OK, it’s going to get ugly and I can’t help it. I have a beef with ENFPs collectively. And I tend to see ENFPs as a collective. Coincidence? I think not.
Now, it is common parlance in the Myers-Briggs community that ENFPs are these peaceful, loving, and cheerful souls who want nothing but the best for everyone, the upliftment of the human race, those original flower children of the 60’s.
And this is true. And ENFPs have a damn good image, don’t they? They want to better the world through saving the dolphins and end worker’s slavery to the man and all that jive. They often have all these causes they are dedicated to and they all fall under the rubric of how everything is altogether too cruel and dehumanizing and it is the fault of those very uncool and unhip tyrants of the world. Those corporate mercenaries who reduce people to cubicle slaves. Yes, ENFPs are rather the opposite of “the square.” Don’t be such a square. Rather, be a circle. Expand your mind and your consciousness. Raise your vibrational level. Don’t be such a caveman. And above all, be cheerful.
Well, OK, fine. But, let me tell you something about ENFPs. While they are talking all this talk and above all – looking the part, because many of them are quite beautiful and refined, they will not care one iota about actually getting their hands dirty and getting into the muck and gunge of human existence and actually changing things at a core level.
Why? Because they are too cool and elevated for that. And moreover, they just want to look the part of the rebel, while still being quite comfortable and in the money.
The 60’s
In the mind of the collective, the sixties image is that of the ENFP. If you want to understand the ENFP, just look into the sixties, the popular and shiny part of it. The ENFPs came in around the height of the sixties (1967, summer of love) to cap it off with this absolutely beautiful image of free love, peace, flowers in your hair, make love not war, and those kind of sentiments. And ENFPs and the sixties are now synonymous in the public imagination and in the historical consciousness. However, it wasn’t them who started the sixties revolutionary spirit, but, they certainly did come in at the point that they thought it might be successful, and most of all, cool to participate in it. And like I said they did a damn good job of making the sixties look beautiful, epic, and innocent in spirit. The beautiful child.
And that pretty much sums up ENFPs to me – when something is happening or cool or against the squares of the world, they will come in at that pivotal moment and add their shine and gloss to the whole works.
And they so look the part.
And Who Destroyed the 60’s
ENFPs, that’s who. Yes, ENFPs came into the 60’s with their lovely sense of timing for where the coolness and hipness lay, and got themselves top billing as the original hippies (which is true, they are), they smoked up all the grass, popped up all the pills, fucked all your friends, dressed really cool, and were really peaceful to boot (hey man, anger is so uncool). Remember all those groovy fashions of the sixties – the long and flowing and beautiful hair, the beautiful bodies that were free to be loved by all, the playful and childlike spirit of running around in circles in the grass with flowers in their hair, being stoned and beautiful – yeah, all an ENFP thing.
But, who sold out the entire sixties movement not started by them? Who were the people that as soon as they saw things might not work out the way it was originally thought it would, jumped ship into the exact thing that these beautiful souls were previously rebelling against? Yes, ENFPs. Expedience, you know. They know which side their bread is buttered on. They didn’t want to be on the side of the losers so they changed their garb again and became the original yuppies of the world. And they were still quite cool. They were now happening go-getters of the corporate world. As long as they can be cool and hip and have a beautiful and benign image about them, they are good.
And I will say this since I am on the subject of beauty and looking good – enneatype 3 ENFP women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. The faces of some of these women are so gorgeous and lovely. Jennifer Connelly springs to mind. Just a lovely beauty. Not cheap. Just flowing, generous, refined, and well, like a beautiful child of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
One of the most beautiful men I have ever known was a type 3 ENFP. Looked like Atreyu from the movie, The Neverending Story.
So, great, ENFPs are beautiful (some of them). What else do they have to offer in the economy of types?
