You know what I’m thinking about? I’m thinking about Christopher Walken in the movie, Communion. I’m thinking about Jeff Bridges in Starman. I’m thinking about David Lynch in every movie he made. Isn’t there something beyond human in INTJs? They don’t belong here. Which reminds me. I’m thinking of Thom Yorke in the song, Creep. […]
Extraverted Sensation in INFJ and INTJ: Part 4
Well, so last time we spoke of the concept of physical beauty as an inborn trait that helps in the battle for the best mating opportunities. It is a quality that can’t really be changed that much, especially at the level of something as primal as scent. But, that is a little off topic, because […]
Extraverted Sensation in INFJ and INTJ: Part 3
The world of appearance. What the fuck is it? What are all those shining surfaces sitting there so prettily? Why don’t they get up and do something useful. Like tell us what they really are. Appearance is a doozy to explain because it just is what it is. It is what it appears to be. […]
Extraverted Sensation in INFJ and INTJ: Part 2
Survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive. Everything is up for grabs. All is for sale. Got the money? Got the resources? Got the strength to take it from me? That is the basic mentality of extraverted sensation. Especially, the male of the species. In this article I will discuss the role of the […]
Extraverted Sensation in INFJ and INTJ: Part 1
Extraverted sensation says, “There is a tree. It exists. Next.” Introverted intuition says, “Yes, there is a tree, but, what is the significance of the tree? How did it come to be? Why is it in this particular spot? What is the inner life of this tree? Why does it exist? What does it mean […]
How would you like it if I tightrope walk on your tits? Or your dick? Or your ass? Hey, I’m flexible baby. Man, women, god, child. It’s all the same to me. O, yes, we were going to talk about the difference between INTJ and ENTJ. OK, if you really wanna know, the way to […]
Both INTJs and INFJs are introverted intuitive types. But, how the two types externalize their introverted intuitive perceptions is vastly different. Basically the primary difference comes down to Thinking vs. Feeling. The most evident way this is manifested is in the personalities of the two types. What I mean by personality is how they show […]
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