Don’t worry, be happy. Put your chin up and grin. Stay positive. Things will work out.
Well, positive motivation may drive some people, but not INFJ.
Positive motivation examples:
- Making money
- Sexual/mating opportunities
- Wield power over others
- Be the best there is, becoming SOMEBODY
What is Negative Motivation?
Needing to hate, devalue, make negative valuations, motivated by what is missing.
- Motivated by pain, guilt, tragedy, phoniness, falseness, decadence, shame, anger, rage, hatred, self-hatred
- Holding in contempt examples of shittiness, mediocrity, banality, triteness (acts of denunciation and hatred)
So, negative motivation is motivation by hate instead of love, darkness instead of light, pain instead of pleasure, loss instead of gain, the harsh over the soft, the not-nice over the nice and sweet.
Why do INFJs have negative motivation? Where did it originate?
Broken heart, destroyed innocence, which thereafter causes an interest in what caused this to happen, what are the forces involved, a need to get at the root of things. Fi id, in both versions (Scorpio and Pisces), is implicated.
Happiness and feeling good aren’t questioned possibly because INFJs are heaven-born souls and know of a much greater happiness than is possible in earth realm, and because of the implications of the id position in Fi, they are privy to negative feelings which are only possible when manifest on earth. In heaven, not at all.
Moreover, INFJs NEED this negativity in the form of thoughts, feelings, motivations, whatever the originating cause of them is. It may be the only way for them to come to terms with the earth realm.
They don’t need to know the cause and they don’t need to just cheer up and be positive, they NEED negativity in order to fuel them to their best expression.
Another way of defining negative motivation is that INFJ is FUELED/POWERED by negative emotions, thoughts, and occurrences.
In particular they have a NEED TO HATE on things, rather than love them. This is a critical point and counterintuitive to many people. Somehow, this hate-over-love dynamic reveals something about the nature of love in a general sense, and what it means to love. Love is a critical issue for INFJ. Something paradoxical here. INFJ has the most ability to love, but they refuse, or can’t offer it, for some reason. Fi id riddle and debacle. A crossover point. Love turning to hatred and hatred turns love. Hatred out of love. Hamlet. seems exactly what gives this negative joy to an INFJ.
INFJ must hate.
In order so they may love.
Why do INFJ have negative motivation (continued)?
- Implied moon in scorpio. Moon = needs + motivation, Scorpio = all that is negative, devalued, taboo in existence. Thus Moon + Scorpio = negative motivation and need for negativity.
Famous Examples of this INFJ negative motivation in action
Nietzsche – motivated by all-out attack on society of his time, particularly on how Christianity had made culture decadent. Nietzsche was a good hater. This can be said of many INFJs. Source may lie in his father being a Lutheran pastor, a man of religion, and Nietzsche experiencing some primal wounding in his father’s premature death when Nietzsche was 5 years old, how god didn’t save his father, his father suffered etc. and so this can be seen as a possible forming of a negative motive against all of Christianity. Also, Aleister Crowley mentions this about Scorpio in the astrology book he co-wrote with Evangeline Adams. To paraphrase – “if native (of Scorpio) has been personally wounded by some institution, such as having a bad experience at church, they will avenge themselves, and not be happy avenging themselves, until they have attacked all of organized religion itself, at its very root.”
Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher, precursor to Nietzsche) – Attacked, hated, devalued nearly all philosophers except Kant and Indian philosophers as expressed through The Upanishads. Attacked women, marriage, and most all of humanity. Lot of negativity expressed about nearly all of existence. Solution he proposes is to give up the will.
Hitler – his mother died when he was young, had a Jewish doctor, supposedly Hitler blamed this man for somehow not preventing his mother’s death. Fast forward many years later: 6 million Jews dead. How’s that for vengeance? Jesus.
Bob Dylan – Dylan attacked everyone and everything – women, women’s nature, the masters of war, Miss Lonely, Mr. Jones. Don’t Think Twice, it’s Alright. Listen in, yo.
Kurt Cobain – I Hate Myself And I Want To Die. That pretty much sums it up, but, implied, in addition to this sentiment, I Hate Everyone Else and I Want Them To Die (Too). Music critic George Starostin said Cobain made the biggest statement of self-hatred and “poor shitty me” ever recorded in music. Quite an accomplishment!
