What is flow?
Flow is the opposite of knowing.
And so I tell INFJs, “Flow, and be willing not to know.”
But, what does this mean?
Well, many people of all types will bypass their auxiliary function in order to get at their tertiary function. In the INFJ type, this amounts to bypassing auxiliary extraverted feeling so they can reside in its natural opposite, introverted thinking.
This basic maneuver is akin to eschewing the journey for the destination. INFJ wants to know the end before they begin.
Introverted thinking amounts to knowing something for all times sake. In the INFJ, this knowing is often related to self-identity – who they are, once and for all. But, it could also be related to what something else is, like the nature of the world.
However, like riding a wave, you do not know where it will take you. You just have to get on the wave and see where you will end up. This is what the extraverted feeling auxiliary function does for an INFJ. It gives them waves, but, it is up to them to make the decision (and have the trust) to ride them where they may.
In Western society (at least in America), we are taught we should know where we are going. Make a plan. Learn as much as you can. Get a good education. Fill yourself with knowledge. Be informed and up-to-date on the newest developments.
INFJs can be tempted to fill themselves with a 1,001 arcane and modern knowledges. Like their rational counterparts in the Intuitive Thinking family, they can seek knowledge for its own sake.
And in today’s world, we live in the Age of Information. The internet. A sinkhole for INFJs.
But, flow, implies doing something, expressing something, not taking in, but, putting out.
An INFJ will often fall into the trap of thinking they need more information in order to act.
But, often, they need less information, a way to rid themselves of information. They need to simplify.
This ridding and simplifying occurs through a form of discharge related to the considerable expressive powers they have via their extraverted feeling auxiliary function.
Fe is all things, not any one static thing
Picture extraverted feeling (Fe) as a universal solvent like water where all solutes may be evenly dispersed within it.
More ideas of Fe:
- Multiplicity, a plethora of potential things.
- A matrix, a field,
- Connective tissue.
The actual things that inhabit the water are of the introverted thinking element – extraverted feeling knows not what it harbors. Flotsam and jetsam may come issuing forth on its currents, but so may pearls and exotic treasure. One thing is certain – there is movement. These are not still waters.
Also, there is a sort of unconsciousness or obliviousness to the nature of any rider on its currents. The ocean doesn’t care whether it ferries pirates, police, or maidens across its currents, nor whether it ferries them to the safety of the shore or the rocks of their demise.
But, an INFJ will often want to stop the whole works, halt the whole epic drama unfolding on its waters, because it has become enchanted with some particular gleaming thing riding in its waves.
What is it?
Aah, the start of tertiary temptation, that’s what.
It is as if the INFJ were saying to every moving thing to halt their procession so the INFJ can get a closer look at this particular thing. Meanwhile, the waters grow still, and if stilled long enough, grow stagnant and corrupt. Herein lies a clue as to how INFJs fall into their introverted feeling id function – via their Ti tertiary function.
So, flow and be willing not to know. Be a wayfarer. Let the teeming denizens of the ocean of unconsciousness stream over you, and through you.
The basic principle is that an INFJ will not be harmed by any one thing present in its currents as long as they keep the waters moving.
Their job and gift is to express.
To express what?
To express what has been there all along. Ancient impulses. The long history of humankind and way before. All this resides in the INFJ encoded as self.
The self of the sea.
INFJs learn by osmosis the nature of all things absorbed into them.
They know, but they don’t know how they know. And they want to know how they know, thus, the introverted thinking tertiary temptation. Ti is related to the concept of how things work. In today’s modern age, INFJs want to be able to justify the knowledge they feel they have in systematic formulations.
But, INFJs are the system, the system of the sea.
For INFJs wanting to encourage flow in their life
It is necessary for the INFJ type to surround themselves with things and energies that are in accord with their natural gift of sensitivity and expression, starting with their home environments.
One item that I would highly suggest having present, especially in your sleep and replenishing area, is a flow fountain. It is the natural corollary in the outer environment to what an INFJ should be doing on a regular basis – flowing.
A flow fountain will gently and subconsciously tune the INFJ to their most gifted and healthy expression. It is also a good antidote to long periods spent at looking into a computer screen.
I have done some research and linked to what I believe is the most appropriate flow fountain on Amazon.com. Please do not attempt to get one of the cheaper fountains as many people report that they are not well-made enough to last very long.
Also, make sure to use distilled water in the fountain so it will not clog over time from a buildup of mineral deposits present in normal tap water.
First Article in INFJ Fe Series: Fe is Magic!
Next Article in INFJ Fe Series: What is Fe? Ask Te.
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Further Note: I offer consulting services via Skype voice to assist INFJs in developing more flow in their life via Fe solutions. If interested, check out my consulting page and get back to me on the info I request.
Final Note: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites like Stellar Maze to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
Great post on flow and Fe. I’m curious how this is different from Te. I agree with you, though that I have had the experience of going straight to Ti and feel like trusting Fe is like losing control.
Also, very cool fountain in the link. Expensive, but I agree that cheaper won’t last as long.
Te is a lot different from Fe, which is why INTJ methods won’t work for INFJs. I’ll be writing an article on this.
Yes, the fountain is definitely cool! And solidly built. Which is why I recommend it over its cheaper counterparts.
Let’s see if I got it. I’ve been an “information junkie” for most of my life and, according to your post, this prevented me to use Extraverted Feeling. I always felt like I have something inside me that wants to be expressed. But I still don’t see an easy way to help it going out of me. What can I do?
I wanted to find something practical to do in order to stay away of my mind. Am I wrong in wanting that? The flow comes from being “in” or “out” of my mind?
Hi Filipe!
In response to your comment, here’s what works for me. My go-to for flow has always been writing. You into writing? Get a journal and write all the stuff that comes to your brain. When I first began writing like this, I would write and write and write until my eyes started to hurt (had to get glasses finally) or until my hand started to cramp up to the point where I couldn’t ignore it anymore.
So, writing is a way to — not stay AWAY from your mind — but to meet your mind and manage it.
There’s also the concept of Morning Pages. The concept originates from the author Julia Cameron, but I was first introduced to it through the website 750words.com. Check that link!
Lately, due to Blake’s posts (and his coaching — yes, he is my life coach), I’ve been going back in my old journals to see if I’ve mentioned any bits of “flow” successes. That was a hunch on my part, and it turns out I have actually journaled about times where I was able to achieve prolonged flow.
Call it flowing about flow, Fe about Fe, THE META Fe, THE METEXTROVERT FEELING. Sorry, I’m hyper.
Anyway, my experiences in the past have been just as Blake is describing. My easiest and most fulfilling successes with flow have been when I
a) Started
b) Kept going
c) Didn’t judge myself
d) Didn’t focus on the end result, and eventually
e) Looked up from my page / project hours later to find out that I was…DONE! WOOHOO!
