An antisocial extravert? Huh? OK, calm down. This is not actually all that new an idea. To give you some idea of what I’m getting at, I’d ask you to go back in time to around the Greeks in their more golden age. They had come up with 4 basic temperaments, which they called humors: […]
Extraverts Aren’t Necessarily Social
Many people that I would consider an extraverted Myers-Briggs type aren’t social. I began to notice this with the ENFJ temperament (particularly the one falling at enneatype 8). Yet, in the popular consciousness, the traits of extraversion seem inextricably linked to a certain liking for social interaction. I’m going to challenge this firmly entrenched truism […]
The Inescapable Subjectivity of Astrology and Myers-Briggs
I would like to talk about the inherently subjective element in Astrology and Temperament Theory (of which Myers-Briggs is one example). A good part of the reason this site exists is to redress some of the imbalances caused by looking for one’s personality or temperament in the astrological chart. There has always been an x-factor […]
A Political Definition of Introverted Feeling (As a Reaction to Te)
I think one of the best ways to define the introverted feeling function of Myers-Briggs is as a reaction to extraverted thinking mandates, which are often political in nature. Ironically, introverted feelers are often the very type that keeps the system going, but, when power oversteps its boundaries too much, these very people are often […]
Donald Trump: Into The Lightning Dream
Donald Trump. What can I possibly say about him? Well, I’ve been more or less thinking about him for a week. Please note that I did not vote in this election, and moreover, I paid no attention to any of the campaign speeches, news coverage, or anything of the like. I have reasons for this […]
Introverted Feeling Themes
Herein comprises a set of notes I made on the weighty subject of introverted feeling. In other words, run for your fucking lives! Or better yet, sign up for a Starling subscription so you can read them. I know…choices, choices.
Got a Problem? Get a Program.
Computers exist to solve problems. Inasmuch as you are a computer, your Myers-Briggs temperament indicates the particular problem to be solved and the type of solution that you are best engineered to provide to that problem. So, by these lights, the basic problem of any temperament is the cognitive function that falls in the inferior […]
A CPU Doesn’t Know What To Do…
Find out which of the Myers-Briggs functions I associate with the CPU of a computer. This is Part 2 of the article If You Were A Computer (both articles are for Starling subscribers). Sign up for a Starling subscription and find out what’s going down in motherboard town!
If You Were A Computer…
Hi my little microchips! How are you whirring today? So, I got a neat little analogy to explain how most (if not all) of the Myers-Briggs function positions work in any given type (dominant function, auxiliary function, tertiary etc). The computer is probably the most advanced thing humans have ever built and I have a […]
Got Perception? (What’s Your Aperture?)
Hey there Starlings. So, I’ve been thinking about this concept I came up with known as aperture. Aperture indicates the degree of openness to an entity of perception. I suppose the best way to think about perception is to use the analogy of the human eye or the lens of a camera. For some reason, […]
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