Want to achieve a significant goal but you can’t seem to find the time or motivation to work on it? You may be an artist of some sort. You may want to write. But you can’t set down to business. You stare at the page and are paralyzed. You have all these cool things you want to say, but it feels impossible to express them articulately. You want it to be this perfect expression of some universal theme that you can see in your mind’s eye. You freeze up. Where do you start?
Action is where you start.
Ze Problem
INFJ’s think about how to take action, but have a problem taking the action because of a 1001 considerations that immediately rear their ugly heads as soon as they want to fly off into creative production.
In following are some of the reasons INFJ’s can’t get things done:
- INFJ’s want to take perfect action
- INFJ’s have unstable motivation/motive energy. They are motivated one day, and demotivated the next.
- INFJ’s keep thinking about their beloved, or who they want to be their beloved. Love is another derailing energy.
INFJ Action and Accountability Program
- Any successful life requires ACTION. You just have to get up in the morning and be willing to fight. Not succumb to futility. This means physical vitality. Running. Joining a gym. It’s the only way out of depression. Powering out of it. You can either go this way or back into rumination and the frustration of not getting work done on what you really want to do. When it comes down to it, no matter how many beautiful insights you have, if you don’t take action on them, or are blocked in action, then it doesn’t matter, you will grow old and be preyed upon by your own unactivated potentials.
- Accountability. If it’s just you and the things you said you would do, then it’s likely you’re going to slink off into the never-never land of your mind and get derailed in an ocean of your own malcontent. All successful people are accountable to someone.
My solution
I employ simple techniques for complex people (INFJ’s).
I find that the simplest techniques are the only things that work for INFJ’s without them falling back into an overthinking mode. We have to jump in before your mind can figure out what is going on. Think of it as doing improvisational acting. What’s the next thing you’re gonna do? Go!
TYPICAL DAY inventory:
I want to find out where INFJ is getting derailed because of daily habits related to diet, exercise, information intake, downtime, and relationships. This will be examined by the INFJ doing a TYPICAL DAY inventory exercise. I will examine the inventory for any glaring blind spots related to derailing activities/habits, particularly daily information intake as related to rest/downtime.
In the INFJ ACTION AND ACCOUNTABILITY program I help INFJ’s get into action and stay accountable to what they want to achieve. I will explore motivation, ask simple questions, and push you to act. With my support, we will get the whole thing up and running and keep it that way for the duration of the time we work together.
How it works
You will have 4 weeks of coaching starting from the time of payment. In this time I will get you up and running on your goal.
The cost for the program is $400. No refunds. So be motivated!
What you’re gonna get
- Support from an INFJ expert (10 years experience working with INFJs)
- Motivation
- Non-judgmental understanding
- Someone that will fight for you
- Feel understood
Book a free 15- minute Discovery call with me by sending an email to blake@stellarmaze.com with INFJ ACTION AND ACCOUNTABILITY in the header of the email. Then, in the body, briefly state what your goal is. I’ll get back to you with a time to set up the call.
What is “information intake”?
Sounds like a worthwhile program to keep in mind.
I thought this was just an insightful joke at first, and was nodding along with a smile until I realized it was actually a lovely offer to help. You are a hero among men. The reminder to just DO things was sorely needed.
This is extremely good advice.
I am quite adept at this already usually(took a few decades of practice).
That said, it has been a hard year, and for the first time, I have been isolated/ing and that led to discovering this wonderful Loop.
Doing even a fraction of these suggestions WILL help you. I have been literally forcing myself because it was in a downward spiral otherwise.
I think it boils down to allowing ourselves to hate humanity and the cruelty of the world but accepting we are hardwired to need people.
So create those healthy boundaries and leave the house an hour or two most days.