Now that you have closed your computer and internet connection, you are now in some kind of local environment. If it is yours, then it is time to begin to see if it is an area that resonates with you. Basically, it is important for INFJs to have a space that is theirs and to do something dynamic with that space.
Assuming that this is your space, take a look around it and begin to notice the objects and colors in that space. Are these objects of the shapes you like? Are the colors one’s that you like? Is there a general unity of objects and colors? Does the space as a whole have a pleasing effect on you? How does this space make you feel?
Here are some feeling choices: light, heavy, airy, constricted, tight, uplifted, joyous, dark, dreary, and so on. For INFJs, due to their ability to make things complex where they need not be, confine your choice of feeling to one word – whatever word comes to your head first will suffice.
Now, ask yourself what feeling you would like to be evoked from this space. How would you like to feel in this space vs. how you currently feel? If they match up, great. If they don’t, or there is a wide enough discrepancy, then get on your knees and start scrubbing. It’s time to change the space or color scheme.
Work With What You Got
Because you are an INFJ, you are liable to feel totally lost and hopeless in where to begin in this enterprise of changing what exists in local space and time. You may feel that you need things that are not presently there. You don’t have the money, you don’t have the time to research what to buy. Etc. In other words, it will never get done because it requires impossible conditions for it to occur.
No, none of that. It’s really quite simple. Whatever you have now, work with that. If it’s your bedroom, then start with bed placement. The bedroom is arguably the most important room in a house and the bed is the most important object in that room. If all you have is a bedroom in a house or apartment, then, it is that much more important.
So, the bed placement is arguably (per Feng-Shui principles. I’m not just coming up with this shit) the most important object to align correctly in an abode of some sort. Why? Because it is the object that you spend a good deal of time on, in what is known as a sleep mode (which is where I hope your computer is a good deal of the time). Sleep is very important, though, new scientific studies come out all the time assuring us that we can survive on less and less sleep and get more and more things done in the time we are awake. Yes, we can have less downtime and more uptime. Like servers in cyberspace. We can be machines that never sleep.
Well, truth is that we need about eight hours of restful sleep per night. It may sound stupid, but, it is true. Do you want to know one of the objects that assures you that you will not receive 8 hours of restful sleep a night? A computer screen and staring into for good portions of your uptime during the day.
Do you notice how science wants us to be more like machines and how people are referred to in machine terms such as “uptime”?
So, sleep child. And sleep like a god on the summits of Mount Olympus. Sleep like a sports champion from another golden age that we are so far from.
Bed. Important object.
If you could just get this placement right, you might be surprised how much falls into place around it. And should. You see, we have done something important. We have assigned a priority to the objects in the bedroom. And we have assigned this priority based on the subjective factor of the needs of subjects (you) to receive restorative slumber. If you aren’t sleeping well, the rest of the uptime of your waking life may be an uphill battle. And for INFJ types, who are always receiving impulse after livid impulse, who are always being assailed and shocked by each new data stream from the environment (local or otherwise), it is very important for them to have a time and place where this isn’t happening. At all. The bedroom is this place. Check out this Feng Shui book for the rules of auspicious bed placement (among other things).
There are some very refreshingly simple rules to follow for good bed placement. Which narrows down the possibilities considerably. Which is good for INFJs who were thinking of every position and placement as a viable possibility. That’s INFJs for you. Consider every possibility and then give up at the futility of the whole endeavor. Maybe the ceiling would be a good place for the bed or maybe right outside my window. Yes, and then I’ll go live in a Dr. Seuss tree by the side of the road.
You see what insomnia does to your poor INFJ mind?
No, there are usually few optimal placements for a bed in a room. For one thing you shouldn’t put it on the same path as the door into the room. You shouldn’t put it by a window. You shouldn’t put it right up against the wall. These positions are all bad for the flow of chi. If you want to learn more about the flow of chi, then get that book I recommended. It has some very simple and effective things you can do to break up the space in bedroom. And all rooms of a house. Chi is a very simple and uniform concept. It basically approximates what I mean by “flow” and has a lot to do with extraverted feeling. I would even go so far as to say that Feng-Shui is an extraverted feeling art. The principles of Feng-Shui are organized around affinities rather than functionality. Functionality follows from what you like and what is in accord with you. Can’t be very functional if the space you are living in is not in accord with you. If your bed is placed wrong for you, then you will always be getting up on the wrong side of the bed and from the very start you will be in a bad mood.
Other Objects About You
So, what else is dwelling in your space? It is all the stuff of your life. It is important. What surrounds you on a consistent basis? Again, people of the INFJ type are likely to be largely oblivious to this because they spend so much time in their private fantasy worlds. But, the inner reflects the outer just as the outer reflects the inner, the latter of which is a principle many INFJs will likely know about. But, the former may not be as obvious to them.
Basically, you are sending yourself signals all the time by the condition of your outer space. Now, INFJs like to live inside themselves as much as possible and that is fine and dandy. But, since they also inhabit some local space-time environment by virtue of being physically incarnate, this assumes a great deal of importance too. I mean, if you were dead it wouldn’t. But, until then, you are going to be doing this inhabiting in physical space. And likely surrounded by objects of some sort on a consistent basis.
What are those objects? O my god! Those dreaded objects. They still exist.
Now, again, don’t get all complicated about it. But, kindly note what the general effect of these habitual objects is by general feeling tone on your organism, psyche etc. In other words, do you like it or not?