Roger Waters (member of Pink Floyd) – I’ll rely largely on music critic George Starostin’s excellent testimony in this regard as he reviews each of the band member’s contribution’s to Dark Side of The Moon, the 3rd best-selling album in all of musical history:
Waters largely took care of the «experimental» and «philosophical» angles of the album, while Gilmour and Wright worried more about the actual melodic content and musicality (especially when it came down to emphasizing these different sides in the final mix) — although Waters is always happy to deny this, and detailed scrutiny uncovers that many of the basic musical ideas did come from his own head. But we all know the set roles, right? Gilmour and Wright are there for the melody and the harmony, and Roger is there for… the poison, I guess.
And Roger for the poison. Indeed.
As Waters gradually assumed more control of Pink Floyd, they put out increasingly acidic, bile-laden, negative asshole albums as heard on Animals, and particularly The Wall.
Starostin has the following to say about Animals:
One thing, and one thing only really matters on Animals: hatred.
Animals basically breaks humanity into three types of animal – dogs, pigs, and sheep. And they all suck in three completely different ways, which are very beautifully and artistically outlined in classic INFJ fashion.
The Wall is the most autobiographical album of Waters. See, his daddy died in WW2. So, Waters finally lets out his all-out contempt for… well… the entire human race. Also, his loathing for the music business, and by extension, capitalism in general (started on the famous tune Money from Pink Floyd album Dark Side of The Moon) and continued on the song Welcome To The Machine from the following album Wish You Were Here. And later on in Water’s solo career in the song When The Tigers Broke Free which is specifically about “how the high command took my daddy from me”.
I actually get chills every time I hear that line. The pathos, man.
Famous Fictional INFJ characters negatively motivated
Underground man (from Dostoevsky’s Notes From The Underground novella) – Well, this short novel starts out with “I’m a bitter man, I’m a spiteful man, my liver hurts, good, let it hurt some more” Need I say more? I have already said elsewhere that this is the INFJ primer/required reading par excellence. And it’s due mostly to this negative motivation thing I’m trying to outline and describe. Basically, everything the underground man does is destructive, self-hating, negative, and in mad love with the wonders of it all. He hates himself, he hates everyone else, he hates his pettiness, his lack of nobility, his cowardice, his romantic ideals, and everyfuckingthinginmotherfuckingexistence. Hashtag.
Raskolnikov (from Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment – a character that is a sensitive and intelligent young gentleman who can’t seem to find one positive ideal in all of existence to dedicate his life to, so he decides to commit a murder of a woman that he sees as a symbol of oppressing society. Plus, he wants to see if he is capable of committing murder with a lack of conscience and moral sting, as the great conquerors of the world seemed to do in legions.
Hamlet – To be or not to be? Because if one is to be, one must put up with the following:
- The oppressors wrong
- The law’s delay
- The pangs of despised love
- The insolence of office
- The proud man’s contumely
- Getting the picture?
Hamlet pretty much spends the whole play recounting and going over how much everything under the sun fucking sucks. His father is murdered. His mother is a fucking whore slut for quickly remarrying Hamlet’s uncle, who is but a pale pastiche of his father’s glorious and noble nature. This personal event leads him to philosophize negatively on all of woman’s nature, culminating in the famous line “O frailty, thy name is woman”.
Many INFJ men seem to attack and disdain women in particular. This is all a part of their negative motivation. Something about woman’s nature is contemptible, yet greatly needed and desired. I think there is a lot of disappointment in women. Imagine, for example, if Hamlet’s mother hadn’t hastily (read fickle) remarried Hamlet’s uncle. That could have been a whole different play.
Reference John Lennon for finding a woman (Yoko Ono) that seemed to save him from all the things that suck (everything in the world pretty much) as heard on the song God where he’s talking about “I don’t believe in x list of things” and culminating with “I just believe in me…Yoko and me”.
Woman, Love, Woman as a Purveyor of Love seem to play a critical part in the INFJ male’s redemption.
It’s like the INFJ male needs to find real love, a love that they can believe in, or, for that matter, anything to believe in at all, but there seems to be some critical crossover at this issue of LOVE. Otherwise, if this drive is thwarted, if wounded, then HATE.