So I mean, get a pen and paper and then put the pen on the paper and then keep moving the pen and see what happens.
p.s. “But I still don’t see an easy way to help it going out of me” – you will have a better chance of “see”-ing by doing and experiencing…
I always want to start writing, but I get stucked because I don’t have any ideas. I’ll try to write for the sake of writing and see what happens…
Again, you’ve made me weep. I just love this.
My whole life, one of my favorite sentiments of my dad’s to express to me was, “…but you are so smart, why do you *feel* that way?” I never had an answer, just little vignettes of despair that translated to unstable. I went the rebel route, hated myself, then the perfect student route, premed with straight A’s and a perfect live-in lawyer boyfriend(the INTJ I have mentioned) and while I loved him, hated life. Then I sank. But started flailing my arms and somehow, eventually, brought my head back above water.
Then I said, to Hell with it, and let everything go, and moved into my studio. A skanky, subterranean converted loft space that I have had to cultivate on my own. I spent months on Pinterest figuring out what the “best” loft space looked like because loft-living is so cool and I must express my creativity!! Abandonment of the academia, yes!!
But, no. I just dizzied myself with every prospect and nothing made sense, and months later, still, nothing was done. The only thing I’ve really accomplished is writing my music. It’s been a nightmare figuring out how to make my studio *look* like I believed this kind of space should, instead of realizing that the way it should look is how I feel I can manage being amidst everyday. I have no real way of knowing what this is, I just know when it feels… right. Funny you brought up that fountain; a feng shui fountain has always topped my list as one of the first honest tokens I would adorn my studio with. Just the sound of the water. That steady kiss from Earth, right within my dwellings… Seemed so naturally fitting considering everything I’ve gone through.
It’s been raining a lot here lately, and while the dreariness getq frustrating, the sound of the pelts of water on my windowpane have an equally calming presence. As if, in the dreary facade of the sky’s cascades, lies a freedom from the inferno inside of me I have no way of escaping, but can temper honorably by releasing the flames with my own innate seas, as opposed to succumbing to the continuous bombardment of outside waves that only further consume. I already know only more is coming, so wash what is already there now away. Flow.
Yeah. 🙂
Funny about the fountain; I always wanted to buy one, but was never able to justify its purchase…
Well, now you have a justification!
This was deep shit. I debuted my Fe today. I was reminded whilst reading this of what I was like as a kid. Everything was sort of effortless and easy. I didn’t have to try. i just learned things crazy fast. People liked me. But yes I debuted it, I went with the flow and holy shit what a day i’ve had. I feel phenomenal. I watched Paul Potts movie, and got so caught up in it. Normally i’d be thinking snide comments in my head about how only he* could make it that far. That I don’t have the right (Te super ego), but i got so caught up in the storyline, I empathised with him when he got beat up with the bike chain and started crying after shortly going in a Se rage thinking what I would do in that situation. I haven’t felt so much Fi for so long. Actually I haven’t felt any Fi to tell you the truth. I felt dizzy and I got quite overwhelmed. I thought this. might be because I haven’t debuted Fe for soooooo long and it was just a bit of a shock. But it was from this ordeal that I was reminded of the original reason that caused my self imposed shut down of Fe and resulting state of numbeness and negative spiral in my life. This should give you some insight into perhaps other reasons why INFJs go into their tertiary Ti . The Fi crying fits might be the Introverted thinking gleamng thing you were talking about. Anyway, I was aware of that, so I made a conscious effort to keep the waters moving. Usually in the past when going through such a Se/Fi ordeal I would normally curl up in a ball, and take a day or so to recover. But I did recover and cried 3-4 more times each time consciously making an effort not to think, and keep my perception open (Fe). I haven’t felt so emotional, true and ‘myself’ since I was a kid. You don’t realise how much of an impact this article has had upon me and how thankful I am for it. It is truth. It will be very hard to uncondition myself of years of imposing an Se-Ti-Fi-Te pseudo state of consciousness, but boy does it feel like home.
Bob, thanks a lot for sharing that. I’m enthralled to hear that this article has helped something click for you. Congratulations on debuting (re-debuting) your powers of extraverted feeling flow.
Wow, the way Bob describes Fe is EXACTLY how I felt when I was a kid. I learned everything very fast. I knew things without knowing how I knew them, and I was happy with this… Thanks to this post and these replies, I’ll do anything to find a way to remember that time and have my Extraverted Feeling back…
This thing of using Extraverted Feeling won’t work with me… Every time I try to do it, I feel like there’s nothing inside me that can be expressed. I’ve never been a creative person, I’ve always been antisocial. I’ve already tried everything. Today I have everything… but nothing fills up that huge hole inside me. What if there’s NOTHING inside me and I need to find it first, before I can use Extraverted Feeling?
Filipe, like I said to you before, we would have to consult to get into the particulars of your problem. I think I could help you, but, you are going to have to compensate me to get into it with you. If I talk to you at some length I am pretty sure I could figure out what is blocking you. It may be that extraverted feeling won’t work for you for some reason, but, I can’t determine that within the scope of these comments. The reason I offer consulting services is for this very reason. Often, an INFJ will need help in getting unstuck from their stasis. It may turn out you are not an INFJ and it is good to know this for the very reason that INFJ Fe solutions won’t be the magical bullet for you. For example, I have talked to INFPs who this doesn’t work for. In their case, extraverted intuition is their magical bullet. So, again, consider consulting with me. I am quite good at helping get people unstuck.
Hi, Filipe 🙂
I felt this way, too. Sometimes, even still.
Although music has always served as a sort of osmotic, tag-team partner to oxygen and nutrition as far as giving me life, I only recently became a working musician. I taught myself piano when I was seven, guitar at age twelve, and I will be twenty-seven in October. I only started taking singing seriously three years ago, and could only just stand the sound of my voice this last year even as people told me I sounded great, of course singing when I thought no one was listening 🙂
Yet, I STILL could not bring myself to believe that I really had any talent. After moving into my studio, I just fell into writing. I told this story in a private conversation with a fellow poster here–they know who they are;)–but I’m humbly hopeful that it may help you as well.
I had nothing else to lose, but I was alone in this room and realized that I did, in fact, have one more thing left that could escape: my soul, which however battered and torn, was still in my possession. INFJ, with our pitiful Se and uncompromising Fi, hate ugly things, and we see ourselves as spiritually grotesque. I am in an artist live/work space. My neighbors are welders and jewelry makers; my next door neighbor is a sculptor. There are painters, photographers, primarily visual artists. I am one of just two musicians here, and the other does electronica and production work but he doesn’t play an instrument, so I’m the lone wolf with my guitar that I feel at home with but unworthy of, and voice that I am still accepting as something that may actually be… Well, good.
