I don’t have a love affair with writing. That’s the first thing you should know.
But I know how to write. And I know what good writing is. It’s the way I write. Catchy titles. Pornography. If Dr. Seuss were Shakespheare. That type of thing.
But, what about you?
Well, I’ve worked with a number of INFJ writers. They all seem to want to write.
But you know, writing is largely a non-writing process. Has nothing to do with writing itself. It’s the life around the writing. That’s what’s interesting.
So, if you were getting all upset about the craft of writing, know that successful writers don’t concern themselves with such affairs. Hemingway didn’t.
Vitality. That’s what makes good writing.
Another little known fact. Writing is not something that can be taught. But since writing is largely a non-writing process, you’re in luck.
Welcome to the INFJ Action and Accountability Program where the shit that matters is taught. And not only taught, but held accountable to.
Total lifestyle approach: How to make art by not making art
I’m gonna look at your total lifestyle and see where tips and tweaks can be made to facilitate balance and flow. Just like a plant doesn’t grow in a vacuum, neither will you flower as an artist in a life where all you have is isolation and an obsessive and blocked desire to write. Gotta think about and attend to the life around you.
I work with INFJ in assessing the 80/20 habits that are
a. Most derailing them
b. Most assisting them
I identify secret culprits in this regard and am particularly good at reorganizing your daily life with the least amount of radical change to get a big result.
Bottomline is if you expect to show up for your writing consistently and fruitfully, then you have to do that in your entire life. But it’s often little things that need to be addressed.
In this program, I will hold you accountable to making changes that show you truly want to write and not just be some romantic dreamer.
The main way I work with INFJ writers
So even if you start getting into the process of writing, once you get into the writing, you will find other stuff coming up related to scripts, motivations, resistances, in other words, what’s the REAL reason you want to write?
In my experience, INFJs rarely have a problem with being talented enough to write. It’s more that they can write so well that they get caught up in their own mellifluous expressive powers. I call this MASTURBATORY writing. I don’t find it impressive, and as a coach I show INFJs how to be more direct, honest, and gripping.
INFJs tend to have a problem with STRUCTURING and OUTLINING, however I advise that INFJs only need a minimal structure to brace their writing, but more importantly, I think the structure comes from the motivation for why they are writing. Once motivation becomes clear, it’s a lot easier to structure the material and not have it just be some Morning Pages stream-of-consciousness thing. The structure comes naturally from getting honest and being truly emotionally galvanized by what lies down below in their subconscious.
Once an INFJ gets unblocked at this subconscious level, problems they have in the craft of writing are something that can be solved rather easily.
I help INFJs with the stuff that can’t be taught consciously.
I’m the guy to help you with your writing if you wanna get down to no-bullshit, brass tacks on your writing. I’m very good at evaluating writing from this perspective.
Check out the INFJ Action and Accountability Program if you wanna work with me on your writing.
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