And it seems very easy for INFJ to HATE, like it doesn’t take much, it could even be one event in their childhood, possibly one critical event, like the loss of a parent, and that loss causes them to convert their tremendous capacity for love into hatred, vengeance, and a vow to “erase all fond records from their head” and turn it over completely to “Who the fuck is to blame for this? How did this happen? Why? How? Who?” The INFJ then takes this drive and turns it on the entire world in ripping apart everything under the sun. No one is innocent. No one is exempt. No one shall escape this psychological penetration.
It’s like everyone is guilty until proven innocent.
“Show me one pure thing. Please. Show me one pure thing and I will believe in the goodness of god’s creation…and I shall love.”
But, no, with this negative motivation and orientation to all of existence, all that is looked for is what is culpable, what is false, what is sinful, what is blackened and decayed and corrupt, what is contemptible, and what deserves to be attacked, torn down and destroyed.
Yeah, it all seems to arise, or at least be activated, by some early personal wounding.
It seems what I’m saying here is that an INFJ cannot LOVE, not because they are incapable of it as is so ironically untrue. This is the irony – that an INFJ has the most capacity to love of anyone, but that they are also the type most likely to be easily and early wounded such that this tremendous love is prevented from being exercised and given freely and innocently, while at the same time, easily being converted over into a tremendous capacity for hatred, which instead of love, drives them inspirationally forward.
This INFJ capacity says something interesting about the whole nature of LOVE as it thematically works its way throughout the INFJ’s lives. The fictional INFJ characters of The Underground Man and Raskolnikov are each presented with one woman that offers a hope of redemption from their negative motivation, and interestingly enough, the two women in the respective stories are opposites – one is a whore and the other is an innocent and religiously faithful and pure little girl. The same is true in Catcher in The Rye, where the only thing the main INFJ protagonist (Holden Caulfield) considers pure and true, in a world of phoniness, is a little girl that he knows.
And INFJ men can be particularly harsh on women, like they have a particular bone to pick with them, because….because they were supposed to be better than that, because their nature is supposed to be more pure and redemptive and good and true.
It’s like they are looking for love to redeem itself, prove itself, they are daring it to do so.
“Show me how great love is.”
And since this seems difficult in this heartbreaking world, the INFJ sets about to destroying and hating and negatively devaluing everything, as a form of revenge perhaps.
“Please show me…please, and I will throw myself at love’s feet and worship thee, show me the purity of untainted and unsullied and unsordid love. Show me one thing that has purity of motive, which is supposed to be love…most of all…above all.
If you need help with any of the INFJ issues outlined in this article, consider consulting with me. I have been helping INFJ’s since 2015 find their way in a world not made for them.
And then they meet an INFP and it drives them crazy lol
Was just gonna say this. Pretty much.
“Crazy” meaning bored and disappointed, more like playing in a shallow kiddy pool and exclaiming “Is this it?”
in infj is an itch that must be scratched.
an itch to look down on contemptibility (is that a word?), whatever form (moral or esthetic or whatever) that contemptibility will take…if you think about it anyone is going to fall away from the ideal and suck in some way…everyone disappoints…people are shit. but not just shit…contemptible shit.
very relatable in a way:)
i never stopped wondering about whether Nietzsche is infj rather than intj. seems you’ve converged to infj. i still think about his type from time to time, but wish to be native German speaker. it’s challenging to “feel” him a text that has gone through a filter of translation.
was osho infj?
I’m white, and I hate white people. Truly. They either have no interest in other people’ lives or they envy them. I’m priviledged in this western hemisphere but I have contempt for everyone (kid, fellow, animal) who is priviledged over another living thing. Would I want to trade my features to be someone else ? Would I want to have my light skin changed to be born bistre ? No. The idea of having my skin brown and having to grow in this occidental mindset of the world frightens me, distresses me, you would not imagine. “White people bastards “with drive””, or “will”, I’ve known them. They have absolute disregard for other people feelings, especially if these people have brown skin and possess African features. They own no respect nor wonderment for animal life. Like some dumb asses who are adepts of Christianity (Brown people also have no wonderment towards animal life and this drives me to affliction). I hate white people and everyone who relates to them. Except maybe for a few whom I see possess purity in them. I also hate Gandhi. A racist you know well. You can see how I use the auxiliary verb ‘have’ a lot. I’m sorry. I am sorry to lash out at everyone I think is a racist. To me, white people are dumb souls. And I am one of them because I was raised as one.
There ! That was an example of a projected spontaneous hatred.
Thank you for letting me post this. I feel better.