The feeling function is about as simple as that. Do I like x or do I not like x?
If you like the general tenure of these habitual objects, if you are happy with their general conglomeration, then cool, you are good. You may want to ask yourself what it is about the general conglomeration that you like for future purposes. But, for now, you are just identifying if it is a problem of some sort.
If you don’t like the general conglomeration of these habitual objects, then, ask yourself why. And as I said earlier, note the one-word feeling that it gives you.
We are basically looking for the predominant feeling tone that these arrangements of objects give you. To engage the extraverted feeling flow I talk about you have to first be able to identify what it is that you like or don’t. And that can be difficult because we have been so conditioned in today’s day and age to not place reliance or priority on what we truly like. The thinking function is in its ascendancy in this age of science and technology and people’s likes and dislikes are being subtly undermined in an effort to make them accord more with machine living.
Functionality. Usefulness. Maximizing uptime and minimizing downtime. Connectivity. Always be connected. Don’t miss out on the newest information. Because we are always updating. New reports are coming out all the time. What was true yesterday may not be true today.
You can see why people in this culture get so frazzled and dismal. Well, we are not machines. We have incalculable desires. We need sleep. We need dreams. We need to wake up and have peace.
So, take the time to look around your local environment. Notice it. Consider it important. Now. Work with what you have. Now. Keep it simple. The placement of one thing can make a difference.
Your bed is important. Try to minimize the use of electronic devices in the bedroom, but, especially in your bed. If you do one thing new, stop using the computer in your bed. It’s that simple. If you have it in your bedroom, that’s fine, but try to maximize the distance between the bed and it. When you are in your bed, truly be in your bed. Make the bed the beginning of all that is to come. Make it a sacred place. It is where you are with you and your dreams.
Power down your electronic devices at night before you go to bed. Do not be on them right before you are about to go to sleep. Do not read on the internet right before you are about to go to sleep. Rather, lie there in the darkness (or relative darkness) and read what is inside you. Tune in with yourself again.
If you have a flow fountain, this would be the time to turn it on. Have it beside your bed somewhere and listen to the sound of babbling water. When you wake up, take the time to be at peace. Don’t wake up and immediately go rushing into some activity. This is setting yourself up for failure and frustration. Give yourself some extra time in the morning to do nothing. Allow yourself the luxury of doing nothing. Dwell in your space. If this is a problem for you, then you may need to go to bed earlier. You need to make this type of shit a priority. It may sound stupid and trite, but, that is because we live in a culture of madness. We are expected to be up and functioning from the very start. We don’t have time to be useless or to dwell in our own space.
The truth is that we don’t have time not to. It is the stuff of our lives. It is important. Have the courage to fight cultural conditioning and live in accord with your own rhythms. It is from these rhythms that you will craft your best contributions. You can’t know what they are until you allow yourself the luxury to tune into them on a consistent basis.
The internet will not allow you to tune into them by the very nature of the medium.
Return to the primacy of colors, shapes, and objects. You were a child once and the wisdom of who you are is still contained there. Favorite toys. Favorite games. Propensities. You were at play and allowed to play.
Again, allow yourself the freedom to play. It is from play that an INFJ will offer their best contributions. But, that spirit has been lost. From the world. And now children are increasingly being robbed of the simple play of their childhood. Because they have to be prepared to get into the best schools. There is no time to waste. Younger and younger. It is never too early to start getting ready for THE WORLD.
Well, yes it is. And not only that, adults need to return to the world of play. The INFJ must return to this world. We are too young. And we always will be for this procedure. It is not a question of age, but of the spirit of that age. No spirit = no world. At least not one worth living in.
More next time on the spirit of play.
Previous articles in INFJ Fe Solutions series (in chronological order):
INFJ: Fe is Magic
INFJ: Got Flow
INFJ: What is Fe? Ask Te.
INFJ: Curbing Information Addiction
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I really like this.
I like this, so far, because both my greatest realizations and flaws are acknowledged in tandem: the sense that I never have enough for the “right” feeling.
My studio is very small. I mean, I have had to build my own kitchenette. This leads to me thinking, “what *really* belongs in a kitchenette??” Enter freak out. Most large major cities, but NYC & I have learned London, are particulalry ruthless in facilitating a quality of life for people who have roommates, & when you’re on your own… You constantly feel as if you are walking the plank.
I settled on a mini fridge, toaster oven, slow cooker, dual hot plate, and a couple of nonstick skillets. Obviously I also have plate ware & cutlery because I don’t live in the wild, @ least not technically. NYC can fool you very easily though.
These all are all things I had no concept of. I remember going to this store called Deals and being so excited about the low-priced canned foods. I got home, fully equipped with my appliances & ready to eat, only to realize… I didn’t own a fucking can opener!! Ha! Like what? Why is there just, like, not a can opener? This is America!! I was so mad, hahaha.
Like it or not, lists must play a role. I have gotten back into the habit of carrying a notebook in my purse so I can stay on top of these fine details. The hardest part is not berating and belittling myself over the fact that, something as silly as a can opener to open canned food, gets so easily overlooked. I feel my mind, I see my guitar hanging on the wall, & fall into an orbit of hope that everything will fall into place beyond those crevices for which I am the sole key holder.
I have since procured a can-opener.