The first time I played through what will be the debut single for my album, start to finish, I just picked up my guitar and said, “okay, time to work!” ha. You can hear all the various gizmos used by all the various artists buzzing away, which never bothers me because we’re all working, you know? I started playing this piece, something that actually finally began somewhere and finished somewhere resolute(!!) and when I strummed the last chord… there was total silence. I just looked around in my little dilapidated studio, soaked in the stillness, and smiled. The first whole smile I think graced my face, probably in years. I keep to myself, but will occasionally bump into a neighbor and we do the whole small-talk thing, exchanging what kind of work we partake in, and they’ll say, “what do you do?” and I’ll say, ” oh, you know, I’m a musician.” And then they’ll go, “So you’re the one I always hear singing?! That’s awesome!” haha. It’s so cool 🙂
What I mean to say is, you say that you may not have anything inside of you, and that you need to fill yourself first so that there is something at all to release. I understand that. I think it’s the difference between being vacant and feeling empty. Sometimes I feel like we get so consumed by this… just this like, vortex of misery that the pain and shame amounts to this experience of nothingness. Or maybe, numbness is a better word. I have also suffered depression for most of my life. I am not sure if you have as well, but your expressions of having a deep hole inside of you and having tried everything yet found nothing ring very true. Ni/Fe is a learning curve… It gets hard. Just know that you’re not alone.
And of course, Blake–the man of the hour–can give you concrete, pragmatic steps on helping you break into your Fe. Reading his articles have played a critical role in helping me access mine and have, dare I say, helped save my life 🙂
Sadly, I don’t have any money to consult…
Anyway, I’m pretty sure that I’m an INFJ. There were moments in my childhood that Fe worked and I LOVED it. The issue is that nowadays I don’t have any self-confidence and maybe this is blocking me. Thank you for the reply.
I agree with you Alexandra. I hate ugly things and that’s why I’m blocked. I hate myself and, due to this, I don’t have any self-confidence and I don’t invest in myself…
And, like you with music, people have always complimented me on my speech, my writing and they say that I would be a great teacher and even a politician… but I don’t see nothing of this on me…
I suffered depression too (and I think I’m still at it…). The only thing I feel is my Intuition, but I don’t know how to use Extraverted Feeling to express this. Like I said in another post, it’s a paradox: I feel that there’s something inside me that wants to be expressed, but when I start to find a way to express it I end up with nothing…
I know that Ni/Fe is a learning curve. I just want to find a way to start with this, just to feel that I’m having some progression, because I’m afraid that I lost contact with myself… Thanks for the post.
The only problem I have with going ahead and externalizing things before I know them, is that I am afraid of looking stupid. A lot of times when I speak without really thinking about something I feel I come off as dumb or scattered. Interesting though, when I have consumed too much information on a subject in short amount of time, the same thing will happen when I go to talk about it. I really feel I need time to get aquatinted with new information to understand it that way it comes out the right way.
I find that if I am dedicated enough I can research something and write about it as I go. Instead of getting lost inside of information and ideas and just having them sit in the ether of my mind, I can write it down and deal with it as I go. But I don’t always do this. I just get caught up in the emotions and thinking. It’s quite strange sometimes.
*acquainted–oops 🙂
If you are in the Ti habit, which many INFJs are, Fe expression will feel relatively superficial, like you are missing large swathes of information etc. But, this is why it actually works in the long-term. INFJs get stuck and block over whether they expressed things correctly. And they will always feel like they have left important things out. Well, that’s true. But, with the way Ti operates for INFJs, internally they will tend to feel this way. However, externally, when an INFJ gets flow going, it is unlikely that others would feel that way. Not that INFJs often care what others think. They have this bug up their ass about this thing that they are trying to express and they often tie it to everything they discuss or think about. The reality is that its like the proverbial carrot being hung in front of the mule to keep them marching forward with the hope of getting the carrot. They never get any closer to the carrot, but there is always the temptation of the carrot that keeps them going. So, an INFJ thinks they are getting closer to some Ti thing when in reality they are spinning their wheels. Basically the way to Ti for an INFJ is through Fe.
More information is often not the way. And you are right, jamming yourself up with more information in a drive to better express something is actually going further away from the flow state. The flow state has to do with putting out, not taking in. Externalizing what is already there, not bringing in more information to internalize. This state will never be done and it is how INFJs fall into an illusion of sorts – they just need a little more info to express themselves. Wrong. They need less. They need to unload what is already in them. I will be talking about methods to do this in this Fe series of articles for INFJs.
I’m looking forward to more posts on flow as I really don’t get it. Or maybe I do. The examples in my own life I came up with: in art school, I took a lot of printmaking courses. They were my favorite. The one type of printmaking that probably fits the definition of flow is screen printing. At least the way I would do it. We had huge screens and I would take 3×5′ pieces of really amazing paper and put a color of ink on the screen and just go at it with the squeegee. The only thinking I did was to decide which color was next. I would shift the paper around and keep adding layers. I never knew what the end result would be and there wasn’t a whole lot of control with that method. I could do that for hours at a time. My work was highly praised by my professors and I won awards. But in critique when asked “what does it mean?” I had no idea. I didn’t have words, hence the art that I just created that was supposed to be my expression! I always felt like I didn’t belong in the artist circles because I didn’t have the obvious angst most of them displayed in their work and demeanor. My work for the most part was about color and space and texture.
I literally mourn my art school days. When I graduated I had no clue what to do with myself. It was bad, bad, bad. That was 15 years ago. I never was able to do printmaking of any kind outside of school because I never had the space or equipment to do it and I did not possess the social or emotional tools to find a way in the real world to make an artist’s lifestyle possible. I kind of dropped off the side of the world after leaving school.
Jump to present day and what I found over the last few years is that if I didn’t find an outlet I was going to have a major breakdown that I may never recover from. I had dabbled here and there, but when you have a family and other responsibilities, it is very difficult to find something that works. I stumbled upon jewelry making and now find myself making pieces that are like little beautiful paintings to me. I have an etsy shop and am slowly putting myself out there. I have quit twice so far, lol. But the one thing that actually got me over this crazed loop I was in where I felt like I had to have everything be absolutely perfect and I had to have all the info possible in order to start and I just couldn’t shut off my brain and the anxiety was insurmountable….was actually my husband telling me, “Why don’t you just make these things for yourself? You don’t have to sell anything. You don’t have to do it if it’s going to cause you so much stress.” For me it was like permission to just be. It took a huge burden off of my shoulders, that shouldn’t have been there in the first place, but you know…so that’s what I set out to do. And then because I was able to do something that I really liked and wanted, it became something.
Anyway, when I sit at my table and work on my jewelry designs, it is very good for me. It works better than writing because I can’t not edit as I write and quite frankly, I’d rather have one of those little recorders and spew what’s on my mind into the microphone because it would go faster and I feel like I could get what’s in my head out faster. Haha. But then of course I worry that someone would hear me and that ultimately keeps me from pursuing that avenue. Sigh.
When they asked you what your work meant in art critiques you should have pulled a Bob Dylan and said “it means what it appears to be”, which is just another way of saying that it means whatever you think it means. Who is the artist to tell other people what their work means? As if they knew. The artist’s job is simply to make stuff. As Kurt Cobain said when asked about what his lyrics meant he said “it’s your crossword puzzle.” You know, say something like that. Mystify other people.