So far I have called them peaceful, change-oriented, beautiful (not just physically, but in spirit and energy), the original flowers-in-your-hair hippies, circular sellouts, and especially the enneatype 3 ENFPs as being the most beautiful women in existence. Actually, any type 3 women is usually conspicuous for her beauty. It is the number of Venus, and thus, feminine beauty. With beauty, I mean beauty of spirit, not just physical beauty, although, that is always a factor since form follows function. Gracefulness of spirit would be another way to put it. And in the case of ENFP, a certain graciousness and generosity when as, say, compared to an enneatype 3 ESTP or ENTJ chick.
However, again, this appearance of graciousness can be deceiving and quite the opposite in true intention in the ENFP type.
Which brings me to another one of their lovely qualities – conniving behavior. This means saying one thing (so beautifully and in full innocence) and doing quite another thing when the rubber hits the road, when all the teapots come crashing down, and so on.
Yes, ENFPs can be quite the little backstabbers. This would not be surprising coming from some other types, like the aforementioned type 3 ESTPs and ENTJs. I mean, we can kind of get the sense from these lovelies that they are opportunistic and out for blood. It ain’t that hard to pick up from them. But, with type 3 ENFPs, it is often so clothed in this beautiful peace and love ideology that no one except the savviest can pick up that they are actually most interested in their own gain in the final analysis.
Now, This is Not Always True
Of course, there has to be these caveats. Some ENFPs are some of the most righteous and coolest motherfuckers (and motherfuckesses) to hit the face of the planet. And we already know that, as I have said above, but, some ENFPs just rule so fucking hard in their absolute coolness and beauty of spirit, and actually mean it and take it all the way.
Yes, one ENFP jumps to my mind that was like this. One of the dead-at-27 crew from the 1960’s. Can you guess which one it was?
Here are you’re three choices: Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison.
To get an exposition on the loveliness and coolness of one of these three 1960’s cat’s or kittens, cast your vote in the comments and hit my donate button mucho bigtime. Like ENFPs, money always gets my attention and puts my motor into overdrive. In other words, it makes me want to write.
So be cool my little hippie starlings. And don’t forget to save the earth because I am of the universe. And you know what it’s worth.
Update on 5-27-15: So, some money came in, votes were cast, and the next article of the ENFP saga was released into the maze: But, I’m Too Cool To Be Dead
Janis Joplin!
OK, that is the first guess. Anyone else want to hazard a guess as to who is the ENFP of the dead-at-27 lot? If I don’t see more guesses I ain’t gonna be motivated to continue to extol the virtues of the ENFP type. And I was just about to get into the part about the unbounded awesomeness of this particular type.
OK, that is two votes so far, one for Janis and one for Jimi. Keep ’em coming.
I’m ENFP and beautiful. And I’m happy being an intelligent ENFP. Then again I’d probably be happy being any personality type. Except from the S and the F. Don’t like it that much.
Well, I think your name is very beautiful. Vera is one of my favorite female names. So…yeah.
I go for Janis.
“They know which side their bread is buttered on. ” Oh yes, they do 🙂
Janis = 2 votes. Jimi = 1 vote. Jim Morrison = 0 votes. Anyone want to vote for good ol’ Mr. Mojo Risin?
I did a little research and I vote for the Lizard King
The (suprisingly) intellectual dreamboat
and one of the original flower children 🙂 plus he was what most would call attractive (although not my cup of tea)
He was said to, “embody hippie counter culture rebellion”
Janis = 2 votes. Hendrix = 1 vote. Morrison = 1 vote. Alright, Morrison is on the board.
I never responded to your other comment from the INTJ article. I am sorry, I will. Tough topic to breach for me, but also been busy recording my demo, finally 🙂
My guess is Jim Morrison. Mainly because he… Well, & I mean no harm, truly… But he was a douche bag.
I can also see Jimi Hendrix as your mystery ENFP, however. His Monterey Pop Festival performance is sheer elegance. Perhaps one of the most objectively cool artistic statements of all time. He & Morrison are heads/tails.
Well, pick one or the other. You said you vote for Morrison because (you think) he is a douche bag. Or Hendrix because of his sheer elegance. So, that means that ENFPs can be douche bags, but elegant douche bags. OK, I see the math.