‘Like it or not, lists must play a role. I have gotten back into the habit of carrying a notebook in my purse so I can stay on top of these fine details. The hardest part is not berating and belittling myself over the fact that, something as silly as a can opener to open canned food, gets so easily overlooked. I feel my mind, I see my guitar hanging on the wall, & fall into an orbit of hope that everything will fall into place beyond those crevices for which I am the sole key holder.’
Damn Alexandria, reading you feels like we were twins once separated at birth. Lol! I couldn’t help myself! Had to say it. Only i don’t have a guitar hanging on my wall, ya and i don’t drink water often to keep my voice pitch perfect.
Alexandria. Damn. I have been there.
Side note — do you prefer living alone vs with roommates? Why or why not? I’ve gone back and forth about it and I now have another opportunity to move to a new space…
Hello Michelle! 🙂
I, ultimately, prefer being on my own. Although this is my first time actually living alone, this has forced me to acquire the minimal necessities, whereas roommate situations lets me languish. Who thinks about can openers and coffee makers when moving into someone else’s place? I needed that stress. I have come to appreciate being ready, as it has bled into the parts of my life that give me life at all: always having a spare set of guitar strings; always keeping my voice healthy by ensuring I have a bottle of water so I stay hydrated; always keeping money on my metrocard lol. Stupid shit!
I feel like I treat myself like a child sometimes, and that really gets me down. I should be better than that, though, right? I just keep working. I have found that lately, I don’t get lost in “who am I?” But, “why must I be like this?” Self loathing. I just grit through. This is how I operate, for now. I’m still figuring this out, just like you 🙂
This is really great stuff. This is actually first time I’ve felt the need to leave a comment on a site. So yay. The writing is all colourful and pungent and I totally love the subject matter, which given that I’m infj almost feels like my starch and sunlight. Also I would totally absolutely donate given the quality of the content but I’m a poor and 18, and that in a third world nation. So anyways. I have a couple of questions.
First. How does someone in the niti loop unwind it in practical terms. You’d tell me to express myself, use my fe, I get that. Expressing myself facially feels like acting, feels fake. Writing with the flow thing always feels a bit incomplete, like you have a tornado for a pen and you’re only letting the tip make any impact but then that’s how its meant to be with writing and I’ve accepted that. BUT I cannot be writing all the time. Real life. Practical terms Blake. Like should I just not think at all? What is thinking? Is it an internal monologue. Is it analyzing things?
[Itsy bitsy scatterbrained bulshit, I seem to also be an HSP(highly sensitive person) and given how infjs aren’t supposed to be sensates that’s kind of a screw up isn’t it? There was also this little Carl Jung bit somewhere that talked about sensation manifestations in the unconscious personality causing hypochondracia and a complete subordination to inner perceptions, hypersensitivity. Me being all scared of shit like this implies me being hypochondracial? I see how we’re pathetic at using ti lol. I got off topic I’m sorry..]
Second. I keep reading these books and stupid shit online. Information blackholes in my being. Here’s why though. I want to rid myself of people’s opinions of me. Its like I’m so tied down by them. What do I care about hollow intolerant these non Nietzsche reading peoples Blake but I do omg I do. And they would never know the real me. The one who thinks about things like stuffing them all in my asshole and snapping their heads off like a bottle opener. Also I admire them omg I mean obviously given how their opinion on me is held so highly in my perception I obviously admire them, that’s basic infj logic right there . Help me get rid of this please. Also I’m this close to losing my entire life in the gutter so if you help me now I’ll gift you a harem full of ritually bred intellectual ferrets when I become world leader.
Lot of grammatical errors there.
I have another question. I feel extremely extremely empty inside. I have for a very long time. It’s like 1 puff of weed and life becomes overwhelmingly real to me where with others it supposedly calms them down. The morbidly concrete and yet endlessly abstract beauty that is existence, the reality of it pulsates through me. Everything matters you know. But it is fairly overwhelming so weed is not the answer.
Also Reichean psychology says that every soul sapping thought process gets stuck as a muscle tension in the body. I do have a pretty fucked up posture and especially so around people. Weed relieves bodily stress. You see the connection I’m trying to make here? Maybe I’m not living at all?
My question is, say I do have depression, should I go for antidepressive medications? Given that I and I’m assuming you, prefer the not so physiological model of psychology. Should I go for those god forsaken pills? I ask this because this is all I could resort to given where I live, the psychologists have no interest in talking through the issues with the patient, all they care about is marking people with a stamp of a diagnosis and putting them on pills.
Or there’s another way you say?
My advice would be to stop smoking weed. It obviously isn’t helping and is bringing the INFJ id into play, which isn’t desirable. Weed is basically an ISFP-type drug and INFJs have an ISFP id. See the math. Smoking it will bring you further into a lower and disintegrated state. Too much yin where there needs to be yang.
Regarding medications, I’m not a psychologist/psychiatrist so I am going to stay out of this territory. But, yes, you are correct, I think the physiological model of psychology/psychiatry is dismal and an atavism. Psychology started out like a golden age and has gone into the stone ages. The best psychologists were people like Freud, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, and Jung. Some of the best psychologists are not in the field of psychology proper. Many of them are or were artists.
Yes, many (most?) of today’s psychiatrists are basically medication dispensers that do NOTHING to help people in pain. They are actually a part of the problem. I would not place any reliance or trust on the modern psychological/psychiatric establishment.
I’m attempting to provide INFJs with methods they can follow to help them come out of their gloom, futility, despondence, overcomplications, etc. That would be the Fe solution series of articles like this one. However, I am only one person and it is up to each INFJ to take action on what is said here.