That description of the infj towards women is so spot on … I am exactly like that towards my girlfriend. She’ll say stuff like “she’s a dumb bitch with an annoying voice and is from a shitty family who’s losing money.” Some girls resort to this sort of thing as a release for stress. Me being the infj will have thoughts about it like “but she gets B’s in school … and she can’t control her voice she was born with it … and her family is going through tough times and its never that simple to keep consistent income.” This took me a very long time to really understand the purpose behind these sort of rants, since infjs are prone to holding feelings in so as to not become an unhelpful burden.
Aside from this, I definitely agree the INFJ looks at all the negativity in the world to drive him or herself in the right direction. It’s this sort of paradox or polar opposite that really drives us. Like being a parent to the INFJ is shows up as “I can be a parent that selflessly stands in the background and lets my child live their life happily and take all the credit, or I can be really selfish and constantly claim they are a product of me. I can choose to be selfless.” This is invoked by introverted intuition, which tells the infj that being a parent can mean very different things. And so, the INFJ intuitively knows its better to become a symbol of selflessness to your child.
I would also like to add on to the reason behind the negativity … it’s because extraverted feeling basically makes everybody’s feelings in the environment seem like they’re dialed to 100. Just like to the ISTP extraverted sensing dials all the senses to 100. But to the INFJ the feelings of the room are so glaring, that when the INFJ gets older and is finally able to understand more complex emotions like guilt or shame or whatever, it really stands out to us that life is not so easy. And that’s when the aformentioned motivation comes in.
I read this shortly after re-reading the “Play INFJ Play” article, which I feel like is supposed to be the solution to this. The other side of the coin. Blake, you even said directly that’s how to drain this negative motivation/poison.
Yeah, I can see this. Not clearly yet though. I do think I (and INxJs in general) have an ability to joke about the existential sorrows of life. And it’s healing for me to do so. When I can laugh at myself and the absurdities of life is when I am more able to love others more readily, I think. Well, doesn’t Nietzsche himself implore us to be “dancing stars” that don’t take everything so gravely all the time?
I think this gives me another inkling of the tendency for IxFPs to rub INFJs the wrong way after awhile (the exception being INFPs who have really developed their Ne and are primarily operating from that function). Not only can they not laugh at the dark side of life, they tend to take things I already consider light and then turn it super serious. Then I just cannot deal after awhile.
So how what are we to make of this negative motivation problem, Blake? I know you believe INFJs can be happy. Is it really just Fe? Remember we’re not of this Earth so the happenings here are all folly, so might as well make lots of fun out of it? That seems…so contrary to our usual nature, which I guess is your point in the first place.
So how what are we to make of this negative motivation problem, Blake?
I’m not so much proposing a solution to it as attempting to outline what it is and where it may come from. I’m also not sure that it’s a thing that needs to be solved. There are positive sides to this negative motivation. Yes, Fe can be used to channel the negative insights.
Often an INFJ doesn’t know what they want, but they are certain of what they don’t want. So, that’s a path.
An INFJ may not like many things, yet have many things they dislike.
And they NEED to be allowed to not like them, to have negative valuations of them. Because it is this capacity that gets them somewhere, whereas, just putting on your happy face and thinking positively may not. It’s like INFJ has to come to terms with these sentiments, even if they aren’t pleasant to most people.
It’s almost like an INFJ will say “this sucks and that sucks but look I found something that doesn’t completely suck” And that’s a compliment coming from an INFJ.
Whereas, an ENFP who is positively motivated will be like “Isn’t this wonderful, isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t it all wonderful?”
And the INFJ will say “No, it isn’t.”
And this will give the happy go lucky ENFP a perspective on things.
Why should we just value positive thinking? What about the value of negative thinking?
Well, what I’m saying, is that, often, the INFJ will have some negative things to say and point out, and they will be absolutely correct, but the average dumb fuck will be quick to point out how negative the INFJ is being and completely disregard their insight because it wasn’t clothed in positivity.
But, some things can’t be clothed in positivity because they are in the 11th hour and it’s too late for that sort of thing.
INFJs can perform a great service to society by their will to negativity, which can be viewed as an unwillingness to pretend that everything is just all hunky dory and perfect when it ain’t.
This is potentially a very positive and productive…and healing negativity. Just as the strongest medicine is often very bitter.