And yes, I agree with you about Hendrix’s Monterey Pop performance – absolutely, objectively, indisputably, whateverly – one of the most spellbinding rock performances ever captured on a recording. Anyone who thinks otherwise…I can’t even say it. It’s just too much.
ENFP as elegant douche bags~~> Morrison.
Alright then.
Janis = 2 votes. Hendrix = 1 vote. Morrison = 2 votes.
Also, I can’t resist – why do you think Morrison was a douche bag?
Ha… Why do I think Jim Morrison was a douche bag, you ask?
Well first of all, just his face. Like, honestly… look at his face. Ugh, I can’t.
Second of all, and perhaps this is the Fe at play… you’ve typed him as an INFJ. I type as INFJ. I am quite aware of our very malignant penchant for mirroring the emotional vibrato of a given interaction or scene if we have not harnessed our Fe in a way that genuinely reflects our internal experience. This gets us into serious trouble, as you well know. I think Morrison was very underdeveloped in this sense, resulting in translating the culture of that time into pantomiming every annoying aspect of the era. ENFP can be seriously douchy, but they are consistent and refined in that douchiness. I live in Brooklyn, I can say without hesitation, they are damn efficiently douchy. Morrison just… he’s just icky, lol.
Alexandria, you are from Brooklyn? My whole family is from the east coast (Jersey, Brooklyn, Rhode Island) so cool. What do you do there?
You just finished recording a demo right?
Janis = 2 votes. Hendrix = 1 vote. Morrison = 3 votes.
So, why are you voting for Morrison? Let’s hear your reasoning.
Janis and Hendrix seem somehow milder )) Even from appearance. I think Morrison was ready to go to the end. I’ve read that his fans irritated him. Maybe he felt that they were ready to stay and hear some music and then go home. Home but not to the end 🙂 Not now. Maybe next time. Maybe in beautiful theory.
It seems to me all three of these cats were ready to go to the end and did. So, I’m not seeing how Morrison is fitting the ENFP description on that basis alone. I’m not satisfied. I want more. Please make more of an effort to explain your reasoning.
His scandalous relationships with classmates and teachers, with parents and fans. This all is like red line in his bio. So he seems to be one of the “coolest motherfuckers”. But… It’s not a reason, yeah? Maybe it was just a feature of his personality. I give up! 🙂 I vote for them all. And what about Amy Winehouse?
gonna go with morrison
Alright. Now current tally is Janis = 2 votes. Hendrix = 1 vote. Morrison = 4 votes.
Also, I have to mention that the amount of people who actually voted vs. the actual amount of people who have viewed this page since this article’s release is piss poor.
So, kudos to all the people that have voted.
Well just to chip in.. I’d say Joplin sounds about right.
OK, current tally is Janis = 3 votes. Hendrix = 1 vote. Morrison = 4 votes. Thanks for voting.
I would guess none of the above. None of them had the vibe of an ENFP to me. If I had to guess a type who is an ENFP, it would be Rod Stewart. He has Jim Morrison smarminess in reality, but it does not ooze out of his pores. Janis had a sweetness to her, but it was very down to earth, and obviously she had self esteem and addiction problems, so I’d say she was some kind of SF type. Jimi, I’m positive is ISFP. Pure artistic genius. Art for art’s sake kinda guy.
I suspect the writer doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “hypocrite”, which is a person who pretends to believe in or be something he or she is not. As an ENFP who has lived through the 1960s, 70s, 80s, etc. I can say yes, I was a bit of a hippy in the 70s, and yes, I was a bit of a yuppy in the 80s, and in the teens I’m still doing my own thing. None of this is pretense. ENFPs set trends, we don’t follow them.
Not seeing how I don’t understand hypocrisy. Selling out the sixties would be one clear example, a huge historical example actually. But, I’m kind of just kidding around a little bit. Though, there is a grain of truth in it. I think. If you don’t, then that’s cool. I’m sure you setting some cool trends. ENFPs do generally set style trends in fashion, lingo, and just general hipness.