“Practical terms Blake. Like should I just not think at all? What is thinking? Is it an internal monologue. Is it analyzing things?”
What is thinking? Thinking is asking questions like what is thinking. Reductive process that narrows, reduces, closes in on objects of inquiry to arrive at an absolute and implacable certainty about the matter, issue, person etc.
That is basically thinking via Ti.
Fe is going in the opposite direction to this reductionistic certainty and rather flowing out into the environment in an uncertain way. Fe is hard to define because it lies opposite to the neat answer that Ti implies. The neat thing about Fe is that often the things that come flowing out of you will look completely different (and utterly refreshing) than they did inside you. It doesn’t seem like that is possible when you are in an Ni-Ti loop because everything seems so certain and figured out for all eternity (often in a negative way). But, lo and behold when you turn on the very thing that is unaccounted for in that whole eternal analysis – Fe. Fe is the unexpected and unforeseen circumstances that will unfold when you simply FLOW, AND BE WILLING NOT TO KNOW. Give up your need to know ahead of time what the results will be. INFJ distort here. They make errors. They believe that they can see with certainty the whole dismal futility of the whole works. It is probaly similar to how the world looks when you are really hungry, tired, alone, and angry. Or if you are hypoglycemic. When you need to eat something substantial.
That would be Fe for INFJ.
Practically speaking, do something in a medium of expression. Write, sing, act, play, dance. Wrap your lips around someones cock and whistle the star-spangled banner. And then after you’re finished stuff them in your ass and snap off their head in inverse praying mantis fashion. Get out of your head. Get out of analysis. Stop asking questions like what is thinking. Incidentally, that seems to be the ultimate Ti question: What is thinking? What are thoughts?
Similarly, anytime you ask yourself, “what is that?”, “what is it?”, “what is this really about? That’s pretty much getting into Ti with Ni backing the whole process.
I mean, thinking is basically an intuitive process. All those thought that arise in wilderness fashion. That is Ni. The Ti is trying to formalize and refine something that is a free-ranging, dynamic, eternally-ongoing (neverending) process. That Ni should be expressed through Fe. You don’t have to understand it. You don’t have to know what you are doing. How many people do you think really understand what they are doing before they do it? Before they have had the experience of habitual practice in the same domain, with the same materials, elements etc.? INFJs make the mistake (often) of assuming all these things about the nature of the world due to a lack of experience. And they get hung up on that one little thing. That one line. Casts so much doubt into their world. They think, “Yes, yes!…but…” And that one doubt about this or that ruins everything. Why?
Because, they have become sensitized to these infinite refinements and distinctions that they have been building up with their Ni-Ti looping process. Each time the loop loops it gets smaller and smaller and more perfect and more narrow…until there is no room to live anymore.
But, it is all an interior illusion. There is still that life out there in the external world. And it has been overlooked. Not because of lack of consideration. But, because of it has been looked at too many times. It’s like when you repeat and repeat and repeat a stimulus. You inure yourself to it.
And yet, Fe for an INFJ in this state, will have often been the one thing that they cannot take into consideration. Who knows what will come out of you before it does. If most artists knew exactly what they would paint or write or fart out, they would never have the impetus to express, to create.
You have to surprise yourself. And you can do this by getting in the habit of expressing on a CONSISTENT basis. Stop smoking weed and instead express “the weed state”. All that stuff you experience while you were disintegrating, regressing etc. on marijuana can be food for your expression. Hell, I think a person could generate a whole artistic career out of the inspiration of bad drug experiences.
So, start snapping off some heads, you inverse praying mantis born of the wrong side of the world.
‘Each time the loop loops it gets smaller and smaller and more perfect and more narrow…until there is no room to live anymore.’
This brought tears to my eyes.
Holy shit you’re the coolest. I wasn’t really expecting a response given that the whole thing looked like me trying to sucker punch you into giving a free personal consultation. I honestly didn’t intend it that way and sort of instantly regretted commenting but damn was responding cool of you!
The weed thing makes sense. It does give me super powers though. Like idk what happens but I can make sense of a lot of stuff. People and their motives are oh so clear but then eventually the fucking ghost of Fi gets to haunting and I don’t really like drowning in personal emotion mulling over what’s wrong and what’s right. I feel like healthy INFJs could have a very special relationship with marijuana because intuition is such a subconsciously connected thing in and of itself and psychedelics primarily have been used throughout history as a tool to interact with the subconsciousness. Gosh is life fucking amazing Blake, like the fact that we have these tools to observe ourselves observing these tools FUCKING AHHHHHSHHDHXHHXJXH. God’s fucking gift to evolution. At one point I actually got to observe introverted intuition while I sat somewhere hating on some fuckboy. Its like, imagine an old timey movie with the reel spinning, now the whole thing happens in breaks, like a miniscule break to get to the next frame, all of which put together tell you a story; perceiving reality through introverted intuition has to be like that, like a reel spinning, like us picking up on specific frames, the processing, the observing happening outside of conscious awareness. Sensation would be like living in real time, totally immersed and in the depths of it all. Psychedelics, I feel are not entirely sensation catering drugs. But then also most definitely not for unhealthy intuitives. THIS IS AMAZING. The fact that I can just type here. I don’t ever really get to put these things out because then they’d lock me up or something for being weird.