So, I’m sorta saying that INFJs should revel in their negative propensities and motivations and be proud of them. They offer a positive value.
And moreover, INFJs just NEED to be negatively driven sometimes. If they allow it, instead of blocking it, or covering it over with well-meaning positive sentiments (that are advised by well-meaning people, perhaps), then it can lead to a certain genius of the type. Much of INFJ’s genius lies in negative motivation.
INFJs invented the art form of Tragedy, for example. To be able to express the tragic is healing. To admit that not everything is all roses and rainbows. There is some seriously fucked up shit in nature and in human nature. And the INFJ craves this poison. Simply because it’s real. What else are they gonna talk about?
Ever heard of a poison pen? Ya. That’s them INFJs writing under the influence of negative motivation. That’s their juice, their lifeblood. And an INFJ will often be blocked because they have overlooked “the negative” as a source of motivation and inspiration. As a starting point.
I mean, who knows what kind of beautiful and heartbreaking places that INFJ poison and hatred will take them. It may take them all the way to the gates of heaven.
“they are in the 11th hour ”
how cool
Blake, I feel like you’ve just described my last five years in ENFP-land… (which I’m trying to get out of right now, if only I can muster some Te. Soon. Soon!)
In seriousness though, thank you for this response. It’s made something clearer. I have a lot to think about now…
Another question: do ENFPs do the same but in reverse for INFJs then? Like, INFJ is all like “this sucks, that sucks, everything sucks” and then ENFP is like “ok, but this isn’t that bad” or “ok, but what do you want then?” Because I do feel that ENFPs (the healthier ones) can often to that for me. And that’s what attracts us to each other. We keep each other from becoming too optimistic or too pessimistic. That’s the good outcome. Bad outcome is we drive each other crazy from not letting the other person be themselves.
Random 1.
Imagine a machine that learns to learn. Scans all laments ever written such as Dostoyevsky etc. Makes a digital life form free of all the failings of miserly human beings. And launches a new digital species out into the big universe.
Random 2.
Artificial intelligence goes all out of wack and people no longer know who’s artificial or not. The infjs are called in to save us from our imitators by detecting some really subtle failures to capture the fullness of human existence.
Because the Fe side of the INFJ understands there’s a lot of corruption in the real world, that we must always be aware of the corruption around us, whether to remind us to be better ourselves or to fight it and protect our loved ones.
Yoko still labeled INTJ by you, Blake?
What do you think she could be? I’ve wondered if she could be enfj. You?
Hi, lunar! Break your sentence and come back to the dark side of communication (the forum). :-).
Well, I’d more so like to know what Blake thinks. He was quoted as saying INTJ for Yoko 3 years ago. Sometimes he gets new info that changes his mind, so I wanted to know if his original typing still stands true to him.
I never really looked into Yoko. I just finished watching a few videos of her on YouTube, including a bizarre recording of her screaming for John in a recording studio with the Beatles. She seems insane and I like her. I always thought they were a boring couple but it looks like they were very passionate about each other. Good for them.
i know the one of her screaming!!!! crazy stuff!!!!!!!!!! the ears!!!! say please! stop!!! lol. but i find her interesting.
i wonder if she could be entj too.
there is something somewhat domineering about her.
and some say she stalked john lennon to get him interested in her. but that’s hearsay so who knows. but sometimes she’d answer “for” lennon….in interviews.
yeah like sometimes i wonder if she is enj, because her art is like the idea just stands for itself in its exotic performance essay form. reminds me of Ne id strangeness.
and i’ll probably jump right back onto the maze like a well programmed virus but right now quarantine has resulted in a huge burst of productivity. sometimes, to get through the day is like being one’s own CEO…..truly, which for infp=yikes.
Yoko still labeled INTJ by you, Blake?
Yes, and I just watched this documentary to affirm that I still feel this way.
Erika, bloody rose, what! you are leaving for good? waaa i can’t handle that seriously ahhh no.
i will miss you. it’s gonna be confusing. the maze is like some grounds you rule like a goddess. you are like our forest and our rain. we hear your breaths and feel your movements, we even know your voice. you’re there. i’m not sure i can picture the place without you. that said, THANK YOU Erika. i’ve loved interacting with you. i feel blessed that i got to, even know we’ve never met, and it was just online. luv u
can’t bring myself to say an actual bye so instead send you a kiss.