You are totally on the right track with your husband’s advice. Do it because you enjoy it. Do it for yourself. That’s it. That’s all. If other people dig it that’s cool. If they don’t, that’s cool too. The question is whether you dig it.
Anyway, you know all this shit. Congratulations.
I don’t know if this is the appropriate post under which to share this quote, but I found this written on a scrap piece of paper stashed in one of my many art books as I was going through them to arrange on my shelves today and it’s amazing. I was introduced to this artist by my drawing teacher in college and I devoured his work and writing for a while. We did a lot of that blind gestural drawing mentioned in a comment around here somewhere. A LOT. I was successful in art school. The real world?…no bueno.
“My suspicion is that an artist begins as a person with an enormous capacity for love who cannot, in the beginning anyway, direct his love toward another person satisfactorily, and consequently, directs it toward a medium instead. …an artistic medium is the only thing in human existence that has precisely the same range of sensed feeling as people themselves do. And it is only when you think of the medium as having the same potential as another human being, that you begin to see the nature of the artist’s involvement—as it appears to himself.” -Robert Motherwell
Thxs again Blake!
“INFJs can be tempted to fill themselves with a 1,001 arcane and modern knowledges. Like their rational counterparts in the Intuitive Thinking family, they can seek knowledge for its own sake.”
Last time I read this article…I thought INTJ, but now am thinking ENTP.
Well, have fun piecing together that puzzle!
Yes Racheal I believe Blake is an ENTP!
Okay, am not sure I completely have it right. But it looks like the rule of thumb might be…
If I am thinking about it am headed in the wrong direction? But if I am doing something about it…like “really doing” and not “thinking about doing” then am headed in the right direction? Like I keep wanting to read some more stuff☺️ But may be…let me go “do” …then I’ll come read some more later?
Alexandria, what you said about your dad made me laugh…my dad says things like that to me too, “…but I thought you were good at math, why don’t you get this?…” I think may be I know math but the artist’s edition vs the scientist’s? I don’t know…
This is not an either/or thing. I’m talking relatively. My general advice is that if you are an INFJ caught in the habit of always needing more information and this seeking of information forestalls doing something, then, you may need to know too much. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Information will be given on a need-to-know basis”? It’s kind of like that for INFJs in information-junkie mode.
It is tricky though. The tertiary is a tricky function. And when you are used to indulging in Ti tertiary desserts, it can be hard to know how much is too much. But, there are usually tell-tale signs. Like keying into your feeling state and simply asking yourself if this feels right. If it feels bad, then, that is a sign that you have gone too far. Pull back.
What I suggest is that if you are used to working at a computer with internet access (many people are), turn off your computer or close it (exit it, whatever). Just make sure you don’t have access to it easily. Use paper and pen to write. Believe it or not, this will make a big difference in your state of mind. Computers and internet are Ti temptations par excellence.
I don’t know exactly what you are working on, but many things that people are accustomed to doing on computers with internet in the background somewhere, can be done without that energetic going on.
For example, I know you are doing The Artist’s Way “morning pages”. This should be done away from a computer. Ideally. And since it is easy to make this happen, realistically speaking too.
But, there are other things too. And it isn’t an either/or thing. It can be a question of degree. How much are you doing this information-seeking, rather than are you doing it at all. I’m not suggesting that you completely and always turn off this propensity. It is a matter of balance.
It’s also a matter of why do you think you need x, y, or z information. It’s watching your information habits and where indulgence in them leads you. There is certainly a time and a place for information-seeking. Many INFJs get too carried away with this. Its hard for them to know how much and, unlike Te, Ti feels great to them. INFJs can be like the mice in those experiments where they press a lever to get their sugar fix until they die. It’s like dying of overindulgence in something very exciting and pleasurable.
Hi Rachel!
Sorry I’m just seeing this. I realized I never clicked the checkbox to actually be notified when comments are posted!
Yeah, biological father is a hoot when it comes to getting me away from the Fe. After leaving college for music, I thought I’d kill him haha. “But you were doing so well, why pursue something with no promise? You’re smarter than that.” Shut up. Step dad is more supportive. I think he’s living vicariously through me. Can’t sing or play an instrument. He has the best jazz record collection ever though–he introduced me to music– and can outwhistle the champs 🙂
Oh my God I was like you replied! I know, Thank God for forgiveness because me and my dad would not be on speaking terms! I hope your music is still coming along great. Am in kind of awe at artists atm, all my life I always wondered “about them”. What made someone sing or paint or you know….now I get it they are expressing themselves kind of like people do when they speak a language. So anyway I really identified with your apartment story too and looking on Pinterest for the ideal! So me lol. All the best though, with the new music album especially!!
Do we overthink? Of course! Do we let Ti take precedent over Ni or Fe when it shouldn’t? Absolutely. However I’m not sure if I’d be willing to let go of Ti entirely, I need it, I need to know when to let go of my “need to know”, but not deny my nature completely. My mind is blown. I’m also a 145 so knowing is kind of the essence of many things in my life. I just want to know if the author truly thinks Ti should be completely foresaken.
“I just want to know if the author truly thinks Ti should be completely foresaken.”
No, the author doesn’t think Ti should be completely forsaken. It is more a matter of it operating in its proper position in the economy of the INFJ psyche and in its proper amount. And in its proper order – trailing Fe.
So you guys I just found out something. You have to keep your fountain fed. Like a creature of the forest, I think. Or you will come back and find your baby dead making funny noises. I was like I thought the water goes round and round, hence lack of the need to keep replenishing it. But alas I did not account for evaporation and the such. Gosh how damn is that! But she lives, so that’s all that matters. She lives!! Buy distilled water, another item I have to add to the f*cking shopping list. I f*cking hate this sensor world we live in sometimes, and the fucking repetitive nature of everything in it. Like why do I have to work at keeping sh*t clean everyday…every damn day give me a break Jesus give me a break. But now I see why? So maybe I can keep the fountain alive and bubbling away?
Yes, water evaporates over time and like I said I would highly recommend using distilled water in the fountain if you want to have it last a long time. Normal tap water has mineral deposits that will clog the fountain over time. Just pay attention to those two things and you’ll be golden.
That being said, how are you liking the fountain? Give us a little review from your firsthand experience. And be honest. I want to know if this is truly a recommendation that is working for an actual INFJ on the front lines of fountainhood.
I have kinda grown attached to my little fountain. So am a bit defensive about describing it. It’s reminding me on a thoughtless level that it’s really not that difficult. It’s like, um just keep stuff simple. Quiet and direct, and keep it moving most of all. Don’t let shit stagnate/that’s the opposite of Fe (my interpretation) keep it simple and flowing. Fresh and bubbling like an infant talking. It’s not that difficult. Just keep stuff moving and little bubbling movements like the fountain makes, is all that it takes. Sort of steering a big ship with a small rudder. Small easy gentle movements. I feel like am still learning though am not yet there with the easiness of flow. But oh well. I guess it’s a journey. I like waking up in the middle of the night and hearing it bubbling away quietly. Sometimes I get all pissy about it not being that f*cking easy. But I think it really is.
