“The whole world is bullshit.” That statement pretty much sums up the gist of the Fi Scorpio id of INFJ. This theme is more or less seen throughout many of the literary works of some of the greatest INFJ writers and the fictional characters they create. We have such names as Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s […]
St. Vincent’s Myers-Briggs Type is Now Revealed
O, Annie Clark, what have you done? Seems like you showed us a vision of a world of disconnection, the age of HD resolution with no substance. Prosaic images in high resolution. Digital Witness. Mute Witness. The horror of being frozen in space while all the contractors are moving in around you. You want to […]
St. Vincent: INFJ or INTJ?
Well, hello there Stellar Mazians! I would like to say I was very impressed and enthralled after the last type challenge of Russell Brand and everyone’s comments justifying their answers (mostly ENFP and ENTP it seems…which is wrong… but anyhoo) So, interestingly enough an old comment thread thread on my INFJ vs. INTJ article has […]
INFJ and The Two Forms of Ti (Good vs. Too Good)
This article is about the “good” vs. “bad” form of Ti for INFJ. Yes INFJs, there is actually a form of Ti which is good and normal for you and then there is the other form of Ti that you go apeshit over and fly too close to the sun with. Briefly, the two forms […]
INFJ vs. INFP Revisited: Part 2
This article gets into some of the actual differences between INFJ and INFP as Particular Melancholic and Particular Phlegmatic types respectively. They are both of the class of NF temperaments, which I class as General Melancholics. I relate this General Melancholic class to the Romantic movement that had its ascendancy in the 1800s. INFJ and […]
INFJ vs. INFP Revisited
I’m going to stop beating around the bush here. I like to keep things as simple as possible. The INFJ and INFP types are so often confused with each other that I felt compelled to once and for all state what the primary categorical difference is between them, at least, by my lights. In order […]
ISTP: The Good, The Bad, and The Bad Stereotype (+ INFJ)
This article starts out discussing stereotyping and how Myers-Briggs culture does stereotyping in psychological realm. Is stereotyping inherently bad or are oversimplified (or inaccurate stereotypes (summations) bad?) This question is applied to the situation of my last series of articles and the way I noticed that ISTP tends to be seen from comments. So, I […]
INFJ: Got Te Minimums? (Part 2)
This article is for starlings only.
INFJ: Got Te Minimums?
Now, I have recommended for INFJs to use the Fe auxiliary like a motherfucker. It is the very function + position that will save the INFJ from a hell of introversion ala the Ni-Ti loop, or the lesser known, but equally important, Ni-Fi loop. However, pure Fe expression has its own problems. And in any […]
INFP with Continual Reference to INFJ
In this article I discuss the implications of INFPs Ni id, their Fi dominant, and much of the solution that lies in their Ne auxiliary. I compare INFP’s predominant themes to INFJ’s overriding themes to give a feel for the difference between these two types that are often mistaken for each other. Keep in mind […]
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