Computers exist to solve problems.
Inasmuch as you are a computer, your Myers-Briggs temperament indicates the particular problem to be solved and the type of solution that you are best engineered to provide to that problem.
So, by these lights, the basic problem of any temperament is the cognitive function that falls in the inferior position of said temperament.
The solution to this problem lies in the cognitive function in the auxiliary position, which may be called the program the computer runs to solve the primal problem that inferior function presents.
The auxiliary function is the program the computer runs to deal with this problem (or the program that is devised to deal with it and how this is characteristically done).
Now, the computer already has its hardware (id function), its CPU (tertiary function), and its operating system (dominant function). But, now it needs to have something to work on, something to put it into action.
A problem to crunch on.
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