I’ve read differently about Hitler though- that he was grateful to the doctor who attempted to treat his mother.. and allowed him and his wife to escape to USA, in spite of him being a Jew.
Just a thought- Is it possible that Hitler could be an ISTP gone rogue? Like Walter White of Breaking Bad as you mentioned in the forum somewhere.
After so much suffering in Nirvanic castles,
what a joy to sink into this world!
People wearing silk clothes,
Buddhas dressed in rags,
a wooden man walking in the evening,
a stone woman with a bonnet—
for the first time you will see,
when you can cup your hands
and pick up the moon as it floats
on the still surface of a pond.
—Seung Sahn
i’ve learned i’m an infj a year ago. Most of my life i felt like an alien, sad, and unmotivated except for hatred towards the people who make others suffer. I tried to be the good girl who makes everyone happy, and that followed all the rules to be given appreciation. Until i broke, and then became my estp shadow for a year, i think trying to destroy myself, hopefully to not awaken anymore. (my writings from that period were mostly journals) Then my first daughter came, and i felt lost and sad and tried to ammend, but entered a kind of deep depression, a numbness mixed only with being in despair. (i wrote poems daily then) and i decided that the only way to prevent all this darkness to be here with my child, was to undertand my nature, to not make myself an oppressor, to break the cicle, because that it’s the easiest way to be after being abussed and ignored for most of your life. Negative motivation for me its the path to go through the pain, to understand pain and darkness, to bring beauty and love out of them. Like to drink a bit of poisson everyday until you can handle being poisoned in bigger dosis, you understand what poison provokes what in us humans… and help then to remove the poison of others if they want to.
my generalization: my wounds inflicted by very wounded persons made me suffer too much / almost broke but went through the pain /
then i think almost everyone must have some pain that when triggered produce anger/hatred/darkness we see in everyone.
As an INFJ 4w5, I can tell you this is the love/hate we have with Fi. Which we get in Ni/Ti loops trying to pattern out, code out, sort out. But which we then overload on. It all feels selfish and irrational and ALL TOO MUCH very quickly.
The solution? Fe love on our Yoko Ono (I have an ENTP 7w6 twenty years my senior for this), and a great love for the world, as an idea, from a distance.
And moving to Paris has helped — Parisians live on hating + dissecting the world with Ti in a beautiful Se environment. Heaven.
INFJ 4w5 living in Paris with my boyfriend ENTP 7 what helps me with sensory overload and Ni/Ti loops is self reiki meditation I came to understand that I cannot live without it once I stop within few weeks only things start to fall apart. It keeps me centred. also music and tarot.
And Paris in the best place in the world for my soul.
“Many INFJ men seem to attack and disdain women in particular. This is all a part of their negative motivation. Something about woman’s nature is contemptible, yet greatly needed and desired. I think there is a lot of disappointment in women. And INFJ men can be particularly harsh on women, like they have a particular bone to pick with them, because….because they were supposed to be better than that, because their nature is supposed to be more pure and redemptive and good and true.”
Swedish writer August Strindberg (most definitely an INFJ) wrote a book about this shit. It’s one of the most exciting books I’ve ever read:
Thanks for sharing that, Ignas.
A bit tangential but you mentioned George Starostin!
Now I see where you got this whole “Starling” name from…. 😉
And this guy writes and thinks so much like you. I almost thought he was you at some point, but then he clearly doesn’t look like you.
… Just sayin’
I can’t easily express in words how wonderful it was to discover Starostin’s old blog (Only Solitaire) some years ago. It was literally like finding an oasis in the desert. Because the internet is a desert with a shit-ton of shiny mirages.
Yeah, I can see the likeness in our writing and thinking. It is very close in some way. We both got the glib thing going 😉
What is it with infjs. I never forget one who has done their magic though. I don’t think that’s love to appreciate that magic. But it’s burdensome like love.
And love is just a very dangerous thing. I fear love is like filling up with the good qualities you see in someone. Geee let’s see how that could go wrong. Love will make you even like a name for life. You hear that name you know the eternal love that lingers after the overpopulation in the deepest sacred place we don’t understand. That’s fucked up. It’s like the YOU make me like a NAME. What shit?
You’re filled with impression of this person. But it’s so in you you’ve lost all boundaries. It’s sort of like an invasion where the sacred place to withdraw is filled up all the way so there is no room to see. But probably your ego is just getting stroked.
