The basic difference between ENTP and INTP is that ENTP are simplifiers and INTPs are complexifiers. An ENTP is the type of chap (or chapstick) that will see a bunch of stuff and find the signal in the noise. An INTP is the type of bloody-minded…er…um…chap that will take that reduced signal and build up […]
ENTP is at Play in the House of Gemini
Personally, I don’t think ENTPs exist. No, what is more likely is that they are beamed down from above and what we are seeing is some kind of sophisticated hologram of a person. They resemble people in all their aspects; talking, motioning, notioning, walking, breathing, eating, and talking, talking, talking. God, do ENTPs ever shut […]
The primary difference between an ENTP and an ENTJ is that ENTPs are party animal scientists and ENTJs are heavy-hitting motherfuckers that you don’t want to fuck with. It is easy to spot the difference between the two types when you know what to look for. Some famous ENTPs: George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Douglas Adams […]
ENTP: Least Likely to be a Ninja
Is that an ENTP crawling in your bathroom window? Not likely, as they have no ninja powers and don’t know the meaning of sneaking up on their assailant. That is, unless you have included in your definition of ninja, that a bunch of pots and pans will go clattering to the floor very loudly and […]
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