ENFPs are good at taking existing ideas and inventions and making them look cool. They are good at marketing. Steve Jobs is a great example. The way he made Mac computers look so much cooler, intuitive, and user-friendly than Windows systems. Which they are. To some extent.
“They didn’t want to be on the side of the losers ”
Enfps are known for sticking up for the underdog.
It’s ok. I think you were feeling really hurt when you wrote this. 🙂
Actually, I was feeling quite happy when I wrote this. ENFPs sticking up for the underdog? Maybe. Do you have any big names to cite this principle?
Hey Shum,
The answer to that question is always…. Martin Luther King, who some proponents of this system believe was an ENFP. 😉
Tiffy Pop, Martin Luther Kind was not an enfp. I can’t see that. Enfj more like it.
So I watched Oprah yesterday interview Anthony Shriver, one of the Kennedy nephews I suppose, Maria Shriver’s brother who runs the Special Olympics. I finally was able to come to conclusion that Oprah is an ENFP. I always get the NF vibe from her, but with a certain ruthlessness to it, like am all for the common man but. Same exact energy as my ENFP sister, will come for the party mum but no way will I come and help you slave in the kitchen…but if you called me at the drop of a hat and said you needed a chunk load of money would give it to you with no questions asked! Kind of energy you know!
The only type to ever get into this heart and… do stuff to it.
Never break it. Just take bits of it with them.
Despite it all, it’s okay. In my mind we can somehow stay connected that way.
At least that’s what I tell myself.
Only fucking type…
They can irk me to like no other type.
“And I tend to see ENFPs as a collective. Coincidence? I think not.”
Is this some kind of clue that you are an ENFP? Would an ENFP have a beef with ENFPs though.
Nah, he’s infj
I keep thinking he is enfp more and more i havent seen too many guessing that though. 🤔
I have dated an ENFP off on for almost two years now. It continues to be heaven and hell. She is perfect flowery and sensitive but the moment she does something wrong and you start questioning her she turns you into the bad guy, calls you mean and insensitive, and completely shuts you out. They are literally almost never willing to stick it through the rough stuff and get completely honest with themselves all under the guise of being too sensitive and it really doesn’t take long to figure out that they are simply resisting and prefer to stay in their state of peace and bliss rather than work. With that said, I love her to death and she is one of the most pure hearted people i have ever met but she is secretly more flawed than she will ever let off
I believe enneatype 3s correspond to ExFJs in MBTI, rather than ENFPs.
Sorry, forgot to turn on notification for posts for this blog.
As mentioned in the belowgiven link, 3s want to “appear” successful and are great motivators.
Therefore they are either a Te-dom or Fe-dom. Yet 3 belongs to the heart group rather than the head, therefore enneagram 3 correlates with the ExFJ type.
And this type is supposed to be compatible with INTJs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That doesn’t make any fu**ing sense !
Why not?
Well , they seem like the exact type that the anti social INTJs will avoid !
While reading through this, I’m not quite sure how ENFPs would be most suitable for INTJs. I can see the reasoning for ENTP/INFJ; soul vs infinity. Even with of the other types. But this paring of ENFP/INTJ puzzles me. Maybe if INTJs had souls of a crow and ENFPs were shiny objects, but what attracts a cat?
Birds attract cats.
ENFP is a bird.
Yeah, not seeing how that is a good idea.
ENFP is a bird? Really?
OK, name me off some famous ENFP birds that we can all get a gander at.
I feel bird in my heart, Blake. It is maybe entirely how we see a bird that matters here. I love birds.
I have no time at the moment, but I will do my best when I can to better explain where my comment was coming from.
ENFP, they look like birds to me, they feel like birds.
They sometimes even have bird hair. Take for instance David Tennant, or Enid F. Patternson on youtube. Or Amanda Palmer.