I have fallen in love with all the INFJ articles here. What a wealth of information to ponder, which according to this I shouldn’t ponder at all. I have judged myself to be an INFJ with some kind of INTJ overlap cuz I am very strong in system visualization. But what if I am this aforementioned INFJ doing too much T. My strength has been to know exactly what is the next step in the system without a chart. Also, this has been the biggest pain in my ass because people always fricken need to see a chart and have it explained. I have explained it to myself as some kind of system visualization INTJ genius but alas this might be the Fe.
I cannot thank you enough for these articles, especially this one. I’m going through a horrible divorce, and I couldn’t figure out the root of my addiction to the internet. I thought it was simply an escapism type behavior. Now I realize that I absolutely have always been an information junkie, but now this insatiable desire to learn has shown its ugly dark side that looks like an endless loop of self destructive behavior, a dangerous hyper focus:/ Right now, I could be the poster child for an unhealthly INFJ:/
I’m taking steps to change my behavior patterns, and this fountain will be included. Along with your advice to rid my bedroom of electronics…except I will have trouble with my phone, because it is also my alarm clock!
I’ve always noticed that when I enter a zen type atmosphere (garden, fountains) I feel more focused and at peace. Yoga also helps me to stay in a good place of focus, because it forces me to relax my mind long enough to see clearly exactly what I need to do vs. traveling down paths of knowledge that don’t serve me.
The dangerous thing about the internet – there is no end point. There is always another article – just a click away:/ A FB feed never ends… At least if I’m reading a book, there are chapters that conclude, and of course, an eventual end of the story. Of course, a good book can be impossible to put down, even for non-INFJs, but it’s still a healthier option than surfing the net at night:/
On a side note, years ago when I purchased an iphone…I had no idea of the constant level of temptation it would bring. Before my iphone I rarely used the internet, or checked my email, and no FB even ~ and I was so much healthier:/ Had I known my natural tendencies to the degree that you have presented, I may have decided to forgo such high tech convenience!
Hope that makes sense! Thanks again:)) !
Yes, it all makes sense and I agree with everything you said.
Regarding your iPhone, simply purchase a separate alarm
. That ain’t that hard to do. You don’t need your phone next to your bed, especially if you have the temptation to constantly check it for emails, news updates, reading etc.
People, your smart phone is destroying your life.
People ask me about why INFJs have trouble sleeping. This would be one of the reasons. INFJs (and really everyone to some extent) need time to do absolutely nothing. Get the flow fountain
. Turn off all devices about an hour to two hours from beddy bye time. Listen to Steve Halpern’s Sound Healing
If an INFJ could simply be on an reduced information diet, similar to curbing snacks before bedtime, then, they might be surprised at the difference this makes in their well-being. There is no substitute for getting restful sleep. None.
And you can’t have restful sleep when you got all that chitter-chatter going on in your head at all hours of the night. It’s like a bunch of ants crawling all over your brain.
So, get the flow fountain and wash them away. Replace the information looking and reading with Steve Halpern’s CD.
Hey Blake,
Thank you again for yet another great article. I’ve been posting a bit, and then when I proceed to the next article, I’m looking back and feeling a bit stupid for my previous post which basically exhibits the bad behavior your articles have been warning about.
Is it okay to information binge on your site a bit? This is good stuff. o.o
Anyhow, the link to the flow fountain is currently listed as “out of stock”, and I was wondering if you had a secondary recommendation? or if you think I should just wait on it? Thank you!
Yes, it’s OK to binge on my site. Just don’t use your computer as a pillow.
I don’t have a secondary recommendation for a flow fountain. Just don’t get the cheap ones that are around $40. I think there are other fountains on Amazon that are around the same price as the one I recommended (or more expensive). I’ve noticed that some of them are well-reviewed (four stars).
If you want my advice, I’d say just wait until they have it back in stock. But, do what makes sense to you. The basic gist of it was just to get a flow fountain to encourage flow. And to get a good one so you aren’t having to deal with the vagaries of cheaply made things. Pay a little more and get a good one that will last. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Invest in yourself and your well-being.
Know what I mean?
I got the fountain. Mine’s motor isn’t quiet like it was on day one:( But on day one I thought it was so lovely.
Tip for the fountain: it might vibrate against furniture. I had to lift mine up a bit off the furniture. Still don’t have the final solution, but getting closer.
Thank you both for the advice. I’ll wait on it to be back in stock.
> Tip for the fountain: it might vibrate against furniture. I had to lift mine up a bit off the furniture. Still don’t have the final solution, but getting closer.
They have these rubber mats for all-purpose and kitchen use. I would think you would just need to place something like that underneath it to absorb the vibration. I’m not sure precisely what you’re dealing with though, so that may or may not be useful. =/
I’ll know more once I have it. Thank you for the warning. =)
I have two sources of noise. The motor itself and the vibration against furniture. I am looking for something like your rubber feet still. Right now i have it propped on a yoga block. I can still hear some kind of noise but it is much quieter. I will be curious to hear of your experience! Btw i am not infj but have enjoyed the fountain. It is in the bedroom and the patterns of water flowing down always take me a little by surprise and that brings me to the present and slows my mind down. Great idea. Btw i read all the reviews and people did not complain about noise so i dont know if i got unlucky. I wonder if there are submersible rubber feet as well to put right under the motor that lies inside the water bowl. Also maybe have nontoxic antifungal cleaner.
Are you using distilled water in the fountain?
That probaly wouldn’t be a factor unless you have had the fountain for a significant period of time. If you are putting tap water in the fountain, I do know that this leads to a buildup of mineral deposits over time that can clog the fountain or cause it to pump less than optimally. This could tax the motor and lead to increased noise.
Hi Blake, yes distilled water. But I did run it with filtered tap water for a few days at first.
Hello !
sometime before an astrologer told me that my daughter’s mind is quite unstable and it will stay like this at least for next two years. She’s INFJ. When I talked to her about this she said it is happening because she have nothing to do except studying and attending college. I remember she once told me that she want to learn how to play violin, she thinks it will help her to focus. Do you think it can help her? or you have another solution
“I remember she once told me that she want to learn how to play violin, she thinks it will help her to focus. Do you think it can help her?”
Yes, I think it can help her. INFJs typically need some form of expressive outlet. Violin would be one of those options.
However, please note, that playing violin typically requires a lot of practice and attention to technicalities.
So, I would ask, does she really want to play violin? Why? Does she have a history of liking music that has this instrument in it, like classical music, for example. Explore why she wants to play it. It may be that it is not really that serious an interest for her, in which case, it will likely fail as an expressive outlet.
It has been my observation that an INFJ has to really be inspired by some artistic medium for them to truly be interested in it. I would say that many INFJs seem to be natural writers. If any type is the natural literary type, or perhaps, a natural poetic type, it is INFJ.