When the shit goes down, it has to, breakage all around. You’re still overpopulated and breakage has merged with the landscape, because of something goes deep deep it appears in that other place beyond this configuration of rows of houses. Then you realize you’ve lost a person. What does it even mean. What does it even mean to have a friend.
As a particular infp, I can say I haven’t got a clue what a friend is, how to be one or have one. Do I want a “friend”? Don’t know. Do I want him? Yes. Is it love? Well what the hell is love? How can one feel that way about someone? It surely sucks to admire someone, the shit is going to go down anyways. Probably not love, worse than love let’s say.
Yeah surely a whole load of garbage. For no ones edification.
Infjs are strange people. I love and hate them. I’m very triggered around them. There is something that just cries out to be loved in every infj I’ve met. I’m thinking of RumDawg suddenly. I kind of have grown affectionate for him. But why? I don’t even know if he is infj. But there is something to this slow over time they reveal things in little shades and it’s so infinitely revealing non revealing.
Also infj potential for love that has to be partly ability to love. It’s seductive. But what does that say about me. I’m just seeking that? Their understanding that Blake was mentioning elsewhere is also a big lure, but because it’s always personal. I don’t understand why Blake keeps talking about Ti so much like that’s what infjs do. I feel like their Ti is so Fe/Fi that’s what the lure is. They decode humanity is what. That’s very lovable. Why? Not got a clue. Yep I’m crying right now. I’m very moved by infjs and it frankly makes me sick.
I wish to have no needs. This human nature is just strangely chaining. I’m horrified by the magnetism of infjs. I’ve experienced this with male and female infjs. It’s super psycho sexual.
The maze has kind of turned into a very infj place. I have spent so much time absorbing infj vibe and point of view. I feel like I have spent way too much time thinking about a type not my own. It all started trying to rub the pain from a long ago infj relation. Infp does that shit. The pain is just sitting there in my inner sacred space so why not rub it. Also the amazing Blake articles ugh it’s not like he needs compliments.
It makes more sense for infj to keep talking about their own type.
It’s really very infj around here.
Ni id just completely too triggered. So much Infj.
And thank goodness I guess. I mean Yes I love it. But it’s so much oh my god. But yes I love it. So much. But so much is hard….anything that is too much is.
wow i sound like a total nutcase.
Yeah, you really do. Congratulations.
yeah, man.
That isfp discussion you all have going on. She reminded me of an isfp boy I know who is kind of feminine. Something about the type of humor. It’s not delinquent that ain’t the right word and words a waste. I thought the boy was infj for the longest time took me years to think of isfp. He is so his own person, so stubborn. He digs his heels in. I thought it was that infj independence. But I just don’t see any of that perfect child vibe you’ve alluded to in reference to some composer by which I took it to mean my own version of it based on what I think an infj I know was like as a kid
Wait come to think of it maybe an infj would look isfp as a kid. Ah. So confusing. Can’t partake of this candy I’ll get cavities.
Cheers blakester
Oh boy
Jeez lunar, I just saw this and I’m floored! Infj, the love, the hate, the triggering…! Someone get me out of here but I want more!! It’s a drug! What is this??
I miss you lunar.
if I could delete.
I miss everyone too, but do need some time, and probably learn as much when not posting, and ultimately I rather learn more than anything else, even if I’m stupid.
X o
Why would you ever delete it? You described it beautifully and it helped me confirm some doubts. But I get it that you need time. If anything, that comment above was the perfect explanation why. Sorry, didn’t mean to guilt you into coming back, just to remind you that you are appreciated. And even if I don’t know you, I feel connected to you. Thank you, lunar! xoxo
thank u.
It makes sense that so many people tell me how I’m cruel or cold. I’m just being frank and truthful, that’s true love, where most people don’t understand. However, as we get older, we cannot operate like this to be in this society and we choose to behave differently. Regarding hate/love, it is so easy to go to hate. However, as an infj, we’ve experienced the dark side and as human beings the threshold of staying there depends but we all know it will have some sort of consequence. The only way to get out is light and love, in my opinion.
Wow. Just wow. Explains the need for mind games and wanting to be cared by a ESTP (I think their functions is Te-Fi rather than Se-Ni, which makes sense based on my observations), also explains the dark, broody and mean vibe and the need to be sarcastic and mean to me. Yikes.