They have bird eyes. Watchful, outlooking, studying you from fifteen different angles without necessarily letting on that they’ve seen more than just the fact of you and yet acknowledging you all the same. And yet they are so from within as well, and enjoy enough self interest to be free to spread their shit to the wind. I mean that in the very best of ways, as trees are born of such a letting.
They are quick, fleeting, flighty, perching only for moments, preening, singing, twittering, caw caw cawing. How do I translate that or any of this? I don’t know. They flit and flitter. Here and gone. You can imagine maybe the speed at which they appear to move to me as an INFJ.
There is a man called Firas [Personality Reader] on Youtube, and he moves even as he stands still. His energy just won’t stop.
Sometimes hummingbirds. Sometimes hawks, etc. I wouldn’t say they are a specific bird, more can be any bird, depending on circumstance or may tend towards one or another as personalities differ. We are blessed with their presence, when they alight close to us briefly, as that is my experience of them. I believe I know a few a little. In any case I can’t imagine what the heck else they could be.
The are wonder and they wander and seem as touchable as most birds to me. Could be awe and my hesitation is merely my fear and inability to give myself over and trust to the air, the wing, the lightness of being.
Here and away though! A momentary wingbeat of warmth and sunshine. And should you take the time to watch them, to listen and observe, they are love.
They are like birds in that we can’t do without them.
I mourn when I lose one to my cats…
They are like birds in that their hearts beat quickly and are fragile, if tenacious and very capable. In that they weather storms who knows where, There is a hummingbird that lives in our field, and he goes off for days sometimes, and I think he’s gone, that something has happened to him, that times were just too hard, and suddenly there he is again, singing his song like that snowstorm didn’t just happen, force him to take cover and bear it.
When I said their pairing with a cat might not be a good idea, it is because like an INFJ’s pairing with an ENTP, I think it can be a potentially life changing and stressful relationship. I feel it is a growing relationship, a dancing, a parry, a struggle that forces awakenings. I can see where it is good for both to mingle, to try to catch and not be caught.
For an INFJ to expand into possibilities space and not be ripped entirely from my hold on subjective matters though is a forceful flexing, it is mind yoga. For me, maybe I am just not strong enough this time around. They tire me. They push me off a cliff, they offer their truths without fear.
For an INTJ and an ENFP I can imagine some similar interplay, but with different stretchings. I think friends is highly beneficial. I think matings are a special case, working sometimes in special cases.
Probably more to say, always more to say, but I think this is all I have for now. Maybe bird is just mine. I don’t know.
ENFP, they look like birds to me, they feel like birds.
They sometimes even have bird hair. Take for instance David Tennant, or Enid F. Patternson on youtube. Or Amanda Palmer.
They have bird eyes. Watchful, outlooking, studying you from fifteen different angles without necessarily letting on that they’ve seen more than just the fact of you and yet acknowledging you all the same. And yet they are so from within as well, and enjoy enough self interest to be free to spread their shit to the wind. I mean that in the very best of ways, as trees are born of such a letting
They are quick, fleeting, flighty, perching only for moments, preening, singing, twittering, caw caw cawing. How do I translate that? I don’t know. They flit and flitter. Here and gone. You can imagine maybe the speed at which they appear to move to me as an INFJ.
There is a man called Firas [Personality Reader] on Youtube, and he moves even as he stands still. His energy just won’t stop.
Sometimes hummingbirds. Sometimes hawks, etc. I wouldn’t say they are a specific bird, more can be any bird, depending on circumstance or may tend towards one or another as personalities differ. We are blessed with their presence, when they alight close to us briefly, as that is my experience of them. I believe I know a few. In any case I can’t imagine what the heck else they could be.
The are wonder and they wander and seem as touchable as most birds to me. Could be awe and hesitation is merely my fear and inability to give myself over and trust to the air, the wing, the lightness of being.
Here and away though! A momentary wingbeat of warmth and sunshine. And should you take the time to watch them, to listen and observe, they are love.
They are like birds in that we can’t do without them.