This poetic gift can be expressed through any number of artistic mediums, but, it is usually because the INFJ is strongly drawn to one or the other medium. Some INFJs are strongly attracted to music, for example. And it is likely that an INFJ will not necessarily be broadly interested in music, but, a particular kind of music that specifically excites them. Or a specific artist/performer that excites them and who they want to emulate.
I would generally advise against an INFJ taking in a whole artistic medium. With their Fe (and Fi) emphasis, they need to really inventory what it is that they “like”. For example, an INFJ may love blues music from the early days. Old timey blues. So, if that were the case in this case, then it would be no good to suggest that they study the whole history of music and learn all this stuff that is not specific to old-time blues. Why? Because they would likely lose interest because they would be covering too much stuff that is not related to their specific passion.
An INFJ does best to start from a “specific passion”. They usually have these passions, so the key is to inventory and to identify what they might be. The INFJ likely already knows what it/these are, but, are also likely to keep very quiet about it if they aren’t already openly passionate and declared about it. INFJs are often highly perfectionistic and have very high standards for how they should be (Te superego). They often talk themselves out of something before they even try. They won’t even seriously go there. Yes, deep down in most INFJs lies some secret and undeclared passions, which they are extremely good about not letting on about (Fi Scorpio id).
INFJs are also incredibly stubborn such that it would be hard to talk them into or out of anything they aren’t ready to do yet.
INFJs need to feel inspired by an artistic medium for them to offer their best gifts. If they aren’t, forget about it.
Gotta figure out their specific passions. But, you don’t even have to figure these out, because whether you do figure them out or not, there is still no way you are going to get an INFJ to do something that they haven’t set their mind, spirit, or soul to doing.
Once they are ready to get into what this might be, once they arrive there in their natural searching mode by their own accord, then, it is relatively easy. Because INFJs nearly always have at least one thing that they feel very strongly about. Or at least potentially they do. They are primed for center-referencing this one thing to all else in life.
Until they find what that might be, they are often in the position of restless seekers.
” They are primed for center-referencing this one thing to all else in life. ”
I’m a/mazed how clearly this pinpoints things. Like a golden nugget.
“For example, an INFJ may love blues music from the early days. Old timey blues. So, if that were the case in this case, then it would be no good to suggest that they study the whole history of music and learn all this stuff that is not specific to old-time blues. Why? Because they would likely lose interest because they would be covering too much stuff that is not related to their specific passion.”
This. I wanted to read this 10 years ago.
All this time I kept trying to “expand my musical outlook” because feeling focused on 1-2 specific genres felt so shallow and so unprofessional compared to, say, ISFPs.
And this inevitably locked me into the Te superego, as you have called it.
Got a better idea about how to pursue my musical passion. Be a bit more stubborn and not care about being “educated”. If Kurt wasted time comparing his music to all musical achievements that had ever existed, he not only would not have produced what he has with Nirvana but would have probably left this world even earlier 🙂
By the way, are the Fi id/Te superego based in any way on Beebs shadow functions (critical parent/Trickster), or completely not related?
I’m aware of the Beebe functions, but, I’m not basing my definitions of id or superego off of them. I think there is some truth in what Beebe says about it. I just look at it differently.
Yes, exactly true of what you said about Mr. Cobain. He was inspired by a few things: punk, The Beatles, and some new-wave. You know, and he put it together in a way that only he knew how. Same with many INFJ artists. Or rather one should say that their knowledge of an artistic medium grows from their center-referenced Ni thingie and the concept of specific passions. They can amass quite an encyclopedic knowledge this way, but, not for its own sake, like a Ti type would. But, would Cobain have benefited by going to college and studying music theory and the history of Western music from the time of Bach? No, he wouldn’t have. And he would have been demotivated and lost interest in music as a result.
If an INFJ had a month to find a new job, what would you tell them? Find a job, any job, just to stay on your feet? What is your take on an INFJ and financial management and stability? 🙂
I don’t have time to go into such a lengthy subject as financial management in a comment. Whatever extant stuff I have written on INFJs is pretty much my current sum of knowledge on the subject.
My advice would be to find a job to stay on your feet. But, not long-term. But, what are you going to do otherwise? Do you have any options that you are aware of? Options that seem palatable?
Alright. Second try. Or technicly the first. Because the first try was just imaginary. I don’t even know a try for what. I just felt like leaving all this stuff here to you. It seems to me like you don’t have all these crazy identity problems or what so ever. To me it seems, like you just like to listen and then to help. And I like that. Right now, I’m just here. Not searching for the one solution to suddenly become happy. That’s what I did for the last few years. Before, I just was happy. Everything just worked by itself. Now… Well now and here thinking about my own ways of thinking about my identity and what I’m doing wrong. Because there seems to be something deep inside of it that is wrong. Like a illusion, which I have to break through. Like Enneagram. And I know that I’m a 4. Sorry, but not even I know where this post is going. Or if it even has a direction. Because now, I just feel like leaving some memories from my childhood. The negative ones. There are only few, because (almost) everything was simply alright back then. Just by itself. Anyways, I remember sitting in the back of our car, driving to an indoor swimming pool. We also took a friend of mine with us. He then, laughing, told that since I’m sitting next to a friend in school, that all I’d do would be talking with him. And that was actually true, and a lot of fun. But in that moment I was so scared. Now my mom would know that ! What if she thought that I’m not the perfect student, who doesen’t even has the desire to have fun and break rules ? Panicing, I tried to let it look like it was a good joke. I was around 9 years old. Another memory. For two or three days I suddenly became very sad. I remembered a lot of good memories and realized that they are just memories. Gone. I was so sad because everything was passing by so fast. Yet somehow, I forgot all of that a bit later on and became happy again. In Elementary school, I was just the same like in the first memory. I always was afraid that my teachers would think something bad about me. So I always tried to be the perfect student. To convince myself and her I also acted like that to everybody else. This identity, that I created became me. Should I delete this ? Chances are high. In the last few weeks I started writing a diary. Not one where I note down memories, more like talking to myself. And finding the soulution. Unfortunately I don’t know the solution for what. I guess that changes. Sometimes I become happy after it. Because I found a rational sounding solution that will make me happy. Ni – Ti. I know, I know. But today, I finally realized how stupid it all is. Not that that would make me happy. Today, I also watched some of The Simpsons. An episode, where Lisa and Bart can see their future with an Invention of Dr. Frinkn. And they see how bad their life will be. Nothing like they expected. And I thought about that. Is this life ? That you just need to accept it ? I don’t know. I don’t know that this is supposed to be. And if I will get a response by you. Where this is supposed to get me. I have no idea. I guess I will just play some video games now. It’s already evening.
I don’t know how you expect me to respond to this. Are you asking me a question?
” Now my mom would know that ! What if she thought that I’m not the perfect student ”
” I always was afraid that my teachers would think something bad about me. So I always tried to be the perfect student. To convince myself and her I also acted like that to everybody else. This identity, that I created became me.”
