Now that you have closed your computer and internet connection, you are now in some kind of local environment. If it is yours, then it is time to begin to see if it is an area that resonates with you. Basically, it is important for INFJs to have a space that is theirs and to […]
INFJ: Curbing Information Addiction
This article will discuss the introverted thinking (Ti) tertiary function of INFJ and how their extraverted feeling (Fe) auxiliary function is often bypassed to engage in an indefinite search for some magical piece of information that will solve the puzzle. This search is largely illusory and fruitless for INFJs who instead need to engage the […]
INFJ: What is Fe? Ask Te.
One of the best ways I know of to explain extraverted feeling is to compare it with extraverted thinking. These two comprise what are known as the extraverted judging functions. What is Extraverted Judgment? Linear/time-oriented. Functions that operate over time and with reference to objectives in external world. Seek closure and organization in outer environment. […]
INFJ: Got Flow?
What is flow? Flow is the opposite of knowing. And so I tell INFJs, “Flow, and be willing not to know.” But, what does this mean? Well, many people of all types will bypass their auxiliary function in order to get at their tertiary function. In the INFJ type, this amounts to bypassing auxiliary extraverted […]
INFJ: Fe is Magic!
If an INFJ ever wanted to magically solve all their problems, which stem from the four areas of Se, Ti, Fi, and Te, their extraverted feeling auxiliary is the magical bullet that will miraculously cure all their ills. If they would simply turn it on. But, INFJs often don’t because of the mysterious nature of […]
And The ENFP of the Dead-at-27 Club is…
Every once in a while there will be a really cool ENFP that jumps out of the woodwork and redeems all the other sell-out false desperation ENFPs (hipsters hanging outside of coffee shops asking for change). So, in the case of the three dead-at-27 motherfuckers (and motherfuckesses) I alluded to in the previous article on […]
ENFP: Hippy, Hipster, Hypocrite
OK, it’s going to get ugly and I can’t help it. I have a beef with ENFPs collectively. And I tend to see ENFPs as a collective. Coincidence? I think not. Now, it is common parlance in the Myers-Briggs community that ENFPs are these peaceful, loving, and cheerful souls who want nothing but the best […]
The Zebrification of MBTI
I have seen a lot of contention abounding in Myers-Briggs communities about what is or isn’t correct about a type based on a description of that type, but the bottom-line is how does anyone know if it is correct or not? In order to know this you would have had to find a way to […]
What is a Myers-Briggs Type Really?
Hello tree dwellers. You know how everyone in the Myers-Briggs community just throws those four letter type codes around; INFJ, INTP, ESTP, ENFP etc. People get very talky about these four-letter codes. Almost so that we can’t hear them anymore. And O, the arguments that ensue about which type does what things and so on. […]
Why Type People?
All people type others. So, we can cut the holier-than-thou protestations about the limitations imposed on people’s natures by doing such a thing. Yes, it is limiting but limitation has its place. Just think if everything were infinite and eternal. How would you make it to the kitchen in the morning? If you considered every […]
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