This might come across as a bit over the top but omg consider relating Nietzsche’s ubermensh with the INFJ temperament. Robert Anton Wilson, Christopher Hyatt, Crowley, most of modern occultism writers, they’ve all essentially pointed towards individual personal discovery of some all powerful magical free will. idk I’d just love for you to drop some acid and write something poignantly intravenous to fill the cracks and crevices of our masks 😉
Again, I love this site and absolutely am fucking bloated with humble admiration seeing you actually try to help people. Much hope.
Thank you.
And yeah, fuck modern psychiatry
Blake. What are your thoughts on this article, “Here’s Which Drug You’re Most Likely To Enjoy Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type ”
My thoughts on this article are that her approach is a bit too obvious and stratified. I think her method doesn’t work because she is just combining the two types that have the same dominant functions and saying they like one class of drug. Anyway, in following are some of my rambling (and highly insightful) thoughts on drugs and the Myers-Briggs types.
Weed is definitely the drug of ISFP. That much I know with a certainty that borders on supreme and godlike. Marijuana should just be a synonym for ISFP, the quintessential stoner type. If you’re an ISFP and you aren’t smoking weed on a regular basis, you haven’t come into your full potential yet. INFJs, on the other hand, should stay away from weed?
Because it activates their id. They don’t have control of that shit.
As a matter of fact, I think ISFP should be synonymous with “drugs” period. You can put any drug into these suckers and they are pretty much fine. Probaly have one of the highest tolerances for drugs of any sort. And they can play guitar quite well even when they are smashed to the nines (Check out Slash and Keith Richards for proof of this). Heroin is good for ISFPs too. They take all downers in stride. Speed and cocaine are probaly most counter-indicated for them.
So, the coke and speedy types? You know, I don’t know, I can see some of those mechanical tinkerers – ISTPs- being the type that is most into meth or speed. Meth makes you kind of machine-like and cold and speeded up inside. Very primary motor cortextual. Ti and Se, so ISTP. Obviously, coke and speed are extraverted type drugs too. They release inhibition and make one talkative and active physically. Counterindicated for feeling types obviously, well, especially introverted feeling. I’d say coke and introverted feeling have the least to do with each other. Coke is kind of objectifying, superficial, shiny, etc. So, ESTPs might be the best cokeheads in its extraverted demeanor. ENTPs not so much.
I think I would lump the psychedelics together; mushrooms, peyote, mescaline, psilocybin, and LSD. I think all of the psychedelics are more or less intuitive drugs in nature. If it is altering your inner mind’s perspective, it is mostly Ni. If it is changing your perception of spatial perspectives and such, it is mostly Ne. Psychedelics are basically altering your sense of time (Ni) and space (Ne).
Alcohol? I’ll go ESFP on that one. I got two names for you – Janis Joplin and Joe Cocker. Great drunkards who can perform transcendentally well when they are smashed. Notice that ESFPs and ISFPs have a certain similarity of high tolerances for drugs.
SJs? Sobriety or abstinence is their natural mode. I’ll just add that I think food is the drug of ESFJ. ISFJs are somewhere in the food thing too, though often in a more refined and elegant manner than ESFJ. Compare Anthony Bourdain (ISFJ) to Andrew Zimmern (ESFJ) and their respective television shows on food exploration.
ENTJs? Power is their drug of choice. Pretty much a sober type essentially, though they are bound to have some bouts of exploration with drugs at some point in their lives. Definitely not a druggy type. If they sense that drugs are interfering with their control over shit, then, they will ditch them relatively easily.
INFPs? Love is their drug. Yeah, so maybe some of the love drugs. I don’t know. ENFPs would obviously be indicated here too. I think ENFPs can also be very talkative coke heads. Probaly can also be into heroin too. Robert Downey Jr. comes to mind. A lot of ENFPs are hyper as fuck so they seem like their hiked up on coke. But, they also have that downer aspect to them. And also the psychedelic. Go watch Teletubbies and try to figure that shit out. ENFPs are the original rainbow children. They can probaly take any drug in the book as one of the flavors of their spectrum.
O, INFJs. I don’t know. A sort of similar thing to ENFP I suppose. INFJ can do anything but they can’t really do anything if you get my drift. In other words, they can’t really be pinned down to a drug class because they have a similar rainbow spectrum thing going on, but, they should probaly only do drugs of any sort in moderation. They just can’t handle them. Yet, they have a definite proclivity to alter their consciousness with them. Like the Greeks said, “everything in moderation” and “know thyself”. Very INFJ dictums. Try everything as long as it helps you explore another aspect of self. INFJs are weird because in a sense they are the most balanced and extreme type possible. And when these suckers go to the extreme, they really find out about that thing that they are trying to find out about. And yet, they can be the most sober of all types in their clarity and balance. Umm, so fuck INFJs once again for not fitting clearly and easily into one fucking category. And fuck ENFPs too. But, that goes without saying.
Anyway, who do we have left? INTJs? No, they are not drug types either, similar to ENTJs. And ESTJs (good old beer drinkers). And ISTJs (the most sober of all types. Just say “no” kids. So, lets just say that xxTJ types are some of the most sober and least druggy and addictive types. INTJs are likely to have a scientific yet subjective approach to drug experience. Read Aldous Huxley’s The Doors of Perception
which is his somewhat close and careful catalog of his personal experience of taking mescaline. Actually, reading books by xNTJs about personal drug experiences is almost better than taking the drugs themselves. Check out Aleister Crowley’s (ENTJ) The Diary of a Drug Fiend
. Probaly one of the best books I have ever read on the drug experience of cocaine and heroin.
