The primary difference between an ENTP and an ENTJ is that ENTPs are party animal scientists and ENTJs are heavy-hitting motherfuckers that you don’t want to fuck with. It is easy to spot the difference between the two types when you know what to look for. Some famous ENTPs: George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Douglas Adams […]
Beatles Myers-Briggs Types
OK, here’s the thing with this. People have totally fucked up with these Beatles attributions to Myers-Briggs types. I see Lennon listed as an INFP a lot and that is just so far off. You know what a mean and dirty bastard Lennon was? Lennon is not an INFP because INFPs are nice people, some […]
How would you like it if I tightrope walk on your tits? Or your dick? Or your ass? Hey, I’m flexible baby. Man, women, god, child. It’s all the same to me. O, yes, we were going to talk about the difference between INTJ and ENTJ. OK, if you really wanna know, the way to […]
Obama’s Myers-Briggs Type is Declassified
O yes, Obama is a tricky cat to type. But, luckily due to my vast experience in matters of typing I know how to avoid the serious delays that can be caused by over-analysis of these things. First of all, what I know is this. If someone is difficult to type, they are probably an […]
Pisces Moon: Kill Me, What do I Care?
Here is the super Pisces. O these poor tragic lost and beautiful souls. They wither and they wag and they wax ecstatic and then they die. Everything sends them to the mortuary of existence. Anything. Your poor-souled comment, your loud boot heels, your look of unkindness. Don’t even try. You make Pisces Moon want to […]
INFJ in Disarray: Tertiary Ti
Work fast. I was reading a book on experimental drawing yesterday and this maxim is what resonated with me as the antidote to the INFJ lock into their tertiary introverted thinking. The person writing the book said when she had students that one of the exercises was to make 40 drawings in 3 hours. She […]
What’s it like to be an Extravert?
Do you wanna know what it’s like to be an extravert? First thing, don’t think. Be a cool drink walking down the street. Take no double meanings. And don’t think. Take it as it is, in the now, be a house-flower-power-plant. Don’t freeze up. Let go of the tension. Extraverts are loose. They don’t see […]
Introverted Feeling vs. Extraverted Feeling
The main difference between these two bedeviled dogs is that introverted feeling is unexpressive and extraverted feeling is expressive. Jung says that introverted feeling appears cold upon first appearance in a person that has it dominant, usually women, which isn’t true. There are just as many men that have introverted feeling as a dominant function […]
Zodiac Sign of Cancer: fLuck You
The zodiac sign of Cancer is extremely romantic in the true sense of that word. No-holds barred romanticism. The kind of romanticism that makes an exemplar of the scientific temperament such as Albert Einstein say, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Cancers are extremely sensitive to everything. Everything affects them acutely in the moment. Pisces, […]
ISTJ: The Poet of Nay
Don’t put that there. Hold the cup like this. You are doing that wrong. You can’t do that. Don’t. No. Wrong. Sound pleasant? Sound fun? No? Well, let me introduce you to this cup of laughs. ISTJs. I don’t know what they are good for, which is ironic because they are the most useful of […]
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