Love does not heal. Understanding heals. So, I was reading this awesome paper called A Counter-Theory of Transference which basically challenges the Freudian notion of transference and how the feelings that a client develops towards the therapist are over-attributed to a transference of feelings from some earlier person that the client knew, such as their […]
INFJ and Negative Motivation
Don’t worry, be happy. Put your chin up and grin. Stay positive. Things will work out. Well, positive motivation may drive some people, but not INFJ. Positive motivation examples: Making money Sexual/mating opportunities Wield power over others Be the best there is, becoming SOMEBODY What is Negative Motivation? Needing to hate, devalue, make negative valuations, […]
An Effort to Create Stable Definitions for Myers-Briggs Terminology
Perhaps, the biggest problem in having productive and fruitful discussions on the topic of Myers-Briggs is that people are often speaking at odds with each other due to having arrived at their own personal definitions of the basic terminology of Myers-Briggs. This appears most prevalent in what are known as the 8 cognitive functions: Ne […]
Men Need Women, Women Want Men
I sometimes wonder what the world would be like if there were no men, just women. I think there would be none of this shit that we have today. Women would live harmoniously with nature and each other. Except for the fact that without men there would be no ability to reproduce the women species, […]
ENTJs Mistyped as ESTPs (with Donald Trump as Most Relevant Example of This Phenomenon)
I wanna put this out there for debate since I feel this is a typical thing that happens all the time in the Myers-Briggs community – famous people of one Myers-Briggs type all getting incorrectly classified under another Myers-Briggs type. In my opinion, this is a better mistake than a bunch of famous people of […]
The 4-Fold Expression of Power and Love as Seen Through the Cognitive Functions
Subscribe to see the full extent of my jive.
They Be ENFP
OK, here’s the answer to the type challenge in the article previous. Must be a Starling subscriber to view either article. Sign up gives you instantaneous access to these articles and many others. Hope to see you soon! 🙂
What is the Myers-Briggs type These 5 Men Share in Common?
Yes, so, indeed, what is the Myers-Briggs type the 5 following men share in common? (must subscribe to see the men I’m talking about). There is only one right answer. In the comments, state what you think their common MB type is and briefly explain why. What is the common thread between them? Also, even […]
The Functional Stack Debunked and Revisioned
It seems important to make a distinction between cognitive functions that are strong/weak versus cognitive functions that are valued/devalued in any given Myers-Briggs type. Hitherto, many Myers-Briggs writers typically refer to the so-called “functional stack” to assess how strong or weak a cognitive function is for any given Myers-Briggs type. Here’s one such chart to […]
What is Introverted Intuition?
Introverted Intuition. The most mystical of all the cognitive functions. Probaly the hardest function to define or describe because it is A Perceiving function An introverted function It’s intuitive! And indeed, what do people mean when they say “It’s just my intuition. That’s how I know.” Yes, you just know. Or you don’t. That seems […]
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