INTP? I think they like to experiment a bit with drugs. Not big druggies though. Same for ENTPs I think.
In conclusion it seems that types with feeling and perception in their type code will be most prone to drugging it up. ISFPs and ESFPs seems like the powerhouses here. However, ISFPs pull decidedly into the lead with the addition of their Ni tertiary and Si id, the former of which gives them the ability to handle most hallucinogenics, especially weed, which is classed as a mild hallucinogen. I mean, if I had to classify weed as a Myers-Briggs type it is so completely ISFP. We have the Fi dominant, the Si id, the Se auxiliary, and the Ni tertiary. Those functions in those positions = marijuana. The Si id is pretty much the body high and reveling in all those arcane sensations of the body that pretty much only the ISFP type is privy to. Ni tertiary! That’s the “mild hallucinogen” position par excellence. Slightly psychedelic. Tinged with psychedelia. Etc. Se auxiliary means handling your high. Maintaining. And of course marijuana is all about Fi dominance. This might seem less obvious, but, marijuana is tinged with oriental ecstasies all about its tendrils. They are essentially ecstasies of rare and unspeakable emotional experience. Stoners are mutes.
Alright, enough of this shit!
So, in closing, this is essentially the reason that INFJs are the least likely of all types to be known to anyone except those sly ISFP stoners who are always seeing and noticing things which they can’t find the words for and, furthermore, have no desire to put into words in the first place.
OK, that’s all.
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There, I said it.
OK, now that’s really all.
That sounds like fun 🙂
So If the Meyers Briggs types were drugs which ones would each type be and why? It sounds like a college level question structure … Like an essay question. Decidedly, it’s a college topic too 🙂
I’m also hsp (score 285 out of 300) and have problems with overstimulation of the senses. Have you looked at your diet ? Do you eat a load of shit ? Food affects the brain and the body, thus how you feel. Sugar (I think there’s a documentary on sugar and its affects on youtube) and other things can cause depression, overstimulation etc. It might sound banal but it is one of the things one can change that usually should make one feel better.
” Also Reichean psychology says that every soul sapping thought process gets stuck as a muscle tension in the body. I do have a pretty fucked up posture and especially so around people. ”
There’s also holding thoughts in the body, which may relate to this and one thing that connects to this is somatic therapy, I think. I hold things in my body and thought this is something that actually addresses things on a physical, psychological and spiritual level.
I would look for alternatives and natural remedies when it comes to depression, natural remedies, natural serotonin boosters ( I just thought about this because I had bad pms [yes, it is a real thing] and it’s tied to low serotonin, I could eliminate 90% of the issues I had with natural remedies ), valerian root, st john’s wort (nearly wrote wart), lightwalls/ light therapy, regular sleep … if you have Hsp it’s important to learn to relax or take time to relax, you can make your living space more senses-friendly, I would think things that make the senses open up like scent (natural), feeling on the body (textures), light, humidifiers, I think Mr Blake wrote about those, I don’t know what they are called, little fountains etc can all add to feeling more relaxed …
to start with
Oh and of course it takes time to notice a change, some things may work pretty fast, others after 2 months, and dietary changes probably longer (although those boosts one gets after feeling sapped when one drinks a fresh juice … ). Detoxify, purify too.
” INFJs are weird because in a sense they are the most balanced and extreme type possible. And when these suckers go to the extreme, they really find out about that thing that they are trying to find out about. And yet, they can be the most sober of all types in their clarity and balance. ”
This weirds me the fuck out about myself.
For me it’s been more like CNN today, all day has had to go. Who knew I was crushing on Wolf Blitzer like I was. Don’t know his Myers-Briggs type but am 100% sure there is some dominant Ti, or some such, over there. Just the facts please, just the facts.
I know, like the term “think logically…you need to think logically on this issue” is such computer speak. Think logically, I can yes. But only in small spurts and the other time it feels more natural/productive to think all over the place simultaneously!
Am worried though, about this culture of madness, what my mind now keeps repeatedly calling BS BS, here comes more BS. Shit! It’s like refusing to participate, gets you labelled. As a nurse it seems the more, at least for me, I refuse to participate in the be-all-you-can-be super nurse culture, it raises some eyebrows. Except for those few who seem to have known all along what the trick was, KISS: Keep it Simple, Stupid. What if my refusing to participate means…all matter of bad things? KISS, maybe I’ll just BS up to a certain point. When I keep all of this sh*t, this river of paperwork nonsense, to a minimum, I have time for my patients, we can talk/laugh and I can know what’s up, what’s wrong and it’s the best feeling ever to meet them at that point of their need. Gosh, an honor is what it is, to participate somehow in fulfilling their needs/worries. But I find myself watching my back because I refuse to do the BS bullshit thing. Gosh this ridiculousness makes me so mad sometimes!! I could do things. THE WORLD, my ass who wants to live in such a world, miserable, trapped always searching but never finding the freaking way out! No thanks, I’ll pass!
Am sorry I cussed so much but its’s the truth. It’s the truth. I so agree about the bed/sleep thing, I always felt so guilty sometimes for not being the 4-hrs-of-sleep a day type of person like my dad- I really love that guy, my dad though! He means well.
Thank you Blake. For all you are doing!
“…then get on your knees and start scrubbing.”