They are like birds in that their hearts beat quickly and are fragile, if tenacious and very capable. In that they weather storms who knows where, There is a hummingbird that lives in our field, and he goes off for days sometimes, and I think he’s gone, that something has happened to him, that times were just too hard, and suddenly there he is again, singing his song like that snowstorm didn’t just happen, force him to take cover and bear it.
When I said their pairing with a cat might not be a good idea, it is because like an INFJ’s pairing with an ENTP, I think it can be a potentially life changing and stressful relationship. I feel it is a growing relationship, a dancing, a parry, a struggle that forces awakenings. I can see where it is good for both to mingle, to try to catch and not be caught.
For an INFJ to expand into possibilities space and not be ripped entirely from my hold on subjective matters though is a forceful flexing, it is mind yoga. For me, maybe I am just not strong enough this time around. They tire me. They push me off a cliff, they offer their truths without fear.
For an INTJ and an ENFP I can imagine some similar interplay, but with different stretchings. I think friends is highly beneficial. I think matings are a special case, working sometimes in special cases.
Probably more to say, always more to say, but I think this is all I have for now. Maybe birds is just mine. I don’t know.
Dang it, it doubled up when I posted. Sorry folks and I don’t think I can edit or I don’t know how.
Gods I feel an idiot. Couldn’t post pictures in it like I wanted and that probably contributed to the mistake. Then I read the recent posts by Schlopadoo and I think I want to go cry in the shower. Ciao folks.
Hi TinyYellowTree,
yes like a flitting bird or butterfly.
It’s funny the stuff we picture when visualizing.
I have pictured esfjs (the slim kind) as crows before, however couldn’t tell you why….maybe it’s the who accumulation of resources thing. But are crows tricksters? Cuz I don’t really think of esfjs as tricksters. Does crow fit isfj better. Not to say they’re tricksters but there is some kind of calculus at all times with them when it comes to resources. Oh wait, magpie? If a type were a magpie, what type would it be?
Bird hair…Cyndi Lauper? Or is she entp. Can’t figure out how much of a game her crazy is that she shows in interviews. Anyhow that is bird hair:)
Crow stuff
I’ve seen cros so fat they had trouble at take- off. Need a long runway 🙂
Anyhow sounds sfj with practical invention.
Cyndi Lauper has definitely had the bird hair going on. I like her. I have quite a bit on my shoulders recently and haven’t been able to devote as much time to long pondering and researching, but I will take more time for Cyndi as I go along.
I like crows quite a bit too. I’d heard of that experiment but hadn’t read it, thanks 🙂
Such a beautifully written description.. conjured a very heart warming sepia showreel in my mind.. and I was nodding right through.. yes, yes and yes to everything you said! 🙂
“They flit and flitter. Here and gone. You can imagine maybe the speed at which they appear to move to me as an INFJ.
There is a man called Firas [Personality Reader] on Youtube, and he moves even as he stands still. His energy just won’t stop.”
Here’s another example of how they’re always flitting.. physically, mentally, emotionally.. makes me want to hug them to hold them still..
Piggie, thank you. And Cara is funny! And manic! And that aspect fits also with the ENFP’s I am pretty sure I know in person.
“There is a man called Firas [Personality Reader] on Youtube, and he moves even as he stands still.”
Wow you’re right! I am so glad to see this example.
“conniving behavior”
My enfp bro has this and I had never thought of it as something type-related until I saw this article. Somehow he looks sincere through it because he wants to be sincere. So it is sincere in a way.
With isfj, sometimes I am not clear what is up either. Something will appear to be “up”. But somehow it won’t even seem they need to be seen as sincere. I am picturing an obviously exaggerated sugar face laid upon a kind of in your face manipulative action. Guess that fits how Blake describes isfj as more cynical. Doesn’t necessarily need to be seen as sincere? I swear the isfj I know intimately is okay with me thinking she is not sincere. As long as on the surface she has set things up so that I have to comply or else look monstrous to her. If I don’t comply, she will “care” and act all hurt. But if I comply and she knows I know she’s not sincere, I think she’s actually mostly fine with it….it bothers me to think about it. It’s too dark for me lol.
