This article starts out discussing stereotyping and how Myers-Briggs culture does stereotyping in psychological realm.
Is stereotyping inherently bad or are oversimplified (or inaccurate stereotypes (summations) bad?)
This question is applied to the situation of my last series of articles and the way I noticed that ISTP tends to be seen from comments. So, I discuss why I think ISTP suffers from oversimplification as a stereotype.
I defend my attribution of ISTP to Jodie Foster from last article and why even though she may not ultimately be an instance of this type, the first impression that one forms of a given individual is important.
I touch on Judgment vs. Perception and suggest remaining more open to further impressions rather than being so quick to label someone as a type and then be done with them. It is more interesting to see a person’s reasoning for how they arrived at that answer, whether it is ultimately right or wrong.
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I’d say this article is worth the price of admission alone!
There is even some INFJ references in the article.
I know, it’s hard to resist 🙂
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