***there right there, I think that’s the secret. God I hope I remember that until the day I die!
Aww, Rachel! I totally feel you. Keeping it simple is the crux of the matter and my greatest battle. Such elaborate schemes feel so natural, but just buying a mini fridge with a dedicated freezer while grocery shopping weekly instead of stocking up seems wholly otherworldly. “…But, what do you *mean* by ‘the grocery store will still exist next Tuesday’?! That’s nonsense!!” Haha.
The way you describe your dad reminds me of how I relate to my mother, who really does mean we’ll. She’s an ISFJ though, so she’s fucking insane–I always feel the need to inserthat when referencing ISFJs for some reason–they really are crazy though. Imagine someone vacuuming, cavalierly yelling over the sound all the ways in which you have failed their expectations… Only to give you a full course meal and make you a Tupperware of leftovers so they knew you wouldn’t go hungry. Also, lest you disrupt their perfectly engineered portions. Caring fucking control freaks. Just crazy.
Suddenly, INFJ doesn’t feel half bad. For now 🙂
Lol yes for now! True true, every time I leave work after working closely with them…am 100% sure I just failed the nursing profession with my nonsense. They are the very image of Lady Justice or Liberty it feels like to me.
I remember my pre-med days… Residents shockingly were nicer than the RNs, in the Nurse Practioners? Just unmerciful. They find every reason to invalidate your didactic approach to learning against the, ironically “human holistic” approach. Still jerking off the sciences though, like the allopathic medicine crowd I ran with. Just… Ugh. I’m just saying, I’m glad I left school.
Were I to go back, I’d study philosophy and comparative literature part time.
I truly believe I can be one of the few who get out of the restaurant world and make a living from my music now, though:) who saw that coming?! Certainly not me. Hope… What a novelty. Yet, just novel enough for me to indulge in potential complexities, including how its possibly the simplest avenue to relief 🙂
…And the head keeps spinning.
Hey Alexandria,
I hear you! A wing and a prayer seems to be the new mode of operation. For me, it feels so much better. Except for those times…ya serious doubt sets in, but those will be dealt with as they come I guess!
You know it’s so weird you would say that. Because I remember my OR rotation in nursing school was a big lesson in revelation. Those people felt so different from the “big-mouth know it alls” on the floor. God forgive me for my judgement, but I speak truth. I remember getting back on the floor and looking at the instructor blankly and telling her, I think I found my people, they are in the OR, and all she did was laugh. I must have looked so relieved.
Am thinking of nurse practitioner school, just so I can be free, eventually, but if it’s more of the same bull shit, just press repeat…no way am doing it. I guess am still in investigation mode, maybe there is a way to do it outside the system/an un-allopathic approach. Don’t know, don’t have enough information to make an informed choice right now. I love nursing though. I love what I do, it’s like it feeds me somehow, until the dogmatic repetition sets in and the….don’t even get me started. Well I hope u r ok. All the best with whatever you are pursing this week!
When you speak of the ascendancy of the thinking functioning, are you referring to the Age of Aquarius? There have been a lot of books and articles about this so-called age, and, Aquarius being ruled by Uranus, it has been said that it’s responsible for the rapid technological growth, globalization, wide-spread gender-reversal, and religious downturn. Even Aleister Crowley hailed the Age of Aquarius, and if he welcomed this age there can be nothing good to come of it. What are your thoughts on this?
No, I’m not referring to the Age of Aquarius. I’m referring to Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and finally Isaac Newton. The shit they discovered and invented that basically was the beginning of the Age of Science as we know it. For example, the discovery that Earth is not the center of the universe. Not only that, the motherfucking thing is round too. Oy vey.
Yes, all that stuff you said about Uranus is accurate.
I disagree with you about Aleister Crowley. He is pretty misunderstood. First of all, he was a trickster. Well, maybe not first of all, but, it’s in there somewhere. He wasn’t the most sympathetic guy in the world but why do we expect everyone to be like Jesus Christ?
Anyway, Crowley was a highly intelligent and insightful person. Whether you like him, dislike him, think he’s evil etc. He also coauthored (with Evangeline Adams) one of the best books on astrology I have ever read. On the other hand, I hate (absolutely hate) a lot of the new-age astrological bullshit books. There are A LOT more of them around and they are quite popular with the masses. Meanwhile, Crowley gets stepped on because he has an evil aura about him. Or he gets glamorized for things that he isn’t. The Beast. 666. That stuff is just to keep away idiots. It’s a trick. A joke. It’s also dangerous. All the most vital things of life are.
My advice: Go for the dangerous knowledge.
As for all this new-age hailing, or by turns, issuing warnings about the Age of Aquarius, no one knows when it begins. It might have already begun, it might be just beginning, or it might begin in 200 years. Etc.
Yes, I think there is something to the great astrological ages that have to do with the precession of the equinoxes, but, it is too much to go into here.
I really just wanted to say that I think Aleister Crowley is cool. Read Diary of a Drug Fiend and tell me you don’t find it interesting. I fucking dare you.
Plus, I had this really vivid dream about Aleister Crowley where he was in some kind of plush cafe and he was holding a conversation from a French couch with various different people. Then, I could see inside his body and there was another head that looked just like his talking head, but it was sleeping. He was pretending to be awake but deep inside he was sleeping!
Who the fuck knows.
How do you do this if you’re in school in a program that won’t allow you both adequate sleep and time for morning relaxation?