Then look for the you behind the person who creates these images. Why do you feel the need to appear a certain way in the first place ?
Also maybe more nourishing books than video games.
I have a theory that… (Blake will probably think this is wrong. What can you do) that in some people, Fe is doing this theory-of-mind somersaulting 24/7 but you don’t even realize that it isn’t normal. (Normal as in common. It’s obviously a normal variant, biologically.) So whenever you’re in a situation where things are even slightly emotionally tinged, any kind of emotion, you sense this more than many people, and your mind starts analyzing, coming up with ideas for what the other people present might be thinking.
Like you’re simultaneously trying to view a situation from many points of view at once. Like the camera rigs used for The Matrix, you know what I mean? And then you’re trying to assess what your behavior ought to be as viewed from another point of view, per your guess of what will make that person happy.
I think this drives people crazy. I don’t know if it’s a specifically INFJ thing or not. But I think part of why it drives you crazy is that you don’t realize that not everybody is doing this. It’s unusual. Many other people are not doing this at all, or are only doing it some of the time. So it isn’t just that everyone does what you do and you’re specifically shitty at prognosticating what will make people happy – it’s that you are a weirdo whose brain whirs away trying to form internal holographic representations of the minds of others, so you can understand WTF will make them approve of you so that you can disengage from the part of your mind that games out the responses of others to things you think/do/feel/say. Of course, this is a trap! It isn’t their approval or disapproval that is driving you crazy, it’s that your brain’s processing power is all tied up in your theory of mind hall of mirrors.
I think ‘ * ‘ said it quite well with:
“Then look for the you behind the person who creates these images. Why do you feel the need to appear a certain way in the first place ?”
I believe this is kind of the heart at getting to your type in the enneagram – looking behind the face of yourself and tracing those things back to their driving motivation. One thing the enneagram is really useful for is gauging your health and looking at what the next step upward of health looks like so that you can have a goal in mind.
MBTI and enneagram overlap a bit in some places—which drives me nuts, because I often find myself hopping back and forth between the two when they do. I suppose it can’t be helped though; you can’t really do what the enneagram does without relying—at least loosely—on the underlying structure of the human brain, which is what Jungian mental processes and it’s derivatives are all about.
I’m going to stop myself here before I make the rabbit hole mistake any further. -.-
@SeetheElephant, you nailed it on the freaking head. T’is why it is so hard to be conversing with any group of more than say, three. You feel awkward, incompetent, verbally clumsy, overwhelmed and daft.
And you are never enough, because there is no way to please everyone, try as you might.
One new way I have began to express my feelings is having an audio diary. I like to record how I am feeling each day. I realize when I write my feelings down I cannot keep up. My feelings are spilling out so fast that I am losing most of what I want to say. So I decided to write in cursive because it is faster and then that wasn’t fast enough. Now I say how I feel on video and you can see my facial expressions in the moment, the tone of my voice, my clothes, my mood, and my true feelings ( instead of trying to find the perfect words in my journal to describe my feelings).
I feel like this is Flow.
I love writing creative stories but video diary is best to express my true feelings!
I have always had problems thinking in linear ways. Overall concepts I can grasp quickly and accurately, but the moment I am required to follow a linear line of thinking, the facts and logic seem to break up and blur, like I am looking at these things through a kaleidescope. I used to blame this on my lack of concentration and focus, and lack of logical thinking skills. Reading your post, and trying to just let go and “Fe” more, has been refreshing and freeing. It’s as if I can now allow myself to revel in the kaleidescope itself.
At work, I switch back and forth between projects, whatever I feel like working on in the moment, and I am able to zero-in on the most important factors with 100% focus. I try to talk things out more with my colleagues which seems to keep my mind clearer, and yield better results. I try to keep my conversations light, as talking about deep thoughts or feelings also result in a kaleidescope of contradictory thoughts and feelings which just leaves me drained with no sense of connection.
Overall, I just feel better. It’s as if reading your post has enabled me to let go of the guilt of not being “deep” enough, or “logical” enough, or “consistent” enough. And letting go of that pressure allows me to focus more on the people I interact with, and the time I spend doing things I enjoy, which just leaves me feeling more wholesome.
Thanks for all your great work. My superpower Fe tells me a donation would be helpful, so I made a small contribution 🙂 And I really look forward to more posts on INFJs, especially on how to use Fe more. Thanks again.
Your superpower Fe was right on the money. Literally. Thanks for your donation.
The reason I am posting my question here is, that mind palace in form of stream reminded me of Fe flow you wrote about.
I have spent three days (cause three seasons) doing watching marathon that started as curious poking at something recommended by friend and ended as obsessive fascination (those tend to last few weeks for me and I hate waking up from them, but it is kind of necessary to do so, so I enjoy till they last). I appreciated dialogues, characters, aesthetics, music, atmosphere and so on, but what really caught my attention was relationship of central duo and their personalities. I thought that one could be INFJ and other one is rather strange being, but I stumbled across essay that rather convincingly described him as ENFJ. I am curious about what your thoughts could be on this topic. And now, lets name it…
NBC’s Hannibal.
What type is Will, what type is Hannibal and is there some insight on nature of their (rather unhealthy) relationship that you would be willing to share?
” those tend to last few weeks for me and I hate waking up from them, but it is kind of necessary to do so ”
To immerse oneself ? Do you find it kind of cathartic ?
You know, when you listen to some awesome song for a first time and like it really much you will probably repeat it few times. Then you have either enough of it, or you do not, but have to do other things (like taking dog for walk) so you move elsewhere. This is same, it just has longer duration. It’s like being passionate fan for a little bit of time and after that just a mildly interested fan.
Anyway, did you watch the series?
I laughed by the time I got to the end of this comment, because as soon as you wrote “mind palace”, I knew it was about Hannibal. My favorite show!
The general consensus on Will is that he is an INFJ. I’ve seen INFP and INTP suggested. My best friend, who is nearly a walking stereotype of an INFP, doesn’t think he is one. A case could be made for INTP (those bursts of intense empathy that he finds very disturbing? You could argue for inferior Fe), but as I understand, INFJ is most likely, Ni-Ti comfort zone INFJ even more likely. Hannibal is either an ENFJ (I’ve read that same essay!) or an INFJ. That’s an easy guess, if you understand his character. Viewing their entanglement through the lens of typology, well, they are either complementary types, or the same type.
Complementary types, well, if Hannibal is an E, you can see how he slowly and gracefully lures an Introverted Will out of his shell. If they are both Introverts, but different types, then IMO they would be INTP and INFJ, which share some functions and definitely have similar thought patterns, thus playing off of each other. If they are the same type, then that would be leant credence by the mutual obfuscation in seasons 1 and 2, as well as their eventual symbiosis, and the “romantic nightmare” nature of their relationship. INFJs are intense, and not necessarily nice. Theoretically, things like astrology, Enneagram, background, age, and so forth would account for the differences in their manifestation, if they are in fact the same type.
