when making moral judgements we should utilize our thinking cognitive functions primarily, or at least in addition to our feeling cognitive functions. Or that we shouldn’t use ONLY our feeling functions in moral decisions. And maybe this would be extremely hard for someone with a Pisces moon.
Truth is, I’m just way off topic now. But was originally mostly responding to your harsh judgment on yourself for being “a tad selfish”. It’s perfectly fine (from a moral perspective) for things not to come “from the goodness of your heart” because they probably came from your rational thought instead. Which means more effort was put in. And that’s actually more meaningful in my book. Besides, if you’re an INFJ you’re doomed to be a selfish egotistical asshole anyways, so why fight it 😉 😉
I have a sag sun pisces moon psuedo-roommate that I can’t stand. I’m a aqua sun sag moon. She’s a roommate’s girlfriend and she’s ALWAYS here. She fills the fridge up with so many random tiny pieces of food. Stinky things like clumsily wrapped fish, nearly empty jars of pickled things and olives. She has such a cold aloof countenance and I hate it when she’s talking. She’s in her 30’s but sounds like a 9-year-old. She only talks about food, restaurants, and her job, which is a chef in a restaurant. I worked so hard to be friends with her for the sake of her boyfriend, but it fell apart after she accused me of stealing tiny bits of food from her. Only one was valid but it was an honest mistake but she wouldn’t accept that. In fact she wouldn’t accept 3 apologies, it’s like she needed to feel superior. She doesn’t even pay rent and contributes nothing. She always jumps into other people’s conversations and dominates them. She’s been openly rude to me for innocent things. I don’t take shit from no one so I was pretty honest with her about what I think of her (delusional, self-absorbed, snobby) and she lost it, running to her boyfriend to order me to “fix it”. She convinced him that I was comparable to a really awful former roommate and I blew up at him for even suggesting. I’ve done so much for her, helped her cook, bought gemstones from her, supported her in her endeavors. Gave her so much credit. I wish she would just go away. I’m trying to move out. She’s beyond pathetic. It’s like she needs to be in control of everyone and on top of everything or she treats you like you don’t exist. She fashions herself as fun-loving, successful, and popular, but her aura is so draining and destructive. Another friend told me he felt it too, it’s like you have to watch what you say around her. What a sad and conflicted soul. All I wanted was to be a positive influence on others but I keep running into people that are toxic to me and despite my best intentions I can’t get through.
Thank you for introducing me to astrology, Blake. I was a hardcore MBTI fan for years before discovering your website. You’ve turned me into a believer!
I’ve recently spent a lot of time analyzing my birth chart. I’m no expert, but I’m completely amazed by the similarities between the two. I’m an INFJ with a Pisces Moon, Gemini Sun, and Aries Ascendant. My Pisces Moon just so happens to fall in the 12th house. Does that have any significance? I’m a highly intuitive individual, and I’ve always been extremely sensitive to the emotional suffering of others. In some weird and twisted way I’m drawn to suffering – probably because I understand it. I cry every time I read Nietzsche. I feel like I can connect with his beautiful, tortured soul on a very deep level. But I also wonder if it has something to do with him being a Libra – my descendant falls in Libra with Pluto hovering over the descendant mark ever so slightly. Doesn’t Pluto represent healing and transformation, and your descendant (in the 7th house) represent relationships and the types of people you’re unconsciously drawn/attracted to? This probably explains why I haven’t been successful in any of my relationships. Maybe I’m unconsciously searching for people like Nietzsche, which now that I think of it, is probably setting the bar too high. But that’s INFJs for ya! Always in search of the Ultimate Relationship.
I used to consider myself a die-hard romantic, but have come to realize over the years that my idealism just isn’t real. It’s an illusion. A fantasy. Maybe it’s from too many failed relationships. Or maybe it’s from reading too much Nietzsche (the voice of reason).
I’m just curious, but what does Lilith (black moon) in Scorpio mean? I read your posting on INFJ women in love and I’m seeing a lot of similarities between the two. I’m not sure what to make of this. Ha! And the fact that this Lilith figure is also in my 7th house, it concerns me a a bit. Just another reason why I keep on failing at relationships, I guess! 😄
Currently, I am trying to find better ways of channeling my Pisces Moon instead of drinking my sorrows away, which is fun, but probably not in my best interest. It has occurred to me that maybe I need to start exercising my Fe more. I used to write a lot, but stopped a few years ago. I’m not on social media anymore either – I prefer to keep my thoughts private now. But maybe this is the way. Perhaps, I need to channel my Aries Ascendant and challenge myself by breaking through this comfy, little shell I’ve been hiding in for all these years. I need to start expressing myself more through my Fe. In a safe space, of course. Perhaps here.
I share my Aquarius sun,Pisces moon, Aquarius mercury venus, and jupiter same as Axl Rose. I often want to die. Im considered too detached unemotional but feel absolutely every thing. My mind is thinking about a million things during the day and even in my sleep. I often must isolate because i get drained too easily. I think having a Pisces moon makes life much harder its a fucking rollercoaster.
LMFAO THIS IS SOOOOOO SAVAGE!! i’m a pisces moon and yes this is mostly all true but why did you have to say it like this?????? gunna laugh a little more then lose some sleep over it