Look at that statement you just made. A program at school that won’t allow you…
Take charge of your life. Sounds like an excuse and a victimization-type state. The question is if you really want to do something about it, not whether you are in x, y, or z circumstances.
There are plenty of reasons you can find to not do the things in this article. If you don’t want to, then don’t. I’m just offering information that I think would be helpful if you are an INFJ. I’m not responsible for what you choose to do with it. It’s up to you.
“it is all an interior illusion. There is still that life out there in the external world. And it has been overlooked. Not because of lack of consideration. But, because it has been looked at too many times.”
“Because, they have become sensitized to these infinite refinements and distinctions that they have been building up with their Ni-Ti looping process. Each time the loop loops it gets smaller and smaller and more perfect and more narrow…until there is no room to live anymore.”
Ugh, currently enduring this “looping process” in the form of the infj Envy trait. When I’m faced with another person that my self assuming ego feels is somehow more talented, attractive, etc., I turn into a crazy psycho. Only internally though, running through the different aspects of this person trying to find my edge on them, and if I’m not finding it I start to obsess about how to improve myself beyond them, and there’s no relief to the constant painful analyzing sun up to sun down. That is of course until that person does somthing really disgusting in front of me and returns to a human being in my mind instead of majestic goddess.
Maybe it’s a young immature infj problem but I call bull on other infjs pretending they don’t experience jealous rage lol. Of course I would never let on to anyone except my friend the internet about the problem, but I can fully admit it to myself. As far as I know infjs have a sense of superiority straight out the womb and I’m sure that is simply what makes it gut wrenching to feel less than someone else. I don’t feel jealousy in a relationship, I don’t feel threatened , I feel secure because I feel unique and irreplaceable (dead face honesty). But I’m usually the one praised and viewed as the best in things that I value ( appearance , art, advice/wisdom, dance, etc) although I promise I never express it. I’m chill and secure….until someone comes along that I view as all around better…cue crazy psycho ti looping and obsessing to find the answer to how I’m better or how I can be better.
Anyways I would usually never express these things and it probably doesn’t apply to anything at all, but I’m attempting to “flow” and be spontaneous and not need the ultimate good reasoning to say or do what I feel….thanks Blake. (P.s I never said any of this crap I’ll deny it till I die!
Hey Kira, I love your honesty. I go through the same thing sometimes. I recently went to a funeral and saw family I hadn’t seen in years. I’ve always struggled with my weight and in the past few years I’ve made a lot of changes in lifestyle. I’m in great shape and workout daily but to me I don’t look like My ideal image. Everyone at the funeral told me how great I look. But all I feel inside is like I’m a fraud. I know how to dress to disguise my flaws. All I can think is if you saw me how I really look you wouldn’t think I look amazing. I know it’s crazy that lots of really nice compliments made me feel bad about myself. I guess what I’m trying to say is, as we peel back the layers of ourselves, we are not envious, we are disappointed in our ability to manifest our ideal self. We INFJ’s need to give ourselves a break. All of the things Blake talks about really is a way out of our internal hell.
Do you view anyone who is better at things than you as an inspiration or is it always jealousy ? I really like being inspired and feeling like someone is an all-round bigger person than me, but not in a masochistic way !
Hey Blake,
I have a serious question that never occurred to me before, at least before today. Who do we become…or what is the Myers Briggs persona of the person infj become, when the are depleted, like exhausted, can’t-take-anymore-of-your-sh*t exhausted. Like I am done double d done and if you call me one more time MF you are finished. Like there is no more nice left to give. Am not talking about the fake nice, am talking about the usual nice you usually want to give other people, because you get them, you understand them, you fucking-get-where-they-are-fucking-coming-from so I don’t know, you like share your last brownie with them and you know it’s true and authentic this experience. What am trying to get at is that, I sometimes get really depleted at work after a really long work week, and my usual normal I-get-it self gets replaced (or it just disappears, I don’t know) by this…um I don’t give a sh*t person, don’t call me or page me unless the patient is actively dying, until then they are on their own. I can’t help them. I have nothing more to give babe. I can give a pain pill or blood pressure pill, but that’s it. If their Vital signs are normal, great that’s fine, that means they are good to go until the next shift comes in. Until then, don’t even look at me, leave alone talk to me. So who is this person? What’s their type? Because this MF does not pick up any cues from their patients, they get cursed at for asking damn qns like,”…really how is that your urine output for the night? That’s not realistic mr x…” Do you understand what am trying to ask? Like what cognitive function is in operation at this time…Fi/te/ti/fe. I don’t know…help a sista out please!
Ps please don’t say get some sleep. I know that…
…Am frustrated that I might not be getting my point across, because this person feels foreign to me/uncontrolled. Am looking for stats on them, so when I get there I know how to minimize any potential damage they are/I am capable of.
Hey epiphany: have a red bull, imagine that. Te thinking at its best.
Anything that gives positive longterm energy ? Do you feel like your brain is malnourished then ? When I’m depleted and eat things like almonds it gives me a boost. Are you aware of when the stage before the “acting out” (for lack of a better word) hits ? Becoming aware so one can regulate ones behaviour, maybe atleast a little more. Aren’t there tricks like putting a rubberband around ones wrist to remember things and change a negative thought into a positive, maybe it can help one snap out of a mindset ? Get a punching bag room at the hospital ?
Well said, this website is legit…stamp of approval from a resident INFJ* Good luck out their cruel world