I want to write my own essay about this…
Oh, thank you so much for your response!
I heard people say, that it is just shiny visual and talk that sounds witty, but to me it seemed from the first episode like mesmerizing boldly and beautifully strange well thought and multilayered creation with rare quality. And it is being confirmed again and again through analysis and short notes I read in these days. There are so many ways how to see this show, so many remarkable details, so much of fridge brilliance…
Well, mind palace is also in Sherlock, but different. No flowing water and fishing, no churches. In first two seasons it was like futuristic IT thingy, in third it was like alternate space with people ad so on (and in christmas special we have got waterfall – Reichenbach).
To me it did not seem like inferior Fe. It was his tool, that he could use very well (both empathy and manipulation), if he chose to, he had just hard time turning it of and dealing with outside pressure (wich had something to do with blody encephalitis). INFPs seem to me more like innocent passive yet firm wide eyed idealists floating through life. Also, Si is more about selfpreservance, while Se wants to expand, impose its will, revel in exterior information, more into fighting for the fight itself. When I was deciding Will’s type I was relying a lot on what I remembered from this site.
Regarding this site and ENFJs, Hannibal pretty much is monster, wich is both flattery, criticism and dry statement. bonearenaofmyskull.tumbrl.com, right? She has wonderful posts. I have also come across Hanny tales, wich is interpretation of series as really dark fairy tale.
I think I agree with what you wrote here.
I shall only encourage you. I wil be very grateful, if you let me know when you finish that essay, so that I could read it.
It’s definitely not everyone’s cup of mushroom tea! There are some shows where you have to take a few episodes to start appreciating it, and some where the first will tell you whether you love it or hate it — Hannibal is one of those (at least, it was for me), and it was love at first sight. It is brilliant food for thought, not to mention Ni-heavy at its core and in its presentation, which might be one reason it’s more of a cult classic type of show. That and all the colorful gore.
Upon continuous study of cognitive functions and their manifestations (spurred on by my own type uncertainty — I had tested as one thing for many years, and very much *wanted* to align myself with and accept it, only something was off; if it weren’t for Hannibal, this realization might not have crystallized), I would tend to agree with you. I think Will is an INFJ and Hannibal, an ENFJ, especially considering what Blake has written here in regards to how xNFJ behavior compares. INFPs definitely present a certain way in comparison to INFJs, and I would say that in my experience, that does include a stronger sense of self — Fi, not Fe — and a certain calm austerity (though I know fairly well-developed INFPs who can use their Te, which helps). There is a lot of misunderstanding floating around online! And much of it has to do with people putting too much stock into a very basic understanding of what a “P” or a “J” implies, rather than what it actually *means*, which is really just whether your decisive function is directed inward or outward.
Yes, it was bonearenaofmyskull’s post that I was referring to! It was really well thought out and compelling. It conferred an awareness of Hannibal’s character that I find important — perhaps by conventional standards he is “a monster”, only, he is deeply driven by his love for people, and is quite empathic himself. There’s a reason he opted to pursue psychiatry, and it wasn’t just to herd cattle. This version of his character, I would argue, is *not* a sociopath. Far from it. I mean, others’ insensitivity is so upsetting to him that he *kills and eats them* for it. He wants the world to be a kinder, more peaceful place. I really treasure that irony.
I will let you know if I manage to throw something so cohesive as an essay together: it is far more likely that this knowledge will instead contribute to my endeavors in fanfiction, and in blog entry comments. 😛
Even though I do not like mushrooms (but fungi episode with diabetics burried alive was wonderful) I will gladly drink this tea repeatedly. 😀
What is your type? And how did Hannibal help you to come to terms with it?
Yes, it is a bit frustrating. When I come across some comment where it is mused over, whether character is judging or not, I feel like whole text, no matter how long, is meaningless. It is beside the point so I can not really get some rellevant information from it.
Well, monsters do not have to be heartless. It Is description of something unusual, even otherworldly and potentially (or quite actively) dangerous. Sounds like him. He loves humanity and thrilling aspects of life in very unordinary way.
Certainly. Even in show itself it was stated, that he is entirely new category, which is sort of more terrifying than plain old sociopathic disorder. Hmm… Kinder and peaceful maybe, but there is part of him, that appreciates process of killing (not only because of getting rid of rude people) and likes to watch, what people will do, if distressed. Part of him, that likes how blood looks black in moonlight. I would say, that since he believes in aesthetics, he wants ignorant people to stop disturbing his appreciation of beauty of the world. If they do not stop, he takes from them that little, what is valuable in them and turns them into something beautiful (corpse stuffed in tree with chest full of flowers for example), or just takes that only valuable part and makes them disappear. Also he likes to bring out people’s potential – total “teacher – ENFJ”.
But yeah, its stunning irony.
You are writer of ff? What fandoms?
Thanks for the insight. However I feel I might’ve found your website far too late. It seems impossible to ride the wave now and days. Because of fear and ridicule, ive suppressed my Fe severely, grown cold hearted, and I haven’t flowed in a long time. Ive grown my Ti too powerful, and now I’m a depressed, objective, and overly analytical person. If there is any way way to undo this, I would love to know. It seems impossible.
It’s never too late. Too late for what? Think about what you are saying in that comment.
Baby steps. Start small with the iota of Fe expression that you may be aware of.
I think what you may be saying is that once the cucumber has become a pickle, there is no way to make it a cucumber again. Which it true.
Or once you have lost your innocence there is no way to go back to being innocent again. True.
However, you are making the assumption that all you have learned from growing up and becoming objective is a loss. Tis not. It is a boon.
But, it is a boon that needs to be balanced.
And if there is anything Jungian typology teaches it is that the balance lies on the other side of the axis. If you have too much Ti, then, you simply need to invoke more of its opposite, Fe.
In reality, we need all the functions for wholeness. And in a realistic balance for your type.
Fe, for an INFJ, is often bypassed for Ti. This is classic and happens all the time, especially in modern digital/technological/complex society.
If you have the means, I would suggest consulting with me to explore options.
Is this a part of Csikszentmihalyi’s flow?
No, it’s not from him. But, I like what he has to say on the subject.
Just came across this site. I love it. I’m an INFJ type 2w1. I can totally resonate with the ocean feeling. I’m at my best when I am just moving and responding/going on my instinct that I have no idea where it comes from! Taking risks, trusting, flowing, feeling my way through life. I see it as a big discovery. I’m also going to be an expressive arts therapist. I think INFJs have the true potential to live their dreams once they just start being and move out of trying to figure out how we already know/are supported in this magic of being. Something I do when I find myself “stuck” in my head – is move my body or scan for feelings… I draw, I make art. I express. Once I express something, the stucked-ness moves out of the way and I naturally know what to “do” next. I can literally shift from being stuck/depressed into jumping out of bed/getting dressed going out and having a productive pow-wow. Using the Fe is like … magic. Truly. Love ittttttt. Challenging to do, but once you start…. the world is your oyster. Literally. You are the ocean INFJs! <3