It seems ENFP types can have trouble with insomnia, most I know
Anyhow, my best friend is in hospital, with a diagnosis of mania and some psychosis
Is drug therapy really the only way to heal this condition?
It worries the hell out of me
Modern psychiatry here doesn’t recognise anything much other than drug therapy,
The side effects are freaking horrible
I’m in search of an alternative
btw they look like foxes to me
It really depends. I think best practice is a combination of medication + cognitive-behavioral therapy of some type for most of these things. The drugs are a “quicker” biological rebalancing in order to make the cognitive/personal work more effective. All “talk” therapies or spiritual retreats etc. are very time and effort-intensive, and I think a lot of people are impatient to get results or are not in the right mindset in the first place for it to really “work” or click with them.
I think it really depends on your friend though, and a lot of psychology and psychiatry is trial and error. Sometimes it’s about weighing what you can live with (bad side effects vs consequences of whatever the illness will bring) rather than a full cure. Whatever is going on with your friend, make sure someone is watching over them since it might be that your friend is not in a good state of mind to make the best decisions for themself.
Good luck.
ENFP with mania sounds like it would be “in character” for them, but taken to the extreme. In that sense, they could have had issues with this for a really long time until something really drastic happened?
Yes, she had her first break at the beginning of the year, seemed to improve,
But I noticed she was going a bit loopy here and there that’s when we did the MBTI test and we thought hell that’s your personality type .. loopy
The second break came after she went to a weekend festival and took some trips
Before that weekend she had been released from the mental health program and seemed
really good
It seems to be triggered when she parties too much
But maybe a result of stress and self image issues over the years
Yet she knows she’s beautiful, everyone loves her
I’ll go and see her now
Seriously? You don’t seem to understand ENFPs that much. One of our biggest short falls is that we often don’t follow through with our ideas. And we know it. There’s just sooo much going around in our heads that it can be hard to focus on just one thing, or to find that one thing that keeps us inspired to be our best and give it all.
Inspiration, the emotional drive to keep on investing your time and energy to create or change something, well, it’s crucial.
It’s not about not wanting to get our hands dirty, but true, we’re just better at thinking and dreaming than actually doing stuff. I, for one, found that I need to get as much done as possible within 3-6 weeks, before I lose interest in a topic. Maybe forever, maybe just for a year or two. I’d research one thing, like cats, depression, nutrition etc for a few weeks, then I need a break and focus on something else entirely. The topics I get back to, again and again, they are worth being pursued.
At best, we inspire others to be more kind, more generous and more enthusiastic about life, and to make them feel accepted just the way they are. Authencity is very important. Everyone is flawed. We all got our insecurties, prejudices etc, but I think it’s important to try the best you you can be.
ENFPs aren’t hypocrites at all – but we sometimes have lofty ideals, so it can be hard to transform a “should” to an “is”. We often fail to live up to our ideals, like equality, kindness and acceptance. But at least, we try. Seriously, I don’t like cynical people who don’t even make an effort to emphazise with someone who’s down on their luck. Junkies, homeless people, that grumpy neighbor, they’re all people, too.
But you might be right about the backstabbing. Kind of. Mind, I’m not out for blood, but in the last 25 or so years, I had a lot of co-workers who would think they could just go on being late, fucking up etc, and I’d cover for them. The kind that doesn’t care about the team’s reputation or would call in sick because of a hangover, not caring about the coworker who needs to come in on their day off. I might be understanding, up to a degree, but I won’t let someone jeopardize my reputation and I insist on mutual support.
So, yes, when I found out about my coworker spreading false rumours about me, just for example, I did take steps and talked with my boss about it, before those rumours reched their ears. And when another one kept being late and losing crucial keys and so on, I stopped covering for him – like, when he took money from the till to pay for cigarettes, but didn’t have enough tips to make it even, I wouldn’t lend him any money anymore.
Fact is, I don’t want those people to be hurt or to lose their jobs, and would talk to them about their behaviour, but I’m not a doormat.