Don’t worry, be happy. Put your chin up and grin. Stay positive. Things will work out. Well, positive motivation may drive some people, but not INFJ. Positive motivation examples: Making money Sexual/mating opportunities Wield power over others Be the best there is, becoming SOMEBODY What is Negative Motivation? Needing to hate, devalue, make negative valuations, […]
Men Need Women, Women Want Men
I sometimes wonder what the world would be like if there were no men, just women. I think there would be none of this shit that we have today. Women would live harmoniously with nature and each other. Except for the fact that without men there would be no ability to reproduce the women species, […]
The Inescapable Subjectivity of Astrology and Myers-Briggs
I would like to talk about the inherently subjective element in Astrology and Temperament Theory (of which Myers-Briggs is one example). A good part of the reason this site exists is to redress some of the imbalances caused by looking for one’s personality or temperament in the astrological chart. There has always been an x-factor […]
A Political Definition of Introverted Feeling (As a Reaction to Te)
I think one of the best ways to define the introverted feeling function of Myers-Briggs is as a reaction to extraverted thinking mandates, which are often political in nature. Ironically, introverted feelers are often the very type that keeps the system going, but, when power oversteps its boundaries too much, these very people are often […]
INFJ vs. INFP Revisited
I’m going to stop beating around the bush here. I like to keep things as simple as possible. The INFJ and INFP types are so often confused with each other that I felt compelled to once and for all state what the primary categorical difference is between them, at least, by my lights. In order […]
INFJ Woman in Love
OK, I’m going to take a giant shit here. Can’t help it. We’re dealing with the INFJ woman’s love nature here and I can be nothing but honest (and a little messy) in this endeavor. What this means is that I have largely refrained from editing and dressing all this shit up into something neat […]
ENTP is at Play in the House of Gemini
Personally, I don’t think ENTPs exist. No, what is more likely is that they are beamed down from above and what we are seeing is some kind of sophisticated hologram of a person. They resemble people in all their aspects; talking, motioning, notioning, walking, breathing, eating, and talking, talking, talking. God, do ENTPs ever shut […]
INFJ + Gemini = Bob Dylan Approximately
Bob Dylan fashioned himself from the dust of a little town called Hibbing, Minnesota. Dylan started as a folk musician writing songs of protest in the background of 1960s-era America and ended by being considered the voice of his generation. He went through so many different phases, styles, and incarnations that no one could keep […]
Pisces Moon: Kill Me, What do I Care?
Here is the super Pisces. O these poor tragic lost and beautiful souls. They wither and they wag and they wax ecstatic and then they die. Everything sends them to the mortuary of existence. Anything. Your poor-souled comment, your loud boot heels, your look of unkindness. Don’t even try. You make Pisces Moon want to […]
Zodiac Sign of Cancer: fLuck You
The zodiac sign of Cancer is extremely romantic in the true sense of that word. No-holds barred romanticism. The kind of romanticism that makes an exemplar of the scientific temperament such as Albert Einstein say, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Cancers are extremely sensitive to everything. Everything affects them acutely in the moment